Tämä sivu käyttää evästeitä palveluiden toimittamisessa, mainosten personoinnissa ja liikenteen analysoinnissa. Käyttämällä sivustoa hyväksyt evästeiden käytön. Lisätietoja


vesisadeTiistai 08.04.2008 17:23

kuvaa mukavasti mun olotilaani <3

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 08.04.2008 15:38


rassaat mua pikku poika...

lol se luuli että olin john lennon hei COME ON?! XDDDDDDD

"oot elämääs kyllästyny paska"
"oot masturboijja"
"oot idiootti kuka ei vaan osaa"
"oot taransu"
"oot vähä jäljessä, ei millää hyvällä"

ah tulevaisuuden nuoret ja tulevaisuus<333

YEHEE SOKERIHUMALA WOOOOOOOO!!!!Lauantai 05.04.2008 01:08


severus snape, professor of potions
veritaserum: reveal your true devotions
dark side, light side whats at your true core?
accio! avada kadavra dumbledore!

unbreakable vows from a death eaters past
how many unforgivable spells can you cast?
all signs point to evil, lord voldemorts ally
the black cloak, the dark hair, no doubt hes a bad guy

simple as it sounds theres some moral ambiguity
to this professor snapes demonic ingenuity
a hero or a villain, the answers not so clear
he sure seemed like a jerk when he cut off weasleys ear

but the pensieve is clouded when it comes to snapes loyalty
is he a friend to hogwarts, or other dark art royalty?
his countercurse saved harry from falling off his broom
but he plays it diabolical with students in the room

hes reluctantly a member of the order of the phoenix
but all the other members doubt his true allegiance
he is a triple agent, but who is he working for?
when voldemorts horcrux spells the end for dumbledore

and who is the one to carry out that evil deed?
but severus snape who made poor albus bleed
till the truth came out about that wizards wishes
dumbledore requested to go swimming with the fishes

so snape is off the hook, hes a good guy no doubt
no debating the issue, the facts have come out
the leader of slytherin, a hero will reign
in defense of the dark arts, snape will remain

ihania roskaposteja <3Keskiviikko 02.04.2008 02:02

parimal shaverdian <parimal-s... Take her from behind

elvi Blea <eremaihc_1990@ART-... Pleasure her the right way

Tyree Begay <rihards.danby@ab... 150Kg + Hoodia = 75Kg


Gregorio Banks <kimgohvxxv@bo... Be Like Sex Machine

Charles Marino <tequilajohnso... She will call you Macho

yeah baby i'm macho!! >:))))

Oh? Fuck me?! Yeah GAYLORD! <3Tiistai 01.04.2008 01:28

Click to learn more...
I've been swearing a lot lately.
Ever go through those modes where you just can't help but swear
all the time? Fuck is like the best word ever. It really is.
It's perfect. It's just FUCK.
I's cuz it's got the ffff and the uh and the CA!..Fu-ca!
When somebody finally says Hey Fuck you!, there's nothing better.
I just look at them and I go yeah. Yeah that's right fuck me.
Good use of fuck right there.
You really gotta emphasize the fff too, right.
Say fuck, FUCK. You can't- you gotta hit the F. You can't go f -UCK.
Doesn't have the same who-uh-kuk. Can't just hit the K. UCK. No.
This guy, now we got in this little beef, we got in this little fight, right.
And he yelled fuck you. And there's nothing about- once somebody
hits you with fuck you. That's it. There's nothing better.
There's nothing about- you can't come back with... Oh? Fuck me?
Yeah uh Gaylord! No, doesn't have the same-

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 28.03.2008 21:47

This is what it feels like when you don't have love,
it's like there's a party going on and everyone was invited,
except for you. And you just happen to be walking by that house,
in the rain ...
"Ohh. I wasn't invited to this party."
That's what that feels like. But then again, once you're in love,
you know what that's like?
That's like being inside the party going,
"Where's my jacket? I wanna get out of here. Where's my jacket?
I've been at this party for six years and I wanna see other parties.
Where's my jacket? Someone shit on the coats!
I think someone shit on, about, or around the coats."

yhyyyyyyTorstai 20.03.2008 01:21

joo hyi en haluu enää kattella kuolleita, mätäneviä, päättömiä, jalattomia tai muuten vaan alien näkösiä ihmisiä... liiian... hyi >_<'
noku yks nainen oli ihan vihree O__O'''''

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 14.03.2008 22:43

wöhöö kiinnitin 2 tuntia rastoja tiinan hiuksiin, ja niistä tuli kivat ^^
ja niitä oli kiva tehä. :'>
jos joku haluu et [koittaisin] laittaisin rastoja niiden hiuksiin, niin ilmottakaa ^^ kiinnittelen ilomielin..

musta tulee ihan varmana kampaaja isona :''>>>

<3Keskiviikko 05.03.2008 22:51

Come sleep with me
Sleep with me twise
I think that would be really nice
Lookie lookie the size of my shoe
You know what they say? Yes, it is true.


Could you do it with a friend?
Could you do it end to end?
Would you do it on a goat?
Would you do it with my goat?
Would you do it in a tree?
Would you do it while i see?