
Sommajobb =)Tiistai 17.06.2008 23:55

Ja ha nu jobba dom senaste dagaran. På ett place nu ba. Säljer lite öl å mat å så, helt kiva no. Snart ha man fått ihop ti en mopo å allt som hör till =P
Ryggen e nu sämre än vanlit, men man överlever =D Erika, saknar dig... :'( Å nu bli de väl närmare 3 veckor innan vi syns igen =S
Ajjo, lööf ya ***** <33 =P

Tears of bloodPerjantai 06.06.2008 17:37

~Tears of blood~

Her face is pale
Her eyes are big and green
Her cheeks are white
And her tears are red

She cries
For something
That used to make her happy
But now just upset her

Her tears are made in real blood
They flow down along her cheeks
They color her face red
But it will stop

Stop forever
They will never flow again
She will never cry again
Because she will be dead

I know it's crap, but I can't come up with something god right now... My nerves are not so god today... U see? If you not, then it's not my problem!

Poem, can't do something else right now...Perjantai 06.06.2008 00:55

~Angel without wings~

When you are an angel
You are up there
In Heaven
You are the best thing of all

Everyone loves you
God love you
Everyone want to be with you
All the people want to be with you

Everyone accept I
I do not like you
I hate your wings
I will never be with you

When you loose your wings
No one look at you any more
Everyone hate you
God kick you out of Heaven

Everyone accept I
I love you
But only when you are without wings
I am your only friend

But I know I should love you
With and without wings
I just can not
I hate those wings

They are a sign of innocence
And no one is innocent
Not you
Not God

And the halo is disgusting
Another sign of innocence
That does not mather
Nothing really mather

Because we are all same kind of persons
No mather if we are black or white
Long or short
We are all the same

So why do someone want to raise someone
Over all the other
No one is an angel
No one is a devil


I know, crap, as usual... I have started to go to deep and then it is only crap that I'm publishing..

Today's Poem <3Keskiviikko 04.06.2008 20:21

~The last day~

My last day
I would like to spend with you
Doing things with you
Just relax with you

But I do not think it goes that way
My last day
I will sit alone
And I will be Lonely

The last time I will still love you
But I will not know if you love me
That is what love is all about
To love and be loved

But can you explain for me
Do you love me
Or am I just something you dispossess your time with
Am I worth nothing

If it is like that
Please never talk with me again
Am I wrong
Please, tell me that

I would like to know what you think
I would like to know all of you
I would like to know everything about you
Nothing about you can change my feelings

I will be your
Forever and never
I will stay near
And never leave you

But please give that back to me
And you will see
It is worth so much more
Your forever <3

This one just miss so much fantasy, but please don't complain on that...

He's coming <3Tiistai 03.06.2008 20:54

You're coming today, soon I'll see you <3


PleaseMaanantai 02.06.2008 17:55

Tomorrow you maybe come to me =) I'm so happy! And Erikahh, you have to come with us, you gotta meet him, now, he's changed since they were together!


Is when you feel the rain on your skin
Is when you can the fragrance of the flowers
Is when you see the butterflies flying around you
Is when you are near me

Can be different for you and for me
My happiness is you
The sun and the rain
Your happiness is something different

Someday I show you my happiness
And someday I maybe will see your
But until that day
Let us just continue with what we have

lööf ya Erikahh, Soffus^^, Laula_ und many other types, especially you xxxxx xD<3

U are my...Sunnuntai 01.06.2008 21:25

Jaha, nu på lördan va man iut me kaverin, drack lite, mådd lite paha mitt i natten, annars hlt ok =) Träffa lite andra kaverin i stan å så grejja man nu lite, ås å kom man hem =)


~You are~

You are my sunshine
You are my past
You are my now
You are my future

You know this
But I had to tell you
Because if I do not
You will not know I said this

With you I always know I am safe
Without you I am lost
With you I am happy
Without you I am just half

I want to tell you this
Because you are my everything
But if you would leave me
I would die
Break into pieces

But now
With you
I am happy
I am safe

Let it be like that

Do not complain on my spelling and remember I love u all! Especially you Erikahh, soffus^^ and you ***** **** ******* <33

Hmmm.... Perjantai 30.05.2008 18:46

I wonder, you promised to be with me today, okay, I understand you, because you had to go home , but you could have informed me! I will not start any war here, but please, inform me the next time, okay? Come on, next time, tomorrow, we hope, we can have fun instead of fighting =) I'm no mad, just confused and disappointed...

Hey dude, you said you were going to call me yesterday, we were going out! You didn't call! Some reason for that? Okay, it is just sad that you didn't call me... Do you think I can be with you on Sunday then? I really really do need to talk with you! <3

~I think~

I think my heart belong to you
I think I can not break free
I think I really like you
But I does not think that you will leave me

I think you maybe like me
I think you maybe can stand for your words
I think you maybe keep your promises
But I does not think you can keep this one

I think you will try to stop me
I think you can not stand me after this
I think this is the end
I think and hope that you still will speak with me after this

But what i try to say is I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
So please never ever leave me
Because if you do
I will not keep on living

So please
Say it now
Before it is to serious
If you does not think you can love me

Then don not even try to
It is better that way
Then we both can keep on living our lives
Like it were before I met you

But if you want to try
I would do that
I would do everything for you
So, let us give it a try


Still love you ****** and you Erikahh, and my soffan =)

YaY!!!Keskiviikko 28.05.2008 21:20

Va på stan ida, med några kaverin.
Först me en typ å Nilla, sen kom Yoko me till, å så efter en stund for Nilla hem... Å så va ja å en typ å Yoko på stan =) De va jättenajjs =D

~A day with you~

Just one day
Is enough
to see you smile
To hug you

In your arms
I feel safe
I can relax
Take it easy

I feel so safe
It feels like I can trust you
Like I can trust everyone
But just in your arms

You are my world
My everything
Without you I would crumle and fall
So do not leave me

Erika, Löööf ya <3 The only one that commant this creepy things <3

PoemsMaanantai 26.05.2008 21:49

~The last time~

He is lonely
In school they dislike him
Home his father hate him
He hit his own son

This day is like the other
To school
Being ganged up of the class
Excluded by the other

Home to see his drunk father
To be hit
And kicked
By his own father
The one he still love

His mother is gone
She left
And leaved him there
With a father that started to drink

First one beer
Soon two or three beers
After that five or twelve
At least he did nothing else than drank

But today it is the end
He can not take it any more
It is too much
He is going to stand up for him self

His father take out the stick
And is going to hit
His only son
The only one that loves him

He does not know
That his son has got enough
But when he says that he has got enough
His father do not listen to him

Today it is the boys last day
But no one of them know that
Today is the last time they see each other
And after this day they will never talk with each other again

Tomorrow the father will go on an funeral
His own sons funeral
And he will not cry a tear
for his wastrel to son

The day after that
The father is in a prison
Being blamed for that he has killed
Murdered his own son

~The shade~

Today the little girl goes to school
With an unexpected follower
The deaths shade will follow her
The last day of her life

She is so happy
So full of life
But not for so long
When the sun becomes weaker she will be dead

She will lye pale
With red lips
Closed eyes
And without breathing

Her mother and father
They will cry
At her funeral
At home

The shade never promise something god
But today
A little girl
Will never see the sunshine again

If she knew
She would have enjoyed her last day
Maybe played in the park
Run at the school yard

But when the night falls
She will be lying dead
And everyone will cry
Even you

Because the shade never rest
He will keep on taking lives
Never will he rest in peace
Only when we all are dead


Think about the word
Never and No
When someone says it
Do you listen

I wish I would listen to every never
Or every no
Because it is always a reason
No one says it for fun

It is important to listen to every one
We are all humans
And we are all worth exactly the same
No one is better

You are not better then me
I am not better then you
Realize that
And the world would be a better place

No one would be excluded
No one would be harmed
No one would be sad
No one would feel like it has to commit suicide

Realize this
And this world would be a better place
For you and for me

Don't complain on my spelling, but please comment...