


"I still aishiteru for you"

BoohooKeskiviikko 03.06.2009 20:46

i'm all stressed out! and i still have to babysit but TG only for like 3 hours.. i really dont have the strength today.. =__=

BTW i love you Li, the thing u said really made me happy. i didnt think anyone would do anything like that to me <33

That was it!Keskiviikko 27.05.2009 15:56

Yesterday was the last FORK show for this season. It has been a great time working in svenskis, and i will miss them. but in September we'll be there again. :D
They all we're really nice, even if Jontte wasn't as lovable as he was on stage<3 lol ( it felt like he wasn't rlly found of us lololol) "Omat Viinat"
Fun fun fun fork! :D

Oh that show! So many people came and told us that it was AMAZING, and they all we're so deeply moved.. it was funny to listen! :) And every day we were so eager to come back!

The CD was a little lamer than i thought tough. i mean the "music/instruments" didn't sound so much. (maybe cus i've seen them live lol) And my favorite sound wasn't in the CD -sob sob-, but it's still cool! :DD and will bring back memories! :>

Lol i will even miss THAT GOD DAMN house Svenska Teatern. so many time that i got lost there and ran in to walls and lockers. (so much for "diskret smygande förbi för att inte störa" lol.) now that i'm getting used to the "labyrinth" i can't run there anymore!

The 2 last days will stay in my heart haha!<3


i'm coool! B) (lololol)Maanantai 25.05.2009 17:31

de är jag;
[x] Har ett smeknamn
[x] Är blyg
[x] Kan lyssna på samma låt flera timmar
[ ] Kan spara pengar länge
[/] Har alltid haft en vän
[/] Har gått på simskola
[ ] Har bra ordning på mina grejjer .
[ ] Jag har haft massa tejp i mitt hår
[x] Kan gråta till film / musik
[x] Har blivit sviken av någon
[x] Har dissat någon
[ ] Gillar att sporta
totalt: 7

[ ] Jag har långt hår
[ ] Jag använder smink
[x] Har färgat håret fler än 2 gånger
[x] tycker att jag är ful
[ ] Är lång
[ ] Jag bär alltid mode
[x] Har bland färg på ögonen
[ ] Har Paris Hilton eller någon liknande som förebild
[x] Jag har färgat hår just nu
[ ] Jag har min vanliga hårfärg just nu.
totalt: 4

[/] varit kär
[x] haft känslor för någon som inte känt samma sak
[x] pussat någon av samma kön
[x] hånglat med en främling.
[ ] haft sex med en främling
[x] älskar eller saknar någon just nu
[ ] tittat på solnedgången tillsammans med någon jag bryr mig om
[x] blivit tillsagd av en främling att jag är het
[ ] hånglat med minst 5 pers på en kväll
[ ] varit otrogen
totalt: 5 1/2

[x] Jag har mobil
[ ] Kan numret till fler än 10 pers i huvet
[/] Kan sjunga när andra lyssnar.
[x] Gillar att kolla på TV
[ ] Tar droger
[x] Dansat på mitt rum
[x] Varit på begravning
[x] Hoppat från en brygga
[x] Döpt en insekt jag hittat
[x] Rullat ner från en pulkabacke
totalt: 7 1/2

dina poäng; 24

0 - 16 - du är tönt
16 - 22 - du är normal
22 - 34 - du är cool
35 -38 - du är en idol för många

I'm a horrible person...Torstai 21.05.2009 20:25

... i stayed at 16..? o_O .____.Tiistai 28.04.2009 11:38

[/] You know how to make a pot of coffee
[ ] You keep track of dates using a calendar
[x] You own a credit card
[ ] You know how to change the oil in a car
[x] You've done your own laundry
[x] You can vote in an election
[/] You can cook for yourself
[ ] You think politics are interesting


[x] You show up for school late a lot
[ ] You always carry a pen/pencil in your bag/purse/pocket
[ ] You've never gotten a detention
[x] You have forgotten your own birthday
[/] You like to take walks by yourself
[ ] You know what credibility means, without looking it up
[x] You drink caffeine at least once a week


[x] You know how to do the dishes
[x] You can count to 10 in another language
[/] When you say you're going to do something you do it
[ ] You can mow the lawn
[ ] You study even when you don't have to
[/] You have hand washed a car before


[/] You can spell experience, without looking it up
[ ] The people at Starbucks know you by name
[/] Your favorite kind of food is take out
[ ] You can go to the store without getting something you don't need (what? o_O)
[ ] You understand political jokes the first time they are said
[/] You can type pretty quick


[ ] Your only friends are from your place of employment
[x] You have been to a Tupperware party
[/] You have realized that practically no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job
[ ] You have more bills than you can pay
[x] You have been to the beach
[x] You use the internet every day
[/] You have been outside of Europe 3 or more times (same place)
[ ] You make your bed in the morning


sEXHIBITION, b-day, feverMaanantai 27.04.2009 16:15

This Weekend was interesting ... i liked it! 8D

we went to sEXHIBITION on saturday day.. i wish we could have stayed longer but it was fun! i bought this yummy massage oil.. O_o
oh btw the koskenkorva bartender was cool! 8)

then on the evening we went out dancing, i mean it was Matilda b-day... and fever was ok.. for once o_O : D
I almost got a new friend! :DD but i dont know her name.. ._.
and matilda had some 'friends' too.. )_) XDDD lol
oh eeew yuk there was a dude that took his dick out on the dancefloor! ToT

sunday was sunny~ i didnt have much of a hangover! : D so we went to the store(happy again) and then we walked around in hakanieomi sörnäinen kallio sörnäinen hakaniemi again kallio and sörnäinen again! : D lol the one street! XD So matilda got hungry and we went for some pizza (HUUGE ASS PIZZA!) ... : >

now i just have to prepare myself for "vappu" lol ? xD

Mitt avskedsbrevSunnuntai 12.04.2009 00:51

Ta fram din mobil tryck neråt och släpp,
byt ut namnen i berättelsen mot namnen i din telefonlista.

Fuska inte!

Kära Jennn. För det första vill jag säga att Mari är den bästa vän jag haft, och att Oscaa är helt dum i huvet.

Mina sista önskningar är att SIV och Anders gebala gifter sig och skaffar barn tillsammans, och att Hali får ett lyckligt liv tillsammans med Jennn. Jag vill säga tack till Micko för att ha stöttat mig igenom mitt gräl med pappa norge. Du är verkligen underbar.

Mitt liv har bara gått utför sedan Sussi (brusa) tog sitt liv.

Snälla Jakob, sörj mig inte! Du kommer ändå att dö. Jag gick till en framtidsskådare och hon såg att du kommer röka braj med Mamma jobb och sedan vandra ut på vägen och bli överkörd av Acke som kommer i 130 km/h på en trehjuling.

Jag vill också meddela mitt hat mot Janne (lärare), eftersom han varit otrogen mot min käraste Beata. Jag vet att Jenny 07b kommer göra ditt liv plågsamt för lång tid framöver.

Mitt sista och största tack går till Linda för att du alltid varit mitt livs kärlek, tyvärr kommer du att bli falafeltjuv tillsammans med pepi och den mest trögtänkta människan som existerat, nämligen Sören hitis.

(blah got boring, dont even know many of those ppl)
Came home from Russia today! i bought some sweet-ass things! <3

i guess i am invisibleTiistai 24.03.2009 00:12

i got an icicle on my head today! o:
and saw some super nice shoes (on a super nice body) BLING BLING!
my butterflies went flying! xD
but i noticed something that i think made me happy for a bit. : >

oh yeah, HEY almost cute PERSON! do we seem amusing to you?? hmm? was there something funny with us?
or was the bus ride just so boring?

Mood: hopelessMaanantai 16.03.2009 14:22

Weei! got my 15 min headmassage today~ thankies Cessi!! <3
And my hair feels fluffy! :>
i cant really seem to get my head where it belongs.. =o=

i have to continue to draw the ugly flash thing.. .__.

i just cant get the thought of hopeless out of my mind.. i really am a coward...


enivei.. saw the movie again that MADE my bunny fear start... old traumas came back! ToT -sob sob- sometimes i actually feel like i want someone to snuggle with.. have to trow away that feeling..!! Dx