


Loveless start ~ Loveless end.

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 11.06.2012 18:16


Problem solved

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 10.06.2012 04:18

I hate politicians
I talk like one myself
I hate politics, but think it useful
I make no sense with my speeches unless repeated twice
Remaining as neutral as possible
I leave my thoughts gray

BeastPerjantai 01.06.2012 03:49

Something I can only calm
Something I can't keep quiet
Something I can't fully control

Inside my head it slumbers
Inside my head it roams
Inside my head the beast awaits

It's turn to kill
It's turn to test
It's turn to reap

Something I can only calm
Something I can't keep quiet
Something I can't fully control

It is my greatest ally
It is my greatest enemy
It is my balance
It keeps me sane
It keeps me crazy

The beast kills the good
The beast kills the bad
The beast is all grey

It is nothing and that nothing is all

^(c) Evilmuffinsz

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 31.05.2012 14:03

"Doctors treat a man that has flied through a windshield. Seat belt is there to prevent that. I don't want to be healing wounds. I want to prevent them."

Big BangKeskiviikko 23.05.2012 15:27

Inspired by ingame friend's comment, leading to a conversation with my luv.

"I started as small spermatozoon, I found an egg and dug my way in. I started multiplying to a small human being. I saw the light and here I am."

So when someone dies and sees the light, if you go towards it you are reborn. If you refuse, you get to void. What if we are all actually living in loop de loop. That's why some of us may see "deja vu" things. Or dreams of future. Does one find salvation when s/he corrects a fault.
Does one just cease to see through that body's eyes. Feel its heartbeat. Feeling the touch around it.

And the other thing I felt.
Big bang. It is said that if you totally freeze an atom it explodes producing massive amount of energy. What if previous "mankin" managed to do that in portable scale, causing a war that caused a chain reaction making atoms explode. Producing a black hole(s) and the black hole(s) exploded from all that energy. Spreading all the mass it(they) had absorbed. Creating this realm.
All previous DNA, bacteria, single cells survived in the mass. Making it possible for powerful lighting storms reanimate them with water.

Too much thinking. 2 hour trip home, city, energy drink and me = nuclear blast.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 23.05.2012 10:56

Tämä suo on sanoista tehty
vuodet voidelleet
Jos ei osaa anteeksi antaa
kuolee paikoilleen
Olen koittanut räpiköidä
olla kuin ennen
Mutta jatkuu sateinen päivä
hukun kuitenkin

Joku kuiskasi mulle lähde
Äänet päässä huutavat mene jo
ennen kuin näät jokaisen uponneen

Miksi mieli on ikuinen linnansa vanki
kääntelee kuvia kuin huvittaa
Ja pahuutta nähdä voi missä vain tahtoo
Rumuus ei rumalta tuu loppumaan
Jokaisen varjeltava on omaansa
käännyn kun vielä en katkera oo
Kun vihassa vaanii se pohjaton ansa
juoksen kun vielä en vajonnut oo

Tämä suo on hämärän koti
henget tuijottaa
Jos en tahdo jalkaani kastaa
kuka pakottaa?
Olen nähnyt peilini muuttuu
kuva vääristyy
Enkä ymmärrä tarkoitusta
Mikä on kaiken syy?

Joku kuiskasi mulle lähde
Äänet päässä huutavat mene jo
ennen kuin näät jokaisen uponneen

Miksi mieli on ikuinen linnansa vanki
kääntelee kuvia kuin huvittaa
Ja pahuutta nähdä voi missä vain tahtoo
Rumuus ei rumalta tuu loppumaan
Jokaisen varjeltava on omaansa
käännyn kun vielä en katkera oo
Kun vihassa vaanii se pohjaton ansa
juoksen kun vielä en vajonnut oo

Joku kuiskasi mulle lähde
Äänet päässä huutavat mene jo
ennen kuin näät jokaisen uponneen

Miksi mieli on ikuinen linnansa vanki
kääntelee kuvia kuin huvittaa
Ja pahuutta nähdä voi missä vain tahtoo
Rumuus ei rumalta tuu loppumaan
Jokaisen varjeltava on omaansa
käännyn kun vielä en katkera oo
Kun vihassa vaanii se pohjaton ansa
juoksen kun vielä en vajonnut oo

21.5.2012Maanantai 21.05.2012 23:50

Tänään ei halutulle ohjelmalle joka asenti itsensä vaikka otin pois kaikki valinnat ettei vaan asenna itteää. Ja muutama henkilökin vaivaa päätä.

Mutta loppujen lopuksi

EmbraceMaanantai 21.05.2012 15:11

Tell me goddess'
When everything was already so clear
Why did fear come
It's like a ghost
Frightens you when you least want it
When you least expect it
Stop toying around with a confused soul

Any way you show me all I can do is
Embrace the thought
All I get are only
Mere glimpses of future
You hold all the keys
I can see all behind the door

If it's a demon you're fighting against
Strike it down in one cut
For after that
We can all recover

StillMaanantai 21.05.2012 04:07

How come it feels like everything has stopped
Time frozen again
I can't hear the sound
Sound of my life echoing from music I listen
Have I lost the track?
Is it all coming to an end?
I wish things would move forward again
But it's all still

I had a dream
Where I was told
"Skeletal man just gave the yellow card"
Everything went black
A skeleton hand popped from side to my face
Giving me the yellow card
On its fingertips

I am

ChangeKeskiviikko 09.05.2012 02:21

Everyday I wake up unsure
of the tasks the day will bring
Yesterday's disappointments
keep reminding me.
Tomorrows surely coming
just as sure as the air I breathe
But I know I'll get through it
I have what I need...

I have so far to go
And only heaven knows

The sun keeps shining *Everything is bound to change*
And the wind keeps blowing
But the wide blue sky *Wide blue sky always the same*
It forever stays the same
I've been finding
that the choice it will make....

That the wide blue sky
that its never gonna change
*But I have so far to go*
*And only heaven knows*
*Yes I have so far to go*
*Heaven knows*

Not-ah one day goes by
Bring back my blue sky
On which I rely
Theres hope in the wide blue sky

*Wide blue sky*
*Blue skys given me so much hope*- Repeat 8x