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Oon tulossa Suomeen! 29.7 - 12.8!

-Torstai 03.07.2008 07:41

And fighting time so hard I pray
that this moment lasts forever.
And will the world stay standing still at least for me.
Through my eyes stare into me.
I bear my heart for all to see.

Though seasons change and things come to pass,
remain inside of me.
And fighting time so hard I pray
that this moment lasts forever.
And will the world stay standing still at least for me.

I had no faith before that day in any vow or deed.
Days followed days and years were meaningless.
Despite the wisdom of defeat
I bore my heart for all to see the wonders I'd seen.

-Sunnuntai 15.06.2008 23:20

~Varo liittymästä heihin, jotka usko eivät enää mihinkään.~

Be careful not to join them, those who do not believe in anything anymore.


-Torstai 12.06.2008 21:37

And I swear to you that I could never feed you pain, but you're staring at me like I'm driving the nails!!!!!

<3Keskiviikko 11.06.2008 05:10

-Perjantai 30.05.2008 06:19

Kirjoita se hiekkaan
hiekka pitää sanansa
kirjoita se virtaan
vesi matkaa kotiinsa
kirjoita se ilmaan
linnut nousevat siivilleen
kirjoita se muistoihin
ne haarautuu kuin tie

Kisses from WillyKeskiviikko 14.05.2008 05:16

Rainbow-chocolate, hahaha!

Yay!Maanantai 12.05.2008 21:48

Today is a very special day for me, it's a year since I first visited Finland! *does a happy dance*.
I remember really clearly the feeling of nervousness and excitement that I felt when my plane was landing into Helsinki-Vantaa airport, the sun was setting over the trees that line the run-way and the whole place looked really magical, my eyes filled with tears. I was really scared, was I gonna like this place that i'd dreamed about for years? I stepped off the plane and took a deep breath of clean Finnish air, the scenery around me looked stunning and the sunset streaked the sky with red and orange. My heart skipped a beat, I knew this was home.
I listened to the other passengers chatting in Finnish and tried to pick up what they were saying and unlike people returning to England, these people were happy to be home :-P.

Arriving into the terminal building, it struck me how cute the airport is and what a nice organized atmosphere there was. I waited nervously for my suitcase and walked through passport control, on my arrival I saw my wonderful friends waiting for me, there was; Taru, Laura, and Ria plus Tero and Jammu too. I was so happy that they had come to see me and it was all really crazy :-D. I remember saying something to Taru like "Look at your tummy! How did that happen?! :-O" (as she was at that point 8 months pregnant with little Aksu).

Laura drove us to Taru's place in Korso and I was so excited to see what Finland looked like, everything was so beautiful to me. We all watched Eurovision (which was actually from Helsinki 'cos Lordi won in 2006, yay!!!!) and I was silly 'cos I was shouting stuff to the TV :-D. We eventually went to sleep at about 2am and I thought it was really cool that it was pretty light outside :-D.

Anyway, the trip didn't work out too great for me because I was feeling really ill a lot of the time but I had one fantastic day with Taru: we got the train to Helsinki and went on the boat to Korkeasaari, which was really cool and fun 'cos I loved seeing all the animals and we were laughing at them and saying some of them were gay 'cos they wouldn't look at us :-D. Taru made a Lynx wake up by hitting the glass and it looked at us like "What the fuck do you want? :-S" and it was funny :-D. After we had walked around everywhere in the Zoo we walked around Helsinki for a while and that was fun too. We also hung out with Satu, Joonas, and Otto which was super cool too :-).

But yeah, even though it didn't work out perfectly I still had a great time and that trip made me realise that Finland is where I belong and also allowed me to feel more confident in re-visiting. So, a year on, I wanna say a huge thank you to Taru for looking after me, being generally awesome, and making me have a great time. And thanks also go to Laura and Ria for being awesome.

Well, that was all very gay but they do call me Supergay for a reason ;-).

-Tiistai 29.04.2008 05:22

I wish :-D.

-Sunnuntai 27.04.2008 08:27

Leaving town I found a flower that I could deserve
Someone moves and someone's bound to get their feelings hurt
I'm loving you, you're out of range
Wanted you you're out of range.

I don't want too much more than
Than to be reborn
In the morning
Reborn so I can feel you

Skies of ecstacy we're breaking well I do believe
The tears of God were falling down upon my swollen cheeks
Loving you, you're out of range
Wanted you, you're out of range

I know it hurts when it's taken away
I tell you that I could be living
Today with you

Reborn so I can feel you.

:-DTiistai 22.04.2008 07:00