


I was cast to distant Pohjola
Won't go to heaven
She's just another lost soul,
About to be mine again
Leave her
we will receive her
It is beyond your control
will you ever meet again

One of eleven
Who had been rendered unwhole
As a little child,
she was taken
and then forsaken
you will remember it all
Let it fill your mind again

Devin lies beyond this portal
take the word of one immortal
Give your soul to me
For eternity
release your life
to begin another time with her
End your grief with me
there's another way
release your life
take your place inside the fire with her

Now and forever
you're just another lost soul about to be mine again
see her, you'll never free her
you must surrender it all
If you'd like to meet again

For your desire
As she begins to turn cold for the final time
you will shiver
till you deliver
you will remember it all
Let it fill your mind again


Give your soul to me
For eternity
release your life
to begin another time with her
End your grief with me
there's another way
release your life
take your place inside the fire with her

No longer living
Who had been rendered unwhole
As a little child
she was taken,
and then forsaken
you will remember it all
Let it fill your mind again

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 19.06.2009 20:13

Juhannus laivalla :)

Hauskaa jussia!

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 10.05.2009 21:07

Käytiin veljentytön ristiäisissä.

Vauvan (synt. 13.3.2009) nimeksi tuli, Lumi-Tuulikki Ilona Parkkonen.

J & S 1v. :)Maanantai 04.05.2009 22:56

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 04.05.2009 00:27

Wanhus on kotona :)

(Volvo 144 B20 + automaatti vm. 1970)

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 29.04.2009 15:32

Jaahas.. Ja taas pitäis hakee 140-sarjalainen..

Joskus meitsiki jotain voittaa.Maanantai 20.04.2009 19:18

Tuli kutsu mulle ja kahdelle kaverille MTV3:n MAX Stagelle, Kotiteollisuuden keikalle torstaiks. Jihaa! \o/