
XD taboo~<3Maanantai 14.12.2009 00:18

anteeks nyt mut..Sunnuntai 13.12.2009 23:55

>X''''''DDDDDDDDDDD aika hot~

voi nakki. :DDSunnuntai 13.12.2009 23:44

tossa ku taboo tulee toho maatasolle yleisön eteen heiluun ja tanssiin ni en kyl istuis kauheen sivistyneesti siinä paikallani vaa varmaan hyppäisin sen kimppuun tai jotai. XD

koska taboo on hothothothothothothot! ♥

[ignore]Sunnuntai 13.12.2009 03:21

Kirjoita kahdeksan kaverisi nimet, ja käy kysymässä ORAAKKELILTA kuka on?

1. Kape "Aivan ihana tyyppi! Minullapa on hänen nimmarinsa..."
2. Hanna "Naapurin nuori uros"
3. Janika "Hikinen nörtti."
4. Joni "Se käy Lintukodossa joka päivä! Valitettavasti en saa paljasta yksityisihmisten tietoja."
5. Maria "Sinun suurin ihastuksesi!"
6. Kristiina "Kesämies"
7. Ville "Ystäväsi serkku joka sulaa suussa"
8. Robert "Yläasteen matikanopettajasi"

..... m'kay?
eli siis olin iha innoissani et löysin kivan tällasen kirkkomusiikkibändin mikä on helmen kuulosta ja cool niillä on pari iha tosi kivan kuulosta biisiä.. esim tämä:

p.s. hellsing on paras ♥ [toi anime mikä tos tulee]

voi vitulla päähän, menin lukeen niitten sanotuksia ku enhän mä saksasta mitää ymmärrä ja esimerikiks vater unseren sanathan menee englanniksi näin:


Our Father, which art in Heaven,
Hollowed be thy name,
Thy Kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On Earth as it is in Heaven,
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us...

...In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit

Our Father, which art in Heaven,
Hollowed be thy name,
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On Earth as it is in Heaven,
Give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trepass against us,
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil,
Then yours is the kingdom,
And the power and Glory,
For Eternity...

In the name of the Father, the son, and the Holy Spirit

Our Father, which art in Heaven,
Hollowed be thy name,
Thy Kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On Earth as it is in Heaven,
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us.

Father, hear my voice
Lord, hear my voice!
Let us pray.
In the name of the Father, and the son, and the Holy Spirit
The a shadow over
your right hand!

Our Father,
Your's is the Kingdom,
And the Power,
And the glory,
for eternity...

Everlasting will
Everlasting will


voihan vittu tää on isä meidän rukous..

no sit katoin yhtä toista iha kivan kuulosta biisiä ja sen sanoja:


I am the Lord, your God,
You shouldn't have any other Gods before me.

You should not take the name of your Lord,
in vein,
You will not leave unpunished,
If you misuse my name.

You should keep the Sabbath Day holy.

You should honour your mother and father,
It will probably show on you,
And you will live a long time on Earth.

You shouldn't kill.

You shouldn't break your honour.

You shouldn't steal.

You shouldn't bare false witness against
your neighbor

You shouldn't covet your neighbor's house.

You shouldn't covet your neighbor's wife,
slaves, land, cattle, or anything that is his.

I, the Lord, your God, am an eager God,
I hate those over me,
The sins of your father will afflict the
fourth or fifth descendant that hates me.
But, those who I love and who follow my commandments
Will probably have a thousand descendants
The 10 Commandments! Moses...
The 10 Commandments! Moses...

Protect God's Commandments

I am your God.
You beloved people.
I love you.


no voihan vittu vol. 2, näähän on 10 käskyä........

.. olo on näitä kaikkia.Lauantai 12.12.2009 23:43


okei mun on pakko sanooLauantai 12.12.2009 03:06

etten _todellakaan ymmärrä kaikkia ihmisiä vaikka kuinka suvaitsevainen yritänki olla...
ei vaan mee jakeluun.. ei ei ei..



siis ei vaan mee...




[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 11.12.2009 23:19

Mr Krabs: What was that?

Spongebob: But sir, she snuck up on me. In my own dojo.

Mr Krabs: Are you on some new allergy medication, boy?

Spongebob: No, sir. Just practicing my karate, sir. Or kara-ta, as some call it.

Mr Krabs: Kara-ta? You should be making me money-ay! With your spatu-la! Now get back to work.


Sandy: I love karate!

Spongebob: I love kara-ta!

Mr Krabs: I love money-a!

Squidward: I hate all of you.



musta on söpöö..Perjantai 11.12.2009 23:07

että Paavo Pesusienessä on muroja joittenka nimi on Kelpo. :'