


Loveless start ~ Loveless end.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 05.07.2012 16:02

Just nyt tänää just tahtois lähtee satamassa käymään, istumassa. Mutta ilman seuraa tai mitään muuta asiointi tarvetta. Ennnn mene... Mutta tahtoo. Kaikki kamelit muualla. Kaikki tutut impussubru. BAAAAAAAAAAAAAW!!! Mulukku päevå...

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 04.07.2012 23:20

I hope I'm dreaming, 'cause this can't be awake
I hope I'm dead, just for my sake
Who knew all this would come, from a dirty gun
Son of a bitch who thought he was a cowboy
The mad hatter bashing your face again
Look into his eyes to see where evil lives
Bullet through window, and down the rabbit hole
This is one fucked up fairy tale

Hey you! Black and blue,
Don't end up like Alice
Hey you! Black and blue,
Watch out, you'll end up like Alice

You'll get what's coming, you and your children
The wicked witch has OD'ed on pills again
And the Dragon, lights up a cigarette
He's blowing smoke right into your face again
It's off with her head, her snakes are seething
The big bad wolf is rabid and teething
Bullet through window, and down the rabbit hole
This is one fucked up fairy tale


Little pig, little pig
Put her down
She's slapped around, choked and drowned


~Got me wondering... Everything has always turned from heaven to hell...~

Cold FusionKeskiviikko 04.07.2012 20:28

Nothing expresses my feelings better at the moment. Just a pure cold fusion. The realization. Don't get me wrong history. Figure 0.9
I took everything and made it a part of me. Memorized.

RecognizeKeskiviikko 04.07.2012 19:19

When it hits it hits

I've been traveling for so long
So lost till I stumbled upon
Two roads in front of me
I had to take my time

To the right I could see a church
I took a step in that direction first
But to the left there was a watering hole
Where they were whiskey drunk
And now that's where I wanna pray
The fun down here goes on and on

If I was perfect
Then this would be easy
Either road's plausible
On both I could drown
I walk through the center
With no rules to guide me
I realize it's difficult
But now I can see

There's gotta be another way to go
A way that's much more feasible
A combination of all these lives
A central path without choosing a side

I make decisions one at a time
And no I never say I'm always right
I'm confident that when I stand on my own
You'll see the truest form of a man
When I'm shining through
So far down here, just holding on

If I was perfect
Then this would be easy
Either road's plausible
On both I could drown
I walk through the center
With no rules to guide me
I realize it's difficult
But now I can see

Oh, I hear them now
All the religious right
(Anger I See)
(Anger I See)
(Anger I See, Now)

The left isn't better
It's just more of the same
Condemning all these people
For what they believe

I climb to the top of that mountain again
No one is going to save me this way
And the closer to the top I get
The more they can gain
But I'm not you

I may not be perfect
But I've always been true
I may not be worthy in your eyes
Climb up from the bottom
For the last time
The last one the last one
The last time

If I was perfect
Then this would be easy
Either road's plausible
On both I could drown
I walk through the center
With no rules to guide me
I realize it's difficult
But now I can see, yeah

It just hits. I know what I want now clearly myself... And the pieces. I realized. I compare the stories... I see the same. Why wasn't I there earlier. I can't... This mockery from goddess' is... Pretty damn annoying. Now that I see. They were but they were dethroned. Histories match. If I only would've been there earlier. But that just isn't possible for I didn't even know them before the days I've met them. I'm an ancient soul. I'm too slow. Or is it just really mockery from up above. Are they having a blast now that I saw it. Where the connection lies. Where the "almost" comes from. Or are you crying with me for you watched what they were not what they came to be? The hell should I know.

I never asked for a crown myself. I only asked for a sword and armor. I asked the right to question not decide. What is this, Faith? Fortuna? Destiny? Please. I'm tired... Even a pawn needs something back. Even jester needs a holiday...
Happiness... Seems like it never was close... Well there's someone for everyone right? When all the pieces from the shattered images form a whole new image... Kinda relieved... But also more sad. I never was close to anything. Well now that everything is clear... Chase the dream again. Aaaaah this hurts and heals at the same time..! I wasn't near my dream at all in my life.

Life... All I want to say to you dear life. **** **** *** ************ ******* ********* *** ****** ******* you...

~Queen... Wisdom... Sorceress... Control... Question... Hear...~

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 04.07.2012 13:20

Just nyt ois superhieno ilma ulkona... Mut ei syytä tai seuraa olla ulkona...

Nnnnoh... Onneks 2 kaverii laulelee kohta "Ohi on".

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 04.07.2012 06:53

Born outdated

Like a failed prototype



Abandoned project


Scars of rejection

Over exceeding

Reason fear

Missing the capable handler

To melt it away

To place it on display



~You're analog trash in this digital world~

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 04.07.2012 06:37

All the pain taken
All the cracks opening
0 is the number
Recognized being nothing

I wonder what keeps me going on
I see nothing I've given up hope
Yet I'm curious about tomorrow
That's all I know
It's a chance of 1 in a 1 000 000
I wonder what keeps me going on
I see nothing I've given up hope
Yet I'm curious about tomorrow

Shrouded in darkness just to attain cover
But the blanket turned against it's master
Swallowing it whole

Only glints of light may be seen
So it is still there
Suffocating from the darkness around it
Said to have done good
Now it needs assistance itself

I wonder what keeps me going on
I see nothing I've given up hope
Yet I'm curious about tomorrow
That's all I know
It's a chance of 1 in a 1 000 000
I wonder what keeps me going on
I see nothing I've given up hope
Yet I'm curious about tomorrow

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 04.07.2012 01:31

Mie: "Tää Russchimehukatti on yllättävän hyvää..."
Äiti: "JUMALAUTA sinnekkö miu tonicit katoaa?!"
Mie: "Ilmeisesti."
Äiti: "Täähän on melkein alkoholilantringin väärinkäyttöä!"
Mie: "Olen hirveä, hankaloitan äitini alkoholin nauttimisia."
Äiti: "Niin oot, mitä mie kavereille pääsen itkemää, miu poika juo miu lantrinki juomat!"

Mut sit ku se lämpenee tai väljähtää yhtää... Blergh...

HeirloomLauantai 30.06.2012 19:26

3 years since I last used my dad's scythe
This time I used it... It felt more light than ever.
It was as sharp as if my dad would've sharpened it yesterday.
As the scythe felt light.
Heavy felt my heart wielding it.

Pe29.06.2012Perjantai 29.06.2012 04:49

Sitten kun miettii kaikessa säikkyydessä loppujen lopuksi.
Ehkä sitä oikeesti voi merkata jollekki tosi paljon.
Palautti maan pinnalle.
Maan alta...

Kun jollekki persialaiselle nirppanokka ruttuturvpalle kelpaat.
Vaikka kui hirviönä ittesä näkee loppujen lopuks.
Sano kuka ikinä mitä sanokaa.

Se tulee sillon tällön aina joku ilta ja käy tyytyväisenä pienen rapsutuksen jälkee käden päälle makaamaa.
Siinä se aamulla vieressä on, kylessä.

Tyhmä kissa.
Avaa silmät.
Aika pieni asia voi avata silmät.
Ehkä sitä voikin tarkoittaa jollekkulle jotain niin paljon.
Ettei ole mitään väliä millasena ittes näät.

Tulipa haikee olo.
Kaipa sitä voi pitkästä aikaa käyä hyvillä mielin nukkumaa...

Niin joo perjantai..!

I got Johnny Depp
I got Johnny Depp
I got Johnny Depp
Hanky panky friday