

- Vanhemmat »

Pete niin häviää ;DDDTiistai 18.08.2009 02:48

Slayer - Exile *rokrok*Maanantai 17.08.2009 23:55

Even though some things are better left unsaid
There's a few things I need to get off my chest
I need to vent - let me tell you why

I'm suicidal, maniacal, self-destructive
You leave me no hope, no life
Nothing worth living for
I've taken it, can't take it anymore
My worst nightmare
You make me want to slit my own fucking throat
Just so I'll be rid of you
Just to get rid of you

You self-righteous fuck
Give me a reason not to rip your fucking face off
Why don't you take a good look in these eyes
Cause I'm the one that's gonna tear your fucking heart
My hate is contagious; you've got no one to run to

Just tell me fucking why everything becomes an issue
Your opinion is always senseless - fuck this
You make my fucking skin crawl
I've lived with it - can't stand anymore
My worst nightmare
I want to take a bullet in the fucking head
Every time I think of you, every time I think of you

You self-righteous fuck
Give me a reason not to rip your fucking face off
Why don't you take a good look in these eyes
Cause I'm the one that's gonna tear your fucking heart
My hate is contagious
Anyone else need to vent?
You've tried my tolerance; I just want you to die

There's nothing more for me to say
There's nothing more for you to say
There's nothing more for us to say
I fucking hate you anyway

Can't count the ways that you light my fuckin fuse
I can't tolerate the sight of you, the thought of you or
anything about you
You know what I want to see?
How many ways can a loser fucking lose
I know you'll find a way
The humility awakening the idiot inside
You spineless fucking maggot - you're just wasting my
Get out of my face - Get out of my life
Out of my fucking way - Just die

Omistettu juuri sinulle - ei oikeasti luv ju all! <3
Epäpyhähenki on laskeutumassa kuolevaisten joukkoon saarnaamaan epäpyhänkolminaisuuden puolesta (tietokone, nuoriso-ohjaajuus ja opintotuki, all hail!) Tulevaisuus on musta kuin teinigootin kahvi joten me tulemme, me tulemme ja laitamme ojennukseen. Be ready!

Saarnamiehinä toimivat:

Dr. Vladmir von WallHack


J.R.R Jyrinä jr. - Your friend... to ETERNITY!

JEI!!!Perjantai 24.04.2009 14:15 <- sieltä kivasti teette hahmot ^^

ps. Kivasti korjasin linkin

Artpad - TöherryksiäTiistai 16.09.2008 05:39

Töhertelin tuolla sivustolla jokusen "digitalpaintingin" ja
kelasin että voisin laittaa noita "esille" tänne, joten: - Väsäsin koulun atk-tunnilla - Tähän en ole kauhean tyytyväinen, mutta laitoin tänne kuitenkin.
- Vanhemmat »