


Turha laittaa sydäntä kuviin jos luulette et meen antaa takas :DDD (muuten iha O.K. homma)

jännääKeskiviikko 26.10.2011 02:23

On se mukavaa ku ens vuoden (2012) Animecon painuu Kuopioo ja Finncon Tampereelle... eli siis nähtävästi kaks erillistä conia tulee.. Kuhan niitte sivut tulis, näkis et kumpaa pääsee jos kumpaanki tai ei kumpaankaan.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 26.10.2011 00:26

1. Your favorite character (Motochika Chosokabe)
2. Your least favorite character (Spandam)
3. Character you’d date (Masamune Date & Motochika)
4. Character you’d like to go shopping with (Tsuruhime)
5. Character you’d like as your child (Keiji Maeda)
6. Character who would probably be your rival (Itsuki)
7. Character you have most in common with (Charizard)
8. Character you look like the most (Deidara)
9. Character you’d bring home to your parents (Kojuuro Kataruka tai Sasuke Sarutobi)
10. Character you’d never bring home to your parents (Yoshitsugu Otani, Motonari Mori tai Mitsunari Ishida)
11. Character you’d become best friends with (Ieyasu Tokugawa)
12. Character with your favorite voice/seiyuu (Roronoa Zoro & Masamune Date)
13. Character you’d go camping with (Masamune Daten sotilaat/miehet)
14. Character you wouldn’t mind being roommates with (Motochika Chosokaben papukaija)
15. Character you’d want to cook for you (Matsu tai Sanji)
16. Character you wouldn’t mind prancing naked for you (Motochika Chosokabe)
17. Your OTP (Matsu ja Toshiie Maeda)
18. Character you wouldn’t mind having as a parent (Saika "Sayaka" Magoichi)
19. Character you’d like to go karaoke with (Olkihattu merirosvot)
20. Character you wouldn’t mind having as your butler/maid (Brook)
21. Character you’d have in your party if you were in a RPG (Bentham, Alias Mr. 2 Bon Clay)
22. Another OTP of yours (Motochika Chosokabe x Motonari Mori)
23. Your favorite character of the opposite gender of #1 (motochika Chosokabe fem.)
24. Character with your favorite uniform/outfit (Merri ja Pippin)
25. Character who would be your band-mate if you were in a band (Motonari Mori (Gakuen BASARA versio))
26. Character you wouldn’t mind having as your boss (Shingen Takeda)
27. Character you wouldn’t want to run into in a dark alley (Tenkai)

28. Character you’d want personified into a dog
29. Character you’d want personified into a cat
30. Character you’d want to cosplay as.

OOOI!Maanantai 24.10.2011 23:42

1. Your favorite character (Motochika Chosokabe)
2. Your least favorite character (Spandam)
3. Character you’d date (Masamune Date & Motochika)
4. Character you’d like to go shopping with (Tsuruhime)
5. Character you’d like as your child (Keiji Maeda)
6. Character who would probably be your rival (Itsuki)
7. Character you have most in common with (Charizard)
8. Character you look like the most (Deidara)
9. Character you’d bring home to your parents (Kojuuro Kataruka tai Sasuke Sarutobi)
10. Character you’d never bring home to your parents (Yoshitsugu Otani, Motonari Mori tai Mitsunari Ishida)
11. Character you’d become best friends with (Ieyasu Tokugawa)
12. Character with your favorite voice/seiyuu (Roronoa Zoro & Masamune Date)
13. Character you’d go camping with (Masamune Daten sotilaat/miehet)
14. Character you wouldn’t mind being roommates with (Motochika Chosokaben papukaija)
15. Character you’d want to cook for you (Matsu tai Sanji)
16. Character you wouldn’t mind prancing naked for you (Motochika Chosokabe)
17. Your OTP (Matsu ja Toshiie Maeda)
18. Character you wouldn’t mind having as a parent (Saika "Sayaka" Magoichi)
19. Character you’d like to go karaoke with (Olkihattu merirosvot)
20. Character you wouldn’t mind having as your butler/maid (Brook)
21. Character you’d have in your party if you were in a RPG (Bentham, Alias Mr. 2 Bon Clay)
22. Another OTP of yours (Motochika Chosokabe x Motonari Mori)
23. Your favorite character of the opposite gender of #1 (motochika Chosokabe fem.)
24. Character with your favorite uniform/outfit (Merri ja Pippin)
25. Character who would be your band-mate if you were in a band (Motonari Mori (Gakuen BASARA versio))
26. Character you wouldn’t mind having as your boss (Shingen Takeda)
27. Character you wouldn’t want to run into in a dark alley
28. Character you’d want personified into a dog
29. Character you’d want personified into a cat
30. Character you’d want to cosplay as.

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 24.10.2011 02:01

1. Your favorite character (Motochika Chosokabe)
2. Your least favorite character (Spandam)
3. Character you’d date (Masamune Date & Motochika)
4. Character you’d like to go shopping with (Tsuruhime)
5. Character you’d like as your child (Keiji Maeda)
6. Character who would probably be your rival (Itsuki)
7. Character you have most in common with (Charizard)
8. Character you look like the most (Deidara)
9. Character you’d bring home to your parents (Kojuuro Kataruka tai Sasuke Sarutobi)
10. Character you’d never bring home to your parents (Yoshitsugu Otani, Motonari Mori tai Mitsunari Ishida)
11. Character you’d become best friends with (Ieyasu Tokugawa)
12. Character with your favorite voice/seiyuu (Roronoa Zoro & Masamune Date)
13. Character you’d go camping with (Masamune Daten sotilaat/miehet)
14. Character you wouldn’t mind being roommates with (Motochika Chosokaben papukaija)
15. Character you’d want to cook for you (Matsu tai Sanji)
16. Character you wouldn’t mind prancing naked for you (Motochika Chosokabe)
17. Your OTP (Matsu ja Toshiie Maeda)
18. Character you wouldn’t mind having as a parent (Saika "Sayaka" Magoichi)
19. Character you’d like to go karaoke with (Olkihattu merirosvot)
20. Character you wouldn’t mind having as your butler/maid (Brook)
21. Character you’d have in your party if you were in a RPG (Bentham, Alias Mr. 2 Bon Clay)
22. Another OTP of yours (Motochika Chosokabe x Motonari Mori)
23. Your favorite character of the opposite gender of #1 (motochika Chosokabe fem.)
24. Character with your favorite uniform/outfit (Merri ja Pippin)
25. Character who would be your band-mate if you were in a band (Motonari Mori (Gakuen BASARA versio))

Puhallinsoitin klubin maikka BASARA Akatemiassa :D
26. Character you wouldn’t mind having as your boss
27. Character you wouldn’t want to run into in a dark alley
28. Character you’d want personified into a dog
29. Character you’d want personified into a cat
30. Character you’d want to cosplay as.

MYÖHÄSSÄ 1 PVN!Maanantai 24.10.2011 01:48

1. Your favorite character (Motochika Chosokabe)
2. Your least favorite character (Spandam)
3. Character you’d date (Masamune Date & Motochika)
4. Character you’d like to go shopping with (Tsuruhime)
5. Character you’d like as your child (Keiji Maeda)
6. Character who would probably be your rival (Itsuki)
7. Character you have most in common with (Charizard)
8. Character you look like the most (Deidara)
9. Character you’d bring home to your parents (Kojuuro Kataruka tai Sasuke Sarutobi)
10. Character you’d never bring home to your parents (Yoshitsugu Otani, Motonari Mori tai Mitsunari Ishida)
11. Character you’d become best friends with (Ieyasu Tokugawa)
12. Character with your favorite voice/seiyuu (Roronoa Zoro & Masamune Date)
13. Character you’d go camping with (Masamune Daten sotilaat/miehet)
14. Character you wouldn’t mind being roommates with (Motochika Chosokaben papukaija)
15. Character you’d want to cook for you (Matsu tai Sanji)
16. Character you wouldn’t mind prancing naked for you (Motochika Chosokabe)
17. Your OTP (Matsu ja Toshiie Maeda)
18. Character you wouldn’t mind having as a parent (Saika "Sayaka" Magoichi)
19. Character you’d like to go karaoke with (Olkihattu merirosvot)
20. Character you wouldn’t mind having as your butler/maid (Brook)
21. Character you’d have in your party if you were in a RPG (Bentham, Alias Mr. 2 Bon Clay)
22. Another OTP of yours (Motochika Chosokabe x Motonari Mori)
23. Your favorite character of the opposite gender of #1 (motochika Chosokabe fem.)
24. Character with your favorite uniform/outfit (Merri ja Pippin)
Nuo viiitaaaat~
25. Character who would be your band-mate if you were in a band
26. Character you wouldn’t mind having as your boss
27. Character you wouldn’t want to run into in a dark alley
28. Character you’d want personified into a dog
29. Character you’d want personified into a cat
30. Character you’d want to cosplay as.

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 21.10.2011 18:14

1. Your favorite character (Motochika Chosokabe)
2. Your least favorite character (Spandam)
3. Character you’d date (Masamune Date & Motochika)
4. Character you’d like to go shopping with (Tsuruhime)
5. Character you’d like as your child (Keiji Maeda)
6. Character who would probably be your rival (Itsuki)
7. Character you have most in common with (Charizard)
8. Character you look like the most (Deidara)
9. Character you’d bring home to your parents (Kojuuro Kataruka tai Sasuke Sarutobi)
10. Character you’d never bring home to your parents (Yoshitsugu Otani, Motonari Mori tai Mitsunari Ishida)
11. Character you’d become best friends with (Ieyasu Tokugawa)
12. Character with your favorite voice/seiyuu (Roronoa Zoro & Masamune Date)
13. Character you’d go camping with (Masamune Daten sotilaat/miehet)
14. Character you wouldn’t mind being roommates with (Motochika Chosokaben papukaija)
15. Character you’d want to cook for you (Matsu tai Sanji)
16. Character you wouldn’t mind prancing naked for you (Motochika Chosokabe)
17. Your OTP (Matsu ja Toshiie Maeda)
18. Character you wouldn’t mind having as a parent (Saika "Sayaka" Magoichi)
19. Character you’d like to go karaoke with (Olkihattu merirosvot)
20. Character you wouldn’t mind having as your butler/maid (Brook)
21. Character you’d have in your party if you were in a RPG (Bentham, Alias Mr. 2 Bon Clay)
22. Another OTP of yours (Motochika Chosokabe x Motonari Mori)
23. Your favorite character of the opposite gender of #1 (motochika Chosokabe fem.)

Jos älysin oikein tän :'DDD Kuva on Sengoku Girls Collectionista. (siinä siis kaikki miehet muuttuu naisiks ja naiset miehiks
24. Character with your favorite uniform/outfit
25. Character who would be your band-mate if you were in a band
26. Character you wouldn’t mind having as your boss
27. Character you wouldn’t want to run into in a dark alley
28. Character you’d want personified into a dog
29. Character you’d want personified into a cat
30. Character you’d want to cosplay as.

Hmm.. nyt jotai fanarttia... sry xdTorstai 20.10.2011 11:02

1. Your favorite character (Motochika Chosokabe)
2. Your least favorite character (Spandam)
3. Character you’d date (Masamune Date & Motochika)
4. Character you’d like to go shopping with (Tsuruhime)
5. Character you’d like as your child (Keiji Maeda)
6. Character who would probably be your rival (Itsuki)
7. Character you have most in common with (Charizard)
8. Character you look like the most (Deidara)
9. Character you’d bring home to your parents (Kojuuro Kataruka tai Sasuke Sarutobi)
10. Character you’d never bring home to your parents (Yoshitsugu Otani, Motonari Mori tai Mitsunari Ishida)
11. Character you’d become best friends with (Ieyasu Tokugawa)
12. Character with your favorite voice/seiyuu (Roronoa Zoro & Masamune Date)
13. Character you’d go camping with (Masamune Daten sotilaat/miehet)
14. Character you wouldn’t mind being roommates with (Motochika Chosokaben papukaija)
15. Character you’d want to cook for you (Matsu tai Sanji)
16. Character you wouldn’t mind prancing naked for you (Motochika Chosokabe)
17. Your OTP (Matsu ja Toshiie Maeda)
18. Character you wouldn’t mind having as a parent (Saika "Sayaka" Magoichi)
19. Character you’d like to go karaoke with (Olkihattu merirosvot)
20. Character you wouldn’t mind having as your butler/maid (Brook)
21. Character you’d have in your party if you were in a RPG (Bentham, Alias Mr. 2 Bon Clay)
22. Another OTP of yours (Motochika Chosokabe x Motonari Mori)

ÓuÒ don't kill me... this pairing is actually cute...
23. Your favorite character of the opposite gender of #1
24. Character with your favorite uniform/outfit
25. Character who would be your band-mate if you were in a band
26. Character you wouldn’t mind having as your boss
27. Character you wouldn’t want to run into in a dark alley
28. Character you’d want personified into a dog
29. Character you’d want personified into a cat
30. Character you’d want to cosplay as.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 19.10.2011 11:13

1. Your favorite character (Motochika Chosokabe)
2. Your least favorite character (Spandam)
3. Character you’d date (Masamune Date & Motochika)
4. Character you’d like to go shopping with (Tsuruhime)
5. Character you’d like as your child (Keiji Maeda)
6. Character who would probably be your rival (Itsuki)
7. Character you have most in common with (Charizard)
8. Character you look like the most (Deidara)
9. Character you’d bring home to your parents (Kojuuro Kataruka tai Sasuke Sarutobi)
10. Character you’d never bring home to your parents (Yoshitsugu Otani, Motonari Mori tai Mitsunari Ishida)
11. Character you’d become best friends with (Ieyasu Tokugawa)
12. Character with your favorite voice/seiyuu (Roronoa Zoro & Masamune Date)
13. Character you’d go camping with (Masamune Daten sotilaat/miehet)
14. Character you wouldn’t mind being roommates with (Motochika Chosokaben papukaija)
15. Character you’d want to cook for you (Matsu tai Sanji)
16. Character you wouldn’t mind prancing naked for you (Motochika Chosokabe)
17. Your OTP (Matsu ja Toshiie Maeda)
18. Character you wouldn’t mind having as a parent (Saika "Sayaka" Magoichi)
19. Character you’d like to go karaoke with (Olkihattu merirosvot)
20. Character you wouldn’t mind having as your butler/maid (Brook)
21. Character you’d have in your party if you were in a RPG (Bentham, Alias Mr. 2 Bon Clay)
22. Another OTP of yours
23. Your favorite character of the opposite gender of #1
24. Character with your favorite uniform/outfit
25. Character who would be your band-mate if you were in a band
26. Character you wouldn’t mind having as your boss
27. Character you wouldn’t want to run into in a dark alley
28. Character you’d want personified into a dog
29. Character you’d want personified into a cat
30. Character you’d want to cosplay as.

YOHOHOHOHOHOHO~!Keskiviikko 19.10.2011 01:17

1. Your favorite character (Motochika Chosokabe)
2. Your least favorite character (Spandam)
3. Character you’d date (Masamune Date & Motochika)
4. Character you’d like to go shopping with (Tsuruhime)
5. Character you’d like as your child (Keiji Maeda)
6. Character who would probably be your rival (Itsuki)
7. Character you have most in common with (Charizard)
8. Character you look like the most (Deidara)
9. Character you’d bring home to your parents (Kojuuro Kataruka tai Sasuke Sarutobi)
10. Character you’d never bring home to your parents (Yoshitsugu Otani, Motonari Mori tai Mitsunari Ishida)
11. Character you’d become best friends with (Ieyasu Tokugawa)
12. Character with your favorite voice/seiyuu (Roronoa Zoro & Masamune Date)
13. Character you’d go camping with (Masamune Daten sotilaat/miehet)
14. Character you wouldn’t mind being roommates with (Motochika Chosokaben papukaija)
15. Character you’d want to cook for you (Matsu tai Sanji)
16. Character you wouldn’t mind prancing naked for you (Motochika Chosokabe)
17. Your OTP (Matsu ja Toshiie Maeda)
18. Character you wouldn’t mind having as a parent (Saika "Sayaka" Magoichi)
19. Character you’d like to go karaoke with (Olkihattu merirosvot)
20. Character you wouldn’t mind having as your butler/maid (Brook)

Brook because of; Music, jokes, etc :P
21. Character you’d have in your party if you were in a RPG
22. Another OTP of yours
23. Your favorite character of the opposite gender of #1
24. Character with your favorite uniform/outfit
25. Character who would be your band-mate if you were in a band
26. Character you wouldn’t mind having as your boss
27. Character you wouldn’t want to run into in a dark alley
28. Character you’d want personified into a dog
29. Character you’d want personified into a cat
30. Character you’d want to cosplay as.

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 17.10.2011 19:11

1. Your favorite character (Motochika Chosokabe)
2. Your least favorite character (Spandam)
3. Character you’d date (Masamune Date & Motochika)
4. Character you’d like to go shopping with (Tsuruhime)
5. Character you’d like as your child (Keiji Maeda)
6. Character who would probably be your rival (Itsuki)
7. Character you have most in common with (Charizard)
8. Character you look like the most (Deidara)
9. Character you’d bring home to your parents (Kojuuro Kataruka tai Sasuke Sarutobi)
10. Character you’d never bring home to your parents (Yoshitsugu Otani, Motonari Mori tai Mitsunari Ishida)
11. Character you’d become best friends with (Ieyasu Tokugawa)
12. Character with your favorite voice/seiyuu (Roronoa Zoro & Masamune Date)
13. Character you’d go camping with (Masamune Daten sotilaat/miehet)
14. Character you wouldn’t mind being roommates with (Motochika Chosokaben papukaija)
15. Character you’d want to cook for you (Matsu tai Sanji)
16. Character you wouldn’t mind prancing naked for you (Motochika Chosokabe)
17. Your OTP (Matsu ja Toshiie Maeda)
18. Character you wouldn’t mind having as a parent (Saika "Sayaka" Magoichi)
19. Character you’d like to go karaoke with (Olkihattu merirosvot)
o3o *kuunnellu paljon niitten ääninäyttelijöiden laulamia biisejä*
20. Character you wouldn’t mind having as your butler/maid
21. Character you’d have in your party if you were in a RPG
22. Another OTP of yours
23. Your favorite character of the opposite gender of #1
24. Character with your favorite uniform/outfit
25. Character who would be your band-mate if you were in a band
26. Character you wouldn’t mind having as your boss
27. Character you wouldn’t want to run into in a dark alley
28. Character you’d want personified into a dog
29. Character you’d want personified into a cat
30. Character you’d want to cosplay as.