Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Uru_ sanoo:
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
How is my Yuri?
Uru_ sanoo:
Uru_ sanoo:
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Wet o.o
Uru_ sanoo:
cool cool o.o
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Isn't it.
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
We're a perfect fit.
Uru_ sanoo:
o_o mhm
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
We should meet.
Uru_ sanoo:
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Uru_ sanoo:
o.ô sorry i don't got a home so we could go no where
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
I have a home
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
I have a bed
Uru_ sanoo:
Oo good good but i got companions
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
They can join us!
Uru_ sanoo:
o.ô ...two of them are girls one is fucking agressive the other one is just plain clueless and i got an old man with me who obviously would like this
Uru_ sanoo:
so no way
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Okay, well, I can give them some magazines while we have our fun!
Uru_ sanoo:
Oo; ....right....
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Uru_ sanoo:
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Oh shoot
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
you know you want to
Uru_ sanoo:
o_o right
Uru_ sanoo:
xDD nah thanks
Uru_ sanoo:
o.ô you would back down anyway even IF there'll be a possibility
Uru_ sanoo:
which is not there >_>
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Why would I back down?
Uru_ sanoo:
o.ô; idk?
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
I would SO take that possibility
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
And I would consider myself the luckiest girl in the world ;D
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Uru_ sanoo:
xD i guess
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
NO, you don't guess, you know! Because you're SPECIAL!
Uru_ sanoo:
o_o yup!
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
You're unique and no one is good enough to be with you! Except for me, you totally don't deserve me, but I'm willing to take you.
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Uru_ sanoo:
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
It's a fact!
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
It is!<3
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
So we should hook up!
Uru_ sanoo:
sorry i am not into cyber
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
I didn't mean that, cybering is lame anyway.
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
I meant you should come here ;D
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Cuz I have ALWAYS been faithful to you ! <3
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Patiently waited for your feelings to focus on me.
Uru_ sanoo: already know that i have no feelings
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
No, you're just afraid to express your undying love for me.
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Deep down, you know you could never live without me.
Uru_ sanoo:
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
You would die, if anything were to happen to me
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Shh, Yuri, don't worry. I'll always, ALWAYS be here
Uru_ sanoo:
sorry i am already dead >.>
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
No, you're not, my love keeps you alive
Uru_ sanoo:
o_o not really
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Uru_ sanoo:
Uru_ sanoo:
the only thing that keeps me alive is cause of this life i am leading
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Yes, that, too. AND my undying love.
Uru_ sanoo:
Uru_ sanoo:
O_O don't joke about such stuff
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Uru_ sanoo:
what about your other lover huh? >.>
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Uru_ sanoo:
Uru_ sanoo:
O_o um...
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Uru_ sanoo:
wait ...
Uru_ sanoo:
what was his name
Uru_ sanoo:
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Oh, that old thing. He's cute, but he's no you
Uru_ sanoo:
nah seriously why didn't it work?
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
xD Like you care.
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
But he's nothing compared to you, gorgeous
Uru_ sanoo:
o.ô *wink wink* then
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Oh, he won't want me. He knows he could never please me, when my thoughts are on you.
Uru_ sanoo:
Uru_ sanoo:
yeah then uhh
Uru_ sanoo:
O.o forget me or something like that
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
How could I ever!! Just thinking of you turns me on!
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Oh the dreams I've had of you, Yuri. They're so INTENSE.
Uru_ sanoo:
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
When I wake up, I'm always sweaty from the dreams.
Uru_ sanoo:
well tell me what is my eyecolor?!
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Brown, of course
Uru_ sanoo:
...ok...this round goes to you
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Naturally <3
Uru_ sanoo:
mhh...o_o old am i ?
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Same as me<3
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
This year is our 19th year alive, which is epic
Uru_ sanoo:
D: agh
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
^ See? I love you
Uru_ sanoo:
what is my favorite colorO_O
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Oh, RAY, you're so cute, the way you interview me. It's red.
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
See? I know you!
Uru_ sanoo:
XDDD it's not red
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
I took a wild guess.
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
I got two of the guesses right xD
Uru_ sanoo:
So HA! >8D
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
Finefinefine, I still love you D:
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
But I do have to go
Uru_ sanoo:
>.> sure sure you don't know me!
Uru_ sanoo:
but ok
Uru_ sanoo:
see ya
Sawnie || Can you hear me? sanoo:
See you Yuribaby<3 Love you so much