


:: Nti Apatia ja ripaus valtaa ::

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om om <3 tein just omenapiiwakkaa 8)Torstai 23.04.2009 00:25

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 22.04.2009 23:44

hoho, ainii, kerrompa tännekki (vanaha asia aijaaijai)
et lopetin tupakoinnin moi.
eikä ees vituta :o

ootin innolla jos ois tunnu viekkarei.
stna ;<

papa roach - bloodKeskiviikko 22.04.2009 20:14

I will forgive but I won't forget
And I hope you know you've lost my respect

You better watch out
If you don't know whats going on around you
You better think twice
Before you fly off the handle and lose it
You better join us
Before you get lost in the shuffle
You gotta rise against
The demons that are gonna try and hold you down

Does it run in your blood, to betray the ones you love?
Does it run in your blood, to betray the ones you love?
The ones you love, the ones you love, the ones you love

Cause I'm not a pawn for you to play in your fucking game
I've got dignity and a dream that I want to achieve
Under pressure, you crumbled and you let me down
I'm not deaf and all I hear are your empty promises

Does it run in your blood, to betray the ones you love!
Does it run in your blood, to betray the ones you love!
Does it run in your blood, to betray the ones you love!
Does it run in your blood, to betray the ones you love!
The ones you love, the ones you love, the ones you love

Does it run in your blood, to betray the ones you love!
Yes it runs in your blood, to betray the ones you love!
Yes it runs in your blood, to betray the ones you love!
Yes it runs in your blood, to betray the ones you love!
Yes it runs in your blood, to betray the ones you love!

I will forgive but I won't forget
And I hope you know you've lost my respect

Yes it runs in your blood, to betray the ones you love!
Yes it runs in your blood, to betray the ones you love!

O________OKeskiviikko 22.04.2009 02:40



UPSIDEDOWNKeskiviikko 22.04.2009 00:40



VNV Nation - Standing (original)Tiistai 21.04.2009 17:34

Eyes betray the soul and bear it's thinking.
Beyond words they say so many things to me.
A stranger here reborn it seems
awaking wonders deep in me.
If nothing's ventured nothing's gained
so I must seize the day.

And fighting time so hard I pray
that this moment lasts forever.
And will the world stay standing still at least for me.
Through my eyes stare into me.
I bear my heart for all to see.
With my face turned to the sun there ever standing still.

It wasn't you it wasn't me it wasn't anything.
It was a day so long awaited and a chance to be as me.
I let the wind run through my hands
as I turned to walk away.
In distant days I long to sense it all so clear.

And fighting time so hard I pray
that this moment lasts forever.
And will the world stay standing still at least for me.
Through my eyes stare into me.
I bear my heart for all to see.
With my face turned to the sun there ever standing still.
And fighting time so much I ask.
I will this morning last forever.
Though seasons change and things come to pass
remain inside of me.
And fighting time so hard I pray
that this moment lasts forever.
and will the world stay standing still at least for me.

I had no faith before that day in any vow or deed.
Days followed days and years were meaningless.
Despite the wisdom of defeat
I bore my heart for all to see the wonders I'd seen.


Ja taas !Maanantai 20.04.2009 23:47

.. kuinka ihmeessä tyypit aina luulee, että me ollaan kikan kanssa sukua ?
samaa näköö ? yht pöpit jutut ?
''nii, säähän olit se kikan isosisko, eiksva ?''

ei siin,
mulla onki si joku kivvoin pikkusysta !


hohohh 8DDDDDDD Maanantai 20.04.2009 21:57

ehtaa, emmää ees muistana tällasta-- (propsit kuvasta mikolle)
ohh, oon niin HEMASEVANA.
iik ilima meiggiä !
(rva ruuhkatukka tappaa tässä kuvassa muurahaisia, SYNTEETTISELLÄ VASELIINILLA....)
pitihä ne jollai saaha saatana hengiltä ;)

huomatkaa purkin kylyki. tullee ilimi millasta terveystavaraa se onkaan :D

(ei oo rapulaa, eeeee åååååååååååle.....)

Sieltä tullaan -Sunnuntai 19.04.2009 21:58

mutta minne mennään ?

Hoohoh. Tunnen itseni multijumalattareksi,
mulla on niiiin paljon vaikutusvaltaa !
(hyvälla tavalla, daa<3)
Ei vaa, oon hyvä auttaan ihmisii ..
Nii et .. Oon saanu Mikon lopettamaan tupakoinnnniiiinnnn ;))

Uuuuhh <3

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 19.04.2009 21:56

Jumalauta ..
maailma on peeni ..

ompa kerrassaan ahistavvaa
ko ei pääse mihinkää kaikkea pakkoo o_O