As in the bull that drives forward regardless the odds, strenght
Self righteousness
As in the lion that holds the pride from everything, strenght
Self righteousness
As in the eagle giving keen and deep sight, intellect
As in the snake holding backside security and venom, cunning
No matter how I deny it, no matter how I spin it around, no matter where I go, no matter the situation, it just is the aura I carry... It is the very thing that keeps me alive. The bull refuses to die... Lion takes pride in waking up to next sunrise. Snake grants immunity to poisons for its venom dominates over. The eagle sees the future and gives them all certainty about future. Maybe the only way is to be hit by a goddamn freight train.
Snake and bull can manage the life alone. Lion can wander around looking a pack for a time. The eagle however... Gets sad, desperate over time, like a bald eagle... For they seek a mate for life. They may get, suicidal, lose their will to live.
But lucky me (trying to sound sarcastic here). The snake can provide the bull and lion the pain they desire at times in order to remind why they're alive. Enraging these things. And as the time passes they cool down and are not so eager to fight all the time.
It is funny how you want everything to finish, but you're yourself's own worst enemy at everything. Unless all the 4 are pleased with the result.
No matter how humble and modest I live. No matter how eager I am to help someone I know. The pride, the arrogance. It just. Shines. And for that I get spit on. I hate my own kin and spit on them. I want to blend in, but I can't. Snake gave me ability to hide. So I kinda abuse it.
I hate myself and I don't.
I would love to get thrown in the void, but I can't do it myself. If my life was threatened I would probably snap the neck of the one(s) who tried even though I wanted otherwise. Well this I don't know as 'cause of the fact that goddess' have never put me on such a real test. But I know as this far. I'm unable to use my own claws against myself.
~Since the sword isn't given someone to serve. It continues to drain its owner. Engraved with the self destructive pattern. It seeks servitude. Cursed.~