
Dear Mr Sauna Tonttu,

I have been trying to get through your phone but it
wasn't going at all. We have not spoken with each
other for once. I would have love talk with you. I ask
you several times to call me but you did not. Please
call me after reading this mail.

I able to submit the letter of nomination yesterday to
the finance company here in Senegal, indicating you as
my appointed foreign partner/trustee, to claim and
retrieve the deposit on my behalf. So please contact
the finance company like I have explain to you with
the informations below.

Here is the contact informations of the finance
company and the deposit references.

TEL/FAX: 00221 488 48 90
CONTACT PERSON: Mr Lamine Mousa (Director).

Ownership code: CMSCO/523/06/2L/2000
Deposit code: CMSCO/01/523/2000
Security code: PAG/CMSCO/523/D-14/2000
The amount is US$7,500,000.00
Depositor: Mr Vincent Aboa,
Beneficirary: Mr Phiri Aboa.

Please contact the finance company with the above
informations and deposit references. Make them
understand that a letter was submited in favour of you
as my appointed partner/trustee to claim and retrieve
the deposit to yourself on my behalf. So they should
let you know the procedures and how they intend to
transfer it to you.

This is my number once again: +221 546 99 42.

Best wishes,

Phiri Aboa.


Hi Phiri,

sorry I haven't received any of the phone calls you made,it's probably due to my phone company not having repaired all the connections after the devastating revolution in the last few years.Either that,or the nazi-communist-jew-revolutionist child guerrillas are interfering with
the phone lines.They're always up to no good and can't handle not being in power of this country anymore.
Anyway,I would love to have a phone conversation with you,so do try my other cell phone number which I will include at the end of this e-mail.And please,clearly state who you are when you call,I receive dozens of phone calls daily from (possible) business partners abroad.

Looking forward to hearing from you :)

Dr.Sauna Tonttu

Phiri ei oo vastannu enää :(

Phiri Maanantai 13.03.2006 21:02

Dear Mr Sauna Tonttu,

Thank you for finding time to respond to my proposal. My name is Phiri Aboa, a 30 years old orphan from Sierra Leone. My parents are late now. The weather here like you guess is a bit warm now.

Although we do not know each other in person as we have not met before, but I strongly believe that it's the wish of GOD that we do business together as I
prayed over it before contacting you. So do not be astonished that I am proposing this to you. I am very sorry that I do not provide you with enough details of this transaction in my first letter. Whatever will be your charges for helping me will be paid to you in full after we might have concluded this transaction.

My late father was a big business man before he was killed by the rebels alongside with my mother during the civil war in my country. However, after their death I managed to escape with an important file to Dakar the capital of Senegal where I am currently residing under asylum status as a refugee.

This files contains documents of the sum of (US$7.5M) Seven Million five hundred thousand U.S Dollars only. This amount was deposited by my late father in one of the leading Finance Firm here in Dakar, Senegal. The deposit documents indicate me as the next of kin. I want you to understand that this is a legitimate deposit and it's due to me as inheritance. The only problem that I am having is that I do not have access to the depsoit because of my refugee status here in Dakar,Senegal. The local and financial law of this
country does not permit refugee to have business and financial transaction such as this. And it does not allow banks and financial institutions to have transaction with refugees. It was because of this reason that the management of the finance company advise me to appoint a foreign partner/trustee to who's care they can release the deposit to since I want to invest the funds abroad. It's for this reason I contacted you, to help me retrieve the deposit from their custody and transfer to your account and also help me invest it in your company or setup a different company which will be under your care and management. I have maped out 25% of the total deposit for you and 5% for any expenses you might incure during the process of retrieving and transfering it to your account.

I am living and finding life very difficult here in the refugee camp because I have no access to the deposit and I hardly feed very well here. My intentions are after the successful release and transfer of the deposit to your possession, I will be able to have enough money to get my travel document and meet with you in your country. I am not an expert and neither do I have any formal experience in business before. I also do not understand or know very well the business environment of Senegal.

However, Allow me to explain to you in details how and the procedures to commence with the transaction. Like I had explain to you above, I am a refugee here and for this reason I can not handle this transaction or claim the deposit on my own. This was the reason I was told by the management of the finance company to appoint a foreign representative to stand as my partner/trustee so that they can release the deposit to the person.

Therefore, I will have to write and submit a letter of nomination/introduction of you to the finance company. I will state and indicate in the letter that you are my representative and foreign beneficiary to the deposit and I have given you the right to retrieve and secure the deposit to yourself on my behalf.

Inspite of this, please re-confirm your full deatils informations about you like your street full names, address, your cell phone and fax numbers. This I will use to submit the nomination/introduction letter of you to the finance firm. Once I have your personal informations and I submit the letter, I'll direct you on how to contact the finance firm directly on my behalf for confirmation and procedures of releasing the deposit to you.

So I will be waiting anxiously for your response. Please sir, call me on this number for any question. +221 546 99 42.

Best wishes,
Phiri Aboa.

Dear Phiri,

thank you for your very informative e-mail.
Sorry to hear about your unfortunate situation.We've also had major changes here in Finland during the last few years.There was a very bloody revolution in which the ruling nazi-communist-jew regime was overthrown and exiled.The people of Finland are finally free!Now we have opporunities like never before to start our own businesses,also in collaboration with foreign companies and people.

Your proposal definitely sounds like something we can carry out and get you out of your awkward situation.Your father really must have been a successful businessman to gather such a vast fortune! I'll gladly help you,that 25% will come in handy starting my own business here, Bastu Gnome Oy.
As you requested,I will include full contact details so that you may forward them to the finance firm.

Kindest regards,

Dr.Sauna Tonttu
Address: Löylykuja 12
05800 Saunakylä
> Attn/Pls Dear Partner,
> I would like to apply through this medium for your co-operation and to secure an opportunity to invest and do joint business with you in your country.
> I have a substantial capital i honourably intend to invest in your country into a very lucrative business venture of which you are to advise and execute the said venture over there for the mutual benefits of both of us.
> Your able co-operation is to become my business partner in your country and create ideas on how money will be invested,properly managed and the type of investment after the money is transferred to your custody with your help and assistance.
> Meanwhile,on indication of your willingness to handle this transaction sincerely by protecting our interests and upon your acceptance of this proposal,I would furnish you with the full detailed information, procedure,amount involve and mutually agree on your percentage interest or share holding for helping me to secure the release of the deposit and investing the money in your country under your proper management and care.
> I shall be glad to reserve this respect and opportunity for you,if you so desire,but do urge you to give the matter your immediate attention it deserves.
> If this proposal is acceptable by you,please do not make undue advantage of the trust i bestow on you,and your urgent CALL and REPLY TODAY will be highly needed,for more detailes informations and oral talks.
> Looking forward to your urgent CALL and positive REPLY TODAY and a mutual healthy business relationship with you.
> Best regards,and have a peacefully and cool day.
> Yours Faithfully,
> Mr.Phiri Aboa.
> In Dakar/Senegal.
> Phone :(00221-546-99-42)

vastaus :


nice to hear from you,Phiri!How's the weather down there?Probably a bit warmer than here,eh?Enough chit-chat,let's get straight to the point.Aas it so happens,I have been looking for a business partner in Senegal lately!I would like to hear more from you and you brilliant business plan to get a better picture of it.It sounds awesome so far,but elaborate a bit on the details,ok?
I've just recently started my own firm here in Saunakylä, in the norhern part of the southern part of Finland.Fortunately, the subsidies were quite large, so that I had left-over capital in order to start further business with someone from a foreign country,in this case,Senegal.

Looking forward to hearing from you,orally, or the other way.

Best regards,

Sauna Tonttu
Löylykuja 12
05800 Saunakylä

OnpasKeskiviikko 01.03.2006 09:29

Hauskaa mennä flunssassa ekaa kertaa duuniin :(

JEAAAH!Keskiviikko 22.02.2006 17:41

Sain duunii!

Naapuri vol.3Maanantai 20.02.2006 20:23

Tulin työhaastattelusta niin oli laitettu pikkukivi lukkoon.Ihan sattuman kaupalla satuin kuitenkin saamaan sen pois eikä tarvinnu kutsua lukkoseppää.
Mut ei voi olla kysymättä: Mitä tää ihminen oikeen haluaa multa?Jonkun julkisen anteeksipyynnön Aamupostin etusivulla siitä,että me dokailtiin täällä viime kesänä hiljaisuuden aikana?

OlipasLauantai 04.02.2006 18:46

hyvät löylyt,hikensiteetti iiihan taivaissa.Enkä voinu olla kuulematta kun yläkerran mummot jutteli että taloyhtiö on lähiaikoina hankkimassa kupparin kuppaamaan pahat veret pois saunojilta.
Sitä odotellessa.

PakkastaTorstai 02.02.2006 03:19

Viikonlopuks luvattu aika kovaa pakkasta.JEE!Pääsen testaa mun upouutta,ihonmyötäistä superlämmintä, superSEKSIKÄSTÄ ja kaikin puolin supermahtavaa National Geographicin lämpökerrastoa tositilanteessa! Mä haluan siihen paidan rintamukseen brodeerauksen "SJ",koska se päällä on mä oon Super-Janne! Mikään ei voi mua vahingoittaa ku mulla on Super-Janne-lämpökerrasto päällä! Unohtakaa Kari Grandi,tänä viikonloppuna mä oon kaikkien kinkenjanoisten sankari,Super-Janne!
Kiitos vielä kerran National Geographic! I love you.

HainTiistai 31.01.2006 18:31

Keravan seurakuntaan IT-tukihenkilöksi.

Beggars can't be choosers.

Tällanen ajatus tuli tänäänSunnuntai 22.01.2006 21:26

Jos prostituutiosta tulee laillista ja sitä aletaan verottaa,onks sillon verokarhu sutenööri?