


misses Michael <3

Moi.Torstai 26.02.2009 16:32


ThereÂ’s no time for us
ThereÂ’s no place for us
What is this thing that builds our dreams yet slips away
From us

Who wants to live forever
Who wants to live forever....?

ThereÂ’s no chance for us
ItÂ’s all decided for us
This world has only one sweet moment set aside for us

Who wants to live forever
Who wants to live forever?

Who dares to love forever?
When love must die

But touch my tears with your lips
Touch my world with your fingertips
And we can have forever
And we can love forever
Forever is our today
Who wants to live forever
Who wants to live forever?
Forever is our today

Who waits forever anyway?

... Kiitos. Piste.

Moi.Tiistai 24.02.2009 16:23

Tuli oikein hiki kun siivosin ihan ex temporé kaappejani ja chekkasin että mitä kaikkea tarvikkeita mulla on sitten omaan kotiini ! Jessus mulla on törkeä muuttokuume haluan pois täältä !!! Haluaisin jo nyt ostella kaikkia sisustustarvikkeita yms muuta mutta en uskalla !

Mutsi : Herranjumala kun tuo kissa on pulskassa kunnossa !
Ja tosiaan pitää ensi viikolla yrittää saada kisulle leikkausaikaa. Mun mielestä Chelsey on aina ollut lihava kissa, mutta aina pelästyn kun joku sanoo noin ja pelkään että se on raskaana ja että en saa kaikkia pentuja annettua pois ):

Moi.Tiistai 24.02.2009 14:41

1. Are you younger than 19? - Yeah.
2. Have you ever kissed someone thats name starts with a R? - Yes !
3. How many bathing suits do you own? - Guess 1 ?
4. Do you like the color green? - No.
5. Do you have a crush on someone? - An enormous crush !
6. Are you in a relationship? - Yeah.
8. Ever eaten soap? - Maybe by accident.
9. What song are you listening to right now? - Nothing, I'm watching The Simpsons.
10. Is there a place you'd like to visit? - Many !
14. Do you like winter? - Näääh. Too cold.
15. Does your screen name have numbers in it? - No.
16. Are you in a band? - No.
17. Do you like parties? - Hell yeah !
18. What are you scared of? - Hmmm death.
19. How long have you had a myspace for? - I'm not in it.
20. Beer Or Liquor? - Hmmmmm it depends ..
22. If you could own a monkey, would you? - No.
23. Do you own anything from American Eagle? - Guess no ?
24. Do you listen to rap? - Hell no !
25. Do you graduate this year? - If everything goes well.
27. What was your first AIM sn? - Sorry don't know what that is.
28. Do you like fruit? - Yeah.
29. Do you have a Nextel phone? - ?
30. Have you ever given a random person your number? - Yeah.
32. How clean is your room? - Pretty.
33. What color(s) is your room? - Blue and black.
34. Is there a calendar in your room? - Yeah, Jimi Hendrix<3.
35. Do you regret anything? - Hmmm maybe.
37. What are you excited for? - Näääh I don't know for sure.
38. Are you an artist? - No.
39. Do you have an addiction? - Maybe.
40. PANTSED someone? - ?
41. What did you do today? - I ate.
42. How many pillows do you sleep with? - One but there is two pillows in my bed.
43. Do you like s'mores? - S'mores ?
44. Do you like hugs and kisses? - Of course !
45. Do you act gangster? - No.
47. Do you cook and are you any good? - A little.
49. What mood are you in right now? - Nothing special.
50. Where's your cell phone? - In my desk.
51. Name. Gender? - ?
52. What describes your relationship situation? - What describes !? I don't know, a good and loving relationship ?
53. Where were you three hours ago? - Sleeping.
54. What was the last movie you saw? - Me, Myself and Irene.
55. Do you live with your parents? - Unfortunately.
56. Who was your last conversation with and what was it about? - With my brother and about buying clothes.
58. Ever been in public in your pajamas? - In festival area.
59. Color of your shirt? - Black and gold.
60. Ever been to the beach at night? - Yeah.
61. Good advice if you ever go shopping? - I don't shop that often.
62 What was the last argument you had about? - I don't argue.
64. Rather have your name or your siblings name? - My name.
65. Favorite colors? - Black, white and red.
66. Ever held a baby? - Yeah.
67. Last song you heard? - Don't remember, guess BRHG's song.
68. wear glasses? - Unfortunately.
69. Last thing someone bought you? - I don't remember.
70. Does your best friend have a myspace? - I don't think so.
71. Whose page did you visit last? - Simpsons.
72. Speak to any of your ex's? - Don't have any.
73. Whats the reason you last threw up? - Too drunk ?
74. Next show you're going to? - I'm goint to a gig next friday.
75. Do you have one or more of Britney Spears CDs? - Yeah I have one. Shame on me ):
76. Best show you've ever been to? - Velvet Revolver's concert ! Or Foo Fighter's.
77. Emo or Scene? - Neither.
78. iPod or Zune? - iPod.
79. Do you watch Family Guy regularly? - No.
80. Seen The Simpsons Movie? - Yeah.
81. Do you read trashy romance novels? - Nääh.
82. Do you sing in the car? - Yes .DDDDDDD
83. Do you ever sing in the shower? - No.
84. What's in your CD player right now? - Bloodred Hourglass.
85. Last person to tell you she/he loved you? - My boyfriend.
86. Do you think she/he meant it? - Yeah I'm quite sure he meant that.
87. Last person spoken to on the phone? - Mum.
89. Have you ever written a song? - No.
90. Ever been proposed to or proposed to someone kind of? - No.
91. Want to go to College? - Don't know.
93. Ever stayed up all night? - Yeah.
94. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, or Star Wars? - Harry Potter, of course !
95. Who is the next person you will kiss? - Tomi.
96. How tall are you? - Quite a short.
97. Whats your favorite scent? - Don't have a favorite.
98. Baths or Showers? - Hmmmm showers but I'd like to go to a bath.
99. What do u love? - My boyfriend, family, friends, my cats, music, movies.
100. What are you waiting for? - Friday.
101. Where do u want to go? - Hmm Mikkeli.
102. Did you take this survey just to waste time? - I guess.

Moi.Maanantai 23.02.2009 01:25

Krhm joo moi.

Moi.Maanantai 23.02.2009 00:44

Mmmmmm jos saisin päättää keneltä haluaisin näyttää, niin ehdottomasti Rosariolta !

Moi.Sunnuntai 22.02.2009 23:51

Krhmkrhm ...
Löysinkö taas uuden vaimon haaremiini !
Ah Kate<33.

Moi.Sunnuntai 22.02.2009 21:05

Yhyyyyy mun lisämuisti temppuilee.
Ammun kaikki jos mä en enää koskaan nää mun tiedostojani jotka sillä muistilla on !!

Moi.Torstai 12.02.2009 19:53


Sitten saankin olla viikon yksin himassa (((x
Tai no en yksin tuleehan Tomikin tänne mutta ihanaa olla erossa porukoista !

Ps törkeen obsession tällä hetkellä Mansoniin !
Haluun keikalle ja paidan ja äääääää.
Kohta olen lukenut sen kirjan loppuun suosittelen vaikka se on kauhea !

Moi.Tiistai 10.02.2009 23:02


How gorgeuos she is !

Moi.Tiistai 10.02.2009 15:30

I wear the black for the poor and the beaten down,
Livin' in the hopeless, hungry side of town,
I wear it for the prisoner who has long paid for his crime,
But is there because he's a victim of the times.
I wear it for the sick and lonely old,
For the reckless ones whose bad trip left them cold,
I wear the black in mournin' for the lives that could have been,
Each week we lose a hundred fine young men.
Ah, I'd love to wear a rainbow every day,
And tell the world that everything's OK,
But I'll try to carry off a little darkness on my back,
'Till things are brighter, I'm the Man In Black.