Tämä sivu käyttää evästeitä palveluiden toimittamisessa, mainosten personoinnissa ja liikenteen analysoinnissa. Käyttämällä sivustoa hyväksyt evästeiden käytön. Lisätietoja




Loveless start ~ Loveless end.

Psychic SuicideMaanantai 16.07.2012 01:08

All of my plans have failed
Nothing goes 100%
Everything succeeds 40%
Or then backup plan succeeds 70%
It doesn't seem to exist
Half of the walls fall
Where's the other half
Where's the white
Where's the black
I lost the track of it

Maybe I'm just counting too much on the goddess'
Well I'll continue
Someone important once said you have to hold on to your beliefs
That someone meant almost the world to me
That's what I'll continue to do
It has to be worth all this

JapanimeLauantai 14.07.2012 17:04









[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 13.07.2012 23:34

Hot summer streets and the pavements are burning
I sit around
Trying to smile, but the air is so heavy and dry
Strange voices are saying (ah, what did they say?)
Things I can't understand
It's too close for comfort, this heat has got
Right out of hand

It's a cruel, (cruel) cruel summer
Leaving me here on my own
It's a cruel, (it's a cruel) cruel summer
Now you're gone
You're not the only one
It's a cruel

The city is crowded, my friends are away and I'm on my own
It's too hot to handle, so I gotta get up and go, and go

It's a cruel, (cruel) cruel summer
Leaving me here on my own
It's a cruel, (it's a cruel) cruel summer
Now you're gone
You're not the only one

It's a cruel, cruel summer (leaving me)
Leaving me here on my own
It's a cruel, (it's a cruel) cruel summer
Now you're gone
You're not the only one

Now don't you leave me
Now don't you leave me
Well don't you leave me
Come on, come on

Now don't you leave me
Now don't you leave me
Well don't you leave me

Come on, come on

It's a cruel, cruel summer (leaving me)
Leaving me here on my own

It's a cruel, (it's a cruel) cruel summer
Now you're gone
You're not the only one

It's a cruel, cruel summer (leaving me)
Leaving me here on my own
It's a cruel, (it's a cruel) cruel summer
Now you're gone
You're not the only one

It's a cruel, cruel summer
It's a cruel, (it's a cruel) cruel summer

It's a cruel, cruel summer
It's a cruel, (it's a cruel) cruel summer

It's a cruel summer

ShadowPerjantai 13.07.2012 19:02

Who are you sorceress
I only see shadows walking alongside me
Where are you sorceress
I don't recognize the location
When is the time we meet
I'm unable to hold the memory

I see our lives entangled
I see us walking
I can't see your face
I can't see your colors
I hear us talking
I hear us laughing

When is the time we meet
I'm unable to hold the memory
Where are you sorceress
I don't recognize the location
Who are you sorceress
For it is only a shadow I see walking alongside me

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 13.07.2012 01:11

Tahtois jo Lahtee. Rauhottusin. Bleragabjghhh. eMotion sickness. Mwahum.
Järkevää sanottavaa ei ole.
Tosin voinha mie jo Lahtee mennä. Roskiksee asumaa tälle väliajalle. Jhoo. Hyvä ideä. THööt.
Kuolinpesä, vielä se kurkkii stna...

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 10.07.2012 19:42

Lahteen tie tämän pojan vie
Epic, epic, epic, epic E-P-I-C EPIC. Yay.
Lähteehä tää elämä johoki suuntaa *faceroll**barrelroll**manic laugh**omfgbbq*

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 09.07.2012 15:25

Tuulinen, wannabe myrsky päivä. Lihapiirakat loppu...
Numero soitti, tutun näkönen numero oli, mutta ei vissiin tärkeää asiaa. Puhelimesta puuttuu varmasti vieläkin puolet kun vaihdoin puhelinta 2 kuukautta sitten. Osa oli SIM kortilla osa oli puhelimessa. Nyt olen muistanut kaikki numerot tallentaa SIM kortille.

DescriptionMaanantai 09.07.2012 10:22


I lie here paralytic
Inside this soul
Screaming for you 'til my throat is numb
I wanna break out I need a way out
I don't believe that it's gotta be this way
The worst is the waiting
In this womb I'm suffocating

Feel your presence filling up my lungs with oxygen
I take you in
I've died

Rebirthing now
I wanna live for love wanna live for you and me
Breathe for the first time now
I come alive somehow
Rebirthing now
I Wanna live my life wanna give you everything
Breathe for the first time now
I come alive somehow

I lie here lifeless
In this cocoon
Shedding my skin cause
I'm ready to

All above ze line ^ © D-oubleHelix

Describes my feelings, totally... Well... At least 99,99%

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 08.07.2012 23:51

Noniin nyt on heitelty, juostu ja kiivetty frisbeen perässä puolialasti. Heitin alakautta. Katoin kuinka nätisti liitää ekat 3 metriä. *SWOOSH* 10 metriä lisää korkeutta. Mäntyyn. V****...
No ensin Joonas kokeilee. Ottaa tukea puusta ja polkasee niin mun kädert lipes jalan alta, hää halaa puuta.
No seuraavaks mun vuoro alottaa kiipee oksaa pitkin ja sitten Joonas avittaa. Hyvin pääsi ekalle oksalle. Sitten ylöspäiiin. Ja siellä 8:ssa metrissä sitten *miauw* >_<'... Eikä tullu ekalla alas vaan tippui kaksi oksaa alaspäin. Ja sitten taas kaksi oksaa. Mutta sitten se olikin vaan hyppyä vaille.
Yay! *high five*

Pihkaa. Vahvaa luonnon omaa deodoranttia. Mmmmm.


[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 08.07.2012 18:15

Koska olen helvetin masokisti