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< 333Sunnuntai 03.12.2006 21:27

jippii!! :DD tänää tulee TSH;; Sormusten Ritarit<33 voi elämä mä niiiiiiiiiiiiiin rakastan sitä leffaa!! ;) oikeesti sekoon. XDD ehkä tää musa auttaa ^_^ *kuuntelee CKY:ta* <33 niin noh.. XD tänää oli aika tylsä päivä. -____- mut mitä pienistä? O_o eilen tuli ManUn peli ;D ManU voitti 2-1 Middlesburghin ;) tai jotenki tolleen se kirjotetaan.. xDDD Se oli kyl hyvä ko Cristiano Ronaldo vaan iskee silmää siellä ;) njam :P <33 jajajaja.. ihan hyvä peli se oli ^_~ joten ManU johtaa edelleen Valio-liigaa!! o.o hii elämä on. n_n &lt;sydän&gt;


There is a house in New Orleans
they call the Rising Sun
And itÂ’s been a house to many a poor boy
and God, I know IÂ’m one

I cried to my daddy on the telephone
how long now?
Until the clouds unroll and you come down on the light wind
will the shadows still remain since your descent
your descent

I cried to my daddy on the telephone
How long now
Until the clouds unroll and you come home
The line went
But the shadows still remain since your descent
Your descent

Ho, Cha, Hey

The saints are coming
The saints are coming

I say no matter how I try
I realize thereÂ’s no reply

The saints are coming
The saints are coming

I say no matter how I try
I realize thereÂ’s no reply

A drowning sorrow floods the deepest grief
How long now
Until a weather change condemns belief
How long now
When the night watchman is in the fleet
What's wrong now?

Ho, Cha, Hey

The saints are coming
The saints are coming

I say no matter how I try
I realize thereÂ’s no reply

The saints are coming
The saints are coming

(I say no matter how I try
I realize there's no reply) x 3


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