


I'm gonna live until I die

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 01.06.2009 20:54

Piti laittaa pätkä potterista mut sitä ei ollukaa youtubes enää 8<<< ja eksyin tälle tielle ._.

New Moon trailer, jota en ees tienny olevan vielä tulossa

JA JACOB<33333333333333333333333333333 joo kuolin.

SE ON LOMA NYPerjantai 29.05.2009 23:33

viikon loma

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 26.05.2009 20:33

Lisäksi katalyyttien etu on, että niitä voidaan hyödyntää prosesseissa uudelleen, koska ne eivät itse kulu reaktiossa. Aika ajoin katalyytit on kuitenkin vaihdettava, koska niiden teho heikkenee.

// Sain 8:n

Stalkkaan Tomin twitteriä B)Torstai 21.05.2009 13:46

"the play was good! (kävi kattomas tyttöystävänsä pikkuveljen koulunäytelmää) quite serious for a school play though! had the joy of school kids shouting expelliarmus at me and running away laughing!"

Awww mikä mielikuva <;

( "expelliarmus" - "karkotaseet", aseistariisuntaloitsu pottereissa )

"its that stupid fake 'cough' u used 2 do at school whilst saying a swear word under ur breath! they were coughing spells at me !!! lol"

"Caahhexpeliarmus!I was lk no he didn't say wht I thought he said! ths kid was trying 2 duel me!No magic outside hogwarts so had 2 decline!x"

"Besides I'd left my wand at home..........sorry that's just crap : ) x"

Voi miksi olenkaan hurahtanut tähän näin syvästi.

EKA KLIPPI 8)))))))))))))) <333Torstai 21.05.2009 02:06

Ron - I think I love her.
Harry - Well... brilliant.
R - Do you think she knows I exist?
H - I bloody well hope so, she's been snogging you for three months.
R - Snogging? Who are you talking about?
H - Who are YOU talking about?
R - Romilda, of course. Romilda Vane.
H - OK, very funny. [Ron heittää suklaarasialla] (Kirjassa lyö sitä turpaan :'D) - Ow! What was that for?
R - It's no joke! I'm in love with her!
H - All right, fine, you're in love with her. Have you actually met her?
R - No... could you introduce me?

8))))) <333

// + O_O ei kukaa voi näyttää noi hyvältä huispausasussa ku 2:37 o_o ( + 2:02 ;D)

// !!! lyhyitä mainoksia

Vaik sisältääki paljon samaa mutta silti uutta 8)

Ke: Matikka 4

Pe: Äikkä 3

Ma: Fysiikka 3

Ti: Ruotsi 2

Ke: Kemia 3

To: Terveystieto 1

Pe: Enkku 3

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 09.05.2009 16:23

By Tom Felton

‘Cause I bought a brand new jumper
And I hope you won’t be rinsing me.
You smile and say you like it
But girl you’re not convincing me
‘cause I like your honesty.
You don’t like the colour of my bonnet
Love you told me my wallpaper makes you want to vomit,
Girl change the channel nothings on it
That’s alright with me
She’s as honest as can be
That’s why I’m convinced that she says she loves me

And half an hour in the mirror to show that I care,
Looks at me laughs, what have you done with your hair.
She won’t compare with anyone I’ve met so far
Never met someone so sharp, yet so blunt
She’s as honest as can be
That’s why I’m convinced that she says she loves me

‘Cause she’s as honest as can be
That’s why I’m convinced that she says she loves me


Toooommm loves Jaaadeee

// FB: We Belong - “fall in love in a caravan” - What’s that mean? Also, is the next line “underneath venetian stars”?

TF: Jade and I first started to get to know each other in my dressing room (a caravan/trailer outside) [while filming "Harry Potter"] and we went to Venice soon after.

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 09.05.2009 15:42

Äiti: "Iha ku sä kaunistuisit viikko viikolta"

Illu: "... nyt kyllä joku mättää?"

Äiti: "Ei ku iha oikeesti"


Äiti: "Tai sit vaa alkaa kaihi vaivata..."

kuka tajuaa eka ideanMaanantai 04.05.2009 18:42

Doc note: I dissent. A fast never prevents a fatness. I diet on cod.