

- Vanhemmat »

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 23.10.2008 03:22

Pläh... :(

plähKeskiviikko 22.10.2008 14:57

pitäs kohta mennä varmaan pukemaan... ja tekee yhtä kouluhommaa... ja siivoomaan...

System of a Down-Virgin TeaPerjantai 10.10.2008 21:45

I don't know why she called
but it was her strange way
of tellin me bout her

she told me that she was the one
and then everything was done
and then I looked around
what did I see?

she told me that she was the one
and then everything was done
and then I looked around
what did I see?

Well I fucked her
Right underneath the tree
and I can't believe that I took her viginity
virginity x 2

and then I just woke up
what a strange nightmare
my eyes couldn't focus
was it her?
was it a friend or foe?
I didn't want to know
but as I turned around
what did I see?

Well I fucked her
Right underneath the tree
and I can't believe that I took her virginity
virginity x 2

virgin tea x 4

won't you buy some virgin tea? x 4

Well I fucked her
Right underneath the tree
and I can't believe that I took her virginity
virginity x 2

and then I just woke up
what a strange nightmare
my eyes couldn't focus
was it her...?
- Vanhemmat »