
Thanks Finland !!!!Lauantai 22.09.2007 01:45

Ooooooook, first of all, I want to say I'm writing with a laptop !! Yayyyy ! It's so cool !
I'm in the kitchen right now... with wireless!!!

Sooo, today I had the speaking part of the entry test.
I'm really satisfied. :-)
I did a nice figure.
I understood everything the examiner said.
Firstly she asked me and my friend ,who was having the exam with me, if we had been with school in London, in September.
So my friend talked a bit, and then I started saying : Actually I didn't go to England, but I did something special, too. I went to Finland 2 weeks in July !
And then I started to tell about it.... Wowwww :D It's just what I wanted! I felt so sure of myself and all. :-)
The teacher was quite surprised and then she asked me how english spoken by finnish people is... :) She knew of course that almost all the finnish people can speak a bit of english... So she said that it's completely different from Italy.. :-(
I told her about the fact that my friend spoke english perfectly and that I had been told to have a strong italian accent... and she said that she had heard many students before me, this afternoon.. and my pronounciation was pretty good !!! Awwwww, satisfaction !!!
Then, she asked my friend what were her plans for the university.. in which town she would like to go...
Then it was my turn, and the teacher looked at me, laughing and she said: Sooo, I suppose you'd like to go to university in Finland ?!?!?
Waaah :D Of course I started to say yes, and blablabla.. and then she even gave me some advise :-O like.. that if I wanted to attend university abroad I should take a special certificate exam, and that the one I'm going to take it's not enough... She even told me that I could call her in case I needed something :-O
In the end, I can say I'm almost sure I will be admit in the course :D My "performance" in speaking was good, and I think also the other parts should have gone well. Yayyyyyyyy !!!

Bye bye

Ps: It's too funny at school... I taught some finnish words to my friend and he always starts to shout something like perkele, vittu... but also serious words. :D
Yesterday we were in a sort of bar... to have lauch... and I said : OLEMME RAVINTOLASSA !!!
It's right !!! I'm so proud !! :D and this morning I told him to say "we're at school".. saying that school is "koulu"... of course it's OLEMME KOULUSSA !!!! :)
And right now... OLEN KOTONA JA OLEN VäSYNYT!!! :(((

Falling asleep...Keskiviikko 19.09.2007 23:06


NON CE LA FACCIO PIùùùùùùùùùùùùùù!

Today. School.
8 - 13
14 - 16.30

.. I was almost falling asleep in the last hours...

Too tiring.

.. And tomorrow that bitchy woman, better known as my physics teacher will call some of us at the blackboard for some oral tests.
So now I'm studying this awful subject... trying to memorise these weird stuff.


Plus, in the afternoon I'm having the entry test for FCE and I MUST pass it.
It's something I really care to do... I'll keep my fingers crossed... and maybe during the oral I will say something about Finland, if they ask me something concerning travelling. :D

Uuuuuh, ok... see you tomorrow, with the updates. :D

... Tiistai 18.09.2007 22:50


I've just found my first posts in this forum, about Finland..

Omg, it's great to read what I wrote one year presentation and a post about flight tickets... where I asked if it was a crazy idea for a 16 yeard old girl to go alone in Finland.. and if there were some direct flights Milan-Kemi XD XD XD XD I was sooo ignorant, now I'm such an expert. <3 :D

8-) 8-)

And I wanted to sign with a finnish word.. and I decided "kuu*"... LOLLLLLLL !

... I would have never thought that after a year, I would have been here, thinking that I've been to Finland. :-O *_*

Uffffffffffff... school sucks.

Dov'è la mia testa ?Sunnuntai 16.09.2007 22:17


No ma sul serio.. O.o E' preoccupante 'sta cosa.

Non ho concentrazione per fare niente.

WoooooowSunnuntai 16.09.2007 03:58

I found a nice song by Irina.
"Kymmenen kirosanaa"

It's just great ! <3 I like the rhytm, the sound of the words... Awwww, she's really good at singing.

Pity that I don't understand what she says in her songs. :'( :D

Buona notte ... :-)

Tu vivi in Finlandia? Lauantai 15.09.2007 23:25

"Tu vivi in Finlandia? Bella maglia comunque! ciao! "

" DO YOU LIVE IN FINLAND? Nice shirt, anyway, bye "



This is what a boy wrote in my profile...

Ufffff... che colpo... nostalgiaaaaaa...

:((((( :((((

Fiory, fuck.Torstai 13.09.2007 19:56

Yeah, Fiory is like a nickname which indicates my "lovely" physics teacher.
First lesson with her today, after a year. She's always the same. How much I hate her. Grrrh.
She always wears a light blue shirt [ boh, it's like her uniform.. XDXD ] and she puts the same colour as eyeshadow. XD She looks so ridicoulous, and then her voice... Ahuahauahau.
She explained a problem at the blackboard.. In the end she was almost writing with both his hands, XDXDXD
She has always too much agitation.
Meanwhile I didn't know if it was more appropriated to laugh or to cry...
Another year with that unuseful woman.
Me and my desk mate looked at each other.. and our faces explained all.

I won't never like physics... or maybe I would, if only I had a teacher who could explain.

Lol, I just remembered right now about Seppo. XDXDXD My finnish friends' physics teacher. XD
I want himmmmmmm. XDXDXDXD

Changing topic, I love my english teacher. <3 <3 She's such a great teacher.
It's the 4th year with her, she's just perfect.
Lol, the first day we had to talk about our holidays... I told about my finnish experience. Eheheeh, she was quite surprised and well, she said it was a good experience for me and even better because I said I was forced :D to talk english... and that often I had been told I had "such a strong italian accent" [ the famous words told by Juuso :P XD ] .. but well... at least now I feel more "comfortable" to speak english.. and I will have soon to do a test to attend an english course at school, in the afernoon.. Maybe some of you know about FCE [ first certificate english ]

Ok.. Not much to do this afternoon, luckly! I'm almost dead because of physical education we had this morning. We ran sooo much, we were at the stadium XD


... Minä rakastan irc galleria </3 ... ja myös [ Ahuahua, I would be never able to pronounce this word... problems with YYYY ] Suomi

Maths ?!Keskiviikko 12.09.2007 21:48

Ok, this morning I saw our new maths teacher andddddd... I've like the impression I will start again to love the subject !
Last year was really terrible. We had a devil as maths teacher and just her sight makes me feel ansious etc. It was hard to understand her explaining...
This year maths won't be my enemy anymoreeee !! YEPPPPPPPPP ! :D
Also when this new teacher called me at the blackboard to resolve a thing, I was very very relaxed and all... Completely different from last year !!

Yawwwwwn... Why can't I find the concentration to study philosophy... I'm afraid my teacher will call me tomorrow for some questions.. UFFAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!

Andddd, day by day I love IRC GALLERIA more and more. :D :D

?! Keskiviikko 12.09.2007 00:31

I was just wondering ... if it's normal that today, coming back home from school I started to sing in my mind " KULKUSET" ... o.O XDDDD

Bah...Tiistai 11.09.2007 20:33


I'm already tired of school -.-
I'm not used anymore to study , doing homework etc... I feel so lazy... but I have to "wake up".

Ok, it's quite funny to be at school because we laugh, draw stupid stuff as usual and so on.. but... bah...Teachers who already decide for written, oral tests make me feel sick.

2 months ago I was in FINLAND... I had already eaten pizza, gelato, had my first sauna...
And I was HAPPY... :°)

Chemistry is waiting for me, but uffffffffff. IRC GALLERIA is addicting !!!