


Loveless start ~ Loveless end.

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 20.10.2012 21:46

Wohoo voin syödä lihapiirakan ihan sormineni ja suineni. Ei oo enää leuka jumissa. Yaaaaaay ^^

"The next step for mankind will be the last season in sin"

I am the plague incoming
End of the line
I see the world uncoming
Vanished in the blink of an eye

You speak of warnings
Dead words on repeat
Here now -- gone tomorrow
Is it getting harder to breathe?

As it shall all come to pass
Rivers running dry
And the earth scorched into ash

Eternity might not be and I
I don't mind if the cities all fall
And the worlds will collide
I'd put the fuel to the fire tonight
That's right
No sorry
I can't wait
Hoping for a judgement day

Divide and break-outs to theories of fear.
I don't wanna live forever
Anyways but hey that's just me
Our days be numbered
And I'll heed that call
Here now -- dead tomorrow
So does it really matter at all?
As it shall all come to pass
Oceans subside under heavens hung in black

Eternity might not be and I
I don't mind
If the cities all fall
And the worlds will collide
I'd put the fuel to the fire tonight
That's right
No sorry
I can't wait
Hoping for a judgement day

I, I don't mind
If the cities all fall
And the worlds will collide
I'd put the fuel to the fire tonight
That's right
No sorry
I can't wait
Hoping for a judgement day, judgement day

End of the line
End of the line tonight
And I don't mind

~ It's funny how the voice in your head can transform to voice(s), you can find yourself laughing and the laugh is distorted. Next line is said by someone else. But no, in realité it is just you. Your own voice just bouncing the idea off different parts of your brain.
If I had "unique personal skill" like class in a game. I bet it would be "Lockdown". I'm unable to fall insane. I can't remain sick for more than 2 days. The problem is it makes all my decisions, all ideas, my moves, all stays in between the extremes.

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 19.10.2012 20:01

Hey olotilahan vastaa tätä ihan täydellisesti

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 17.10.2012 22:06

If you go, they'll say you're following
If you don't, then you're too good for them
If you smile, you must be ignorant
If you don't, what's your problem?
If you're down, so ungrateful
And if you're happy, why so selfish?
And, you can't win
No, you can't win, no

The one who doesn't quite fit in
Underdressed under your skin
Oh, a walking disaster
Everytime you try to fly
You end up falling out of line, oh
You can't can't win, no

If you're thin, poor little walking disease
If you're not, they're all screaming obese
If you're straight, why aren't you married yet?
If you're gay, why aren't you waving a flag?
If it's wrong, you're knowing it
If it's right, you'll always miss
You can't win, no
You can't win, no

The one who doesn't quite fit in
Underdressed under your skin
Oh, a walking disaster
Everytime you try to fly
You end up falling out of line, oh
You can't can't win, no

And you try, you try so hard
But it's written on your heart
And you play, you play the game
But you pay, you pay for it
You can't win, no
You can't win no

If you speak, you'll only piss 'em off
If you don't, you're another robot
If you stop, they'll just say you quit
If you don't, you might lose your shit
You can't win, no
You can't win, no
You can't win, nooo

The one who doesn't quite fit in
Underdressed under your skin
Oh, a walking disaster
Everytime you try to fly
You end up falling out of line, oh
You can't can't win, no

I can't win

The one who doesn't quite fit in
Underdressed under your skin
Oh, a walking disaster
Everytime you try to fly
You end up falling out of line, oh
You can't can't win, no

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 17.10.2012 08:15


~ It's gonna be like this, it's gonna be like that. That's how it should look like. This is how it should be. Nothing seems alright. Nothing has been like it should have turned out. Everything seems so useless. My existence has provided no fruit. I don't see a place someone else couldn't fill. I haven't seen myself being somewhere specially useful. Why am I even alive anymore...~

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 17.10.2012 00:12

The best case scenario dream
  • Got money more than trash
  • Used some of it by paying bloodline debts
  • Used half of it by sharing the half between bloodline and friends
  • Nobody cares what you do
  • Spend the days however you like
  • Drop dead to sleep anywhere anytime you like in your house

Jokeri tie... Niin mahollinen silti niin kaukana.

Vielä olis pari hommaa mitkä vois kattoo läpi enneku saa virallisesti masentua. Toki sittenhän olisi kotirouvan pesti aina, muttakun tässä on ongelma, että olen mies ja sehän ei ole miehille sallittu ei. Saatika tuskin sellaista naispuolista henkilöä edes löytyy joka tälläisen haluaisi. Meh... Kaikkee sitä aina löytää tilalle ku joku tie sulkeutuu. Sitten sitä taas valitaa yks ja tähätää päätteesee.

ValkyrieSunnuntai 14.10.2012 07:33

~The poison to end this misery I seek, the ingredients are a secret to me for the heights nor the sea feel like home to me. My quest is finished when this poison I find, or a Valkyrie descends from the sky and lowers her wings upon me to forge a weapon from this soul war ever seeking.~

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 13.10.2012 19:54

Voi jumalauta ku ei saa ees lihapiirakkaa syötyä ilman haarukkaa ja veistä T_T

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 13.10.2012 06:23

Inglorious Basterds, iz gud
Running With Scissors, mitä helvettiä mä just katoin
Ja se siitä yöstä sitten

HammaslääkäriPerjantai 12.10.2012 23:45

"Jooei, me ei tehä nyt mitää, tää menee radiologiaa"

*käy leuka röntgenissä*
*menee takaisin*

"Vai sellasta"
*sörkkii sörkkii sörkkii*
*tökkii piikeillä pistää aineita ien kudoksen alle*

"Määrään sulle kipulääkityksen ja antibiootit"

"Röntgenistä näkee et tän hampaan ja vielä viimeisenki viisauden hampaan pitäs tulla ihan ok. En ymmärrä miksi tämä on sitten näin kipeä. Enemmän olen huolissani tuosta toisen puolen hampaasta (miun eka viisauden hammas jonka tulos ei ollu mitää komplexeja), koska sehän on tullut ihan sivusuunnassa. Et sen poistoa harkitsisin vakavasti."

*röntgenist näki et hampaan kruunu osio on seiskan kylkee vaste*

BAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, MUTKU SEN TULOS EI OLLU MITÄÄ ONGELMIA, eikä se oon mitään koskaan aiheuttanukkaa...

Yhyy... Ku ei pysty ku nukkumaan, avaamaa suutakaa kunnolla ja satunnaisesti hörppimää keittoja...

~ Everytime I'm to open my mouth, goddess finds a way to seal it. It is as I am never to speak. Never to open my mind. I wish my genes would allow my quietness too. But if I'm quiet, would the love of my life ever find me... ~

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 11.10.2012 20:57

Helvetin kolmas viisauden hammas ku osaa tehä ilkeetä. Ien kudos nii kireellä ku se puskee kolostaa et "koskee". Jos ois unipillereitä nukkuisin vaan koko tän väliajan ku se tulee. Eikä se oo itseasias viisauden hammas vaan jokerihammas, hymyillessä ei tunnu mitää.

Ja tulin siihen lopputulokseen pilkku että "Etsin Seuraa" status on luotaantyöntävä. Aloitten tekeminen, on luontaantyöntävää jostain syystä. "Sinkkua" kyllä käyää kyyläämäs mutta siihen se jääkin. *sigh*
Deittipalvelut... WE HAVE A PUMA..! Ehkä pitäs ottaa vain hyvän ystäväni sanoista vaari ja vain odottaa yksinkertaisesti. "Älä turhaan etsi kyllä se joku sieltä jostain tupsahtaa kun odotat rauhassa."

Nyt tosin ymmärrän miks vauvat alkaa rääkyy keskellä yötä ku hampaat tekee tuloaa. Tää "kipu" on hyvin... kiusallista...