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- Vanhemmat »

-Maanantai 04.02.2013 22:38

I only have myself to blame
But do you think we can start again?
I can't live without you

And now I’m by myself
Tell me how the hell
How could I live without you?

That calming and the comfortSunnuntai 03.02.2013 06:08

There ain't nothing like your smile,
Your legs and those eyes.
I will beg and steal and borrow
To keep you safe your whole life

Just need the sound of your voice.
Need that calming and the comfort

-Maanantai 21.01.2013 03:57

and their swells have come to suck you in
and steal you away from me, yet again
to drown everything important
to assure that you forget about me

lionheartKeskiviikko 02.01.2013 18:54

With a Heart so Big
And Stars so bright
You're the light in my Day
And The dark in my Night
You Pulled out the Best in me
Close to the chest you'll be
End to Start
Your my Lion heart

a story.Tiistai 26.07.2011 03:23

once there was a boner.
someone broke it.
it hurt.
the end.

MIE TÄHÄN TÄMMÖSEN.Sunnuntai 10.07.2011 06:56

- Vanhemmat »