
Sea of whispersKeskiviikko 03.03.2010 21:16

When the last angel's falling above the crimson sea,
By the sun's final rising, I don't even see

How the silent tears are flowing from the reaper's eyes,
As the frost is calling for young harvest to the night,
He's crying for my heart... He's mourning for my soul.... I'm all alone

Every time I hurt myself, I somehow still survived,
Every time my dreams were killed, but they always came back alive

Tears frozen on my cheek while roaming through the time,
And the whispers calling for my harvest through the night,
I'm crying with the wind... I'm crying for my life... I'll die alone

Hear the whispered dreams of the fallen...

I'll rest alone...

Hear the whispered dreams of the fallen...

Tears frozen on my cheek while roaming through the night,
And the whispers calling for my harvest to the night,
I'm crying with the wind... I'm crying for my dreams... I'll die alone

Hear the whispered dreams of the fallen...

I'll die alone...

Hear the whispered dreams of the fallen...

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 02.03.2010 00:25

You say that u don't care 'bout the way people look, the only thing that matters is the inside, but what if the inside is pure gold, but u don't want to look for it, 'cause it's hidden under
something not-so-good-looking?
You're just wasting billions...
I've told you about my wishes,
I've told you about my dreams,
you were able to make 'em real,
but you couldn't care enough.
Now as I'm sitting here in the dark,
I realise what I lost, it hurts,
first you were almost nothing,
now there's nothing else than you.
You changed it yourself now you're
changing my everything to nothing,
leaving me only tears. I hope you to
realise someday, that you lost something,
that would prove you wanted to be with me.
But when you realise it, it's too late...
You already killed me mentally.

Saaralt :pKeskiviikko 10.02.2010 22:53

1. Ensimmäinen sana, joka minusta tulee mieleen.
2. Väri, joka minua muistuttaa.
3. Kappale, joka muistuttaa minusta.
4. Millainen ruoka olisin?
5. Millainen ihmistyyppi minulle sopii parhaiten?
6. Mikä minussa on parasta?
7. Mikä minussa tekee Sinut hulluksi?
8. Jos eläisin vuoden autiolla saarella, miten luulet, että selviytyisin?
9. Mitkä kuvittelet olevan viimeiset sanani?
10. Mitä mieltä olet luonteestani?
11. Mikä yhdistää meitä?/Mikä on meidän juttu?
12. Olemmeko koskaan riidelleet, miksi?
13. Luotatko minuun?
14. Mitä haluaisit tehdä kanssani?
15. Mitä haluaisit sanoa minulle?
16. Mikä on paras yhteinen muistomme?
17. Huonoin puoli minussa?
18. Kopiothan tämän itsellesi, että pääsen kostamaan.

asd...Keskiviikko 27.01.2010 00:06

Lies lies lies... Just hate this shit, lies are everywhere I go, they're like my shadow. Follows everywhere, it's loyal, can't get loose of it and in some unhappy places, there's nothing else than lies, and shadows. I lay there inside them, waiting, that I could get loose from all of it, then it happens, everything turns pale white. I've come there, heaven, you brought me, thank you...
I already thought, that I really ment something, to someone dear, it was either a dream, or fantasy, now it's turning out to be a nightmare. Please, wake me up, tell me it isn't real, let me have it, your love... that's all I'm asking.

wnb poem...Maanantai 28.12.2009 01:47

Every night, when I go in my bed, I wish I could hear someone whispering good night. Every night as I lay in my bed, I wish, someone would hug me, and whisper to my ear "I love you."

And every morning I wake, I realise, that you're just a whisper in a boy's mind;
you're perfect.

Viisaus HynyseltäPerjantai 11.12.2009 22:51

"Pillu pyörittää maailmaa, mutta naiselle sekään ei riitä"

-Keskiviikko 02.12.2009 22:56

By my burning cradle
The lullaby of death was sung by dark angels
The daughters of flame

She slept under my wing
A cold embrace
Death's loyal servant now filled with pain
Forever haunted by her angelic face

I ate that f*cking steak!!Perjantai 31.07.2009 01:33

KANSANTERVEYSLAITOKSEN TIEDOTE 1.9.2006: "Kansanterveyslaitoksen tietoon on saatettu, että terveydelle vaarallista Harmagedon-pihviä (tuotenro 0-0010236) on Harmagedonbrothers-kerhon toimesta syöty kaikkiaan 92 kappaletta (20,24 kg). Sanotun klubin toiminta on asetettu kansanterveyslaitoksen erityistarkkailuun erityisten terveyshaittojen vuoksi."