
AriesMaanantai 16.02.2009 19:47

The astrology sex profile of Aries indicates Aries is on fire in bed. Kinky is Aries middle name in bed as they are not afraid to try anything once, however unusual. In addition there is no guessing what sexual Aries likes in bed, as they will tell their partner straight out. Aries in bed are very enthusiastic and explosive. They love to stoke the fire until they go off like a firecracker. They also love partners who boost their ego in bed. So be prepared to offer lots of compliments about Aries sexual technique. And Aries love compliments about their body too. The problem with Aries as a sexual partner is they can get bored very quickly. They need a partner who is continuously bringing new and exciting elements to the bedroom. To keep an Aries sexually entertained try sexual role-playing or some new sex toys. Aries may be too much for some signs and just right for others. For example, Capricorn, who prefers a little restraint in the bedroom, might be turned off by Aries adventurous nature. Scorpio however will easily keep up with Aries sex. If you are an Aries then to look to a Pisces for some real sexual experimentation as they are full of eroticism. Or, if Aries truly believes variety is the spice of life than look to an Aquarius for new techniques and toys. Aries Virgo love will probably not work as the Virgo is not very emotional in bed and can be rather cold.

<3Sunnuntai 15.02.2009 22:32

Stripped of all make up, no need for fancy clothes
No cover ups, push ups
With him, I dont have to put on a show
He loves every freckle, every curve, every inch of my skin
Fulfilling me entirely, taking all of me in
Hes real,hes honest, hes loving me for me

ARGHLauantai 14.02.2009 01:05

ahistais ehkä hiukan..
pitäs muistaa vaikka mitä
pitäs miettiä ja ajatella vaikka mitä
pitäs tehä vaikka mitä

aikaki menee niin hiton nopeesti, sunnuntaina enää kuukaus Espanjan matkaan..
muutto kans pitäs tapahtuu täs kaiken ohees
pitäs maalata hitosti töitä; mustavalko, omakuvat (3 kpl), asetelma, harmaamaalaus, ikkuna ja kaks mallimaalausta... :S kaikki kesken..

sit pitäs tehä kaikkii koulun ulkopuolisii hommia, pitäs opetella olla jättämättä kaikkee viimetinkaan...

AI, nyt taas muistu yks hoidettava asia !


Voisko joku pysäyttää ajan?

Tai antaa lisää aikaa..

juuhuhuhaheiMaanantai 09.02.2009 12:07

menetin totallisesti hermot koko espanjan opiskeluun. Huusin ja kiroilin minkä kerkisin, potkin seiniä ja itkin melkein.. ottaa hiukan koville toi koko homma... en ymmärrä et miks se OPETTAJA ei voi osata enkkua, SE ON OPETTAJA JOKA ON KASAINVÄLISESSÄ TOIMINNASSA MUKANA !! SIIS EN KESTÄ !!

Explode<3Torstai 05.02.2009 22:33

I wanna explode
Watch me, I'm a lucky girl
See I, I like you
So won't you pay
if you wanna go down

I love to watch you, honey
You need me so let's see
What do you care, if you want to
You should pay if you wanna go

Don't walk away
Don't walk away love
Don't walk away
Don't walk away love

I wanna touch you, slowly
I'm a lonely girl
Come on you want to
So won't you pay
if you want to go

I'd love to hurt you, easy
I've got you, inside me
What do you care, if you want to
You should pay
if you wanna go

Don't walk away
Don't walk away love
Don't walk away
Just stay right here

<3Keskiviikko 28.01.2009 23:43

oon iha sekasin<3 kihihihiihii
Mulle sopivin ammatti:

Rumat ne vaatteilla koreilee. Taipuisuutesi on huippuluokkaa.

Jes, tiesin et mulla joku tarkotus on <3

Tykkäämme keskustella henkeviä<3Sunnuntai 25.01.2009 15:35

Janina sanoo:

<Teja> sanoo:

Janina sanoo:

<Teja> sanoo:

<Teja> sanoo:
hitto meil on hyvät jutut<3

Janina sanoo:
:D meillä vai?

<Teja> sanoo:
jeah :D

Janina sanoo:
todellaki, aah<3
Bloodhound Gang-The Bad touch

"Do it now
You and me baby aint nothin but mammals
So lets do it like they do on the discovery channel
Do it again now
You and me baby aint nothin but mammals
So lets do it like they do on the discovery channel
Gettin horny now"