


Loveless start ~ Loveless end.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 18.11.2012 19:35


Stay awaySunnuntai 18.11.2012 05:11

I seem okay
Outer hull is all you see
Makes you wonder what keeps the machine running
Is it a spark or is it a ball of plasma

Well I tell you there's nothing there
Emotions all blurred
Everything deep and buried

Sick puppy who lost it
Will to live and try to find something worth it

The eyes whitened see nothing
Heart covered in armour out of this world
Willing to serve too scared to let any close

Mind so poisoned, depths of the green sea kill the light
Acid rain confirms it
Touch of death, chaos born from speech
Corrosion proves it

I say, stay away
Don't come near me

I am your suicide
I will kill everything you were
There is none capable of having me next to them

You can't be from this world

I say, stay away
Don't come near me

I am your suicide
I will kill everything you were
There is none capable of having me next to them

You can't be from this world

Your finest won't make it
My breath rusts your shine
My touch poisons your mind
Acid in your lungs will drop you dead

Week or two the love may sustain
Month or two it makes you cry
Year and two you scream "I want out"

You can't be from this world

Your finest won't make it
My breath rusts your shine
My touch poisons your mind
Acid in your lungs will drop you dead

When the curtains of excitement burn
I will not surprise you
When the movie starts to roll
I will not blow your mind
Midway you think what bullshit

~I will not change, I will not offer anything new, I swear an oath I keep it until you scream "Get the hell away from me". I could take the time if you could take me, but that's a fantasy never to be. Born as too old for this world. Unneeded puppet of goddesses.~

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 18.11.2012 04:29

The goddesses bring me the songs of my life, I never asked, I never said I wanted. But they just pop up, the same time I feel like the song goes.

Noni, ai saatana, kuolinLauantai 17.11.2012 21:04


OoooOh I found a new bandLauantai 17.11.2012 03:17

[The Server aka Endless Summer 2:]
I loved you, you made me, hate me.
You gave me, hate, see?.
It saved me and these tears are deadly.
You feel that?
I rip back, every time you tried to steal that.
You feel bad? you feel sad?
I'm sorry, hell no fuck that!
It was my heart, it was my life, it was my start, it was your knife.
This strife it dies, this life and these lies.
And these lungs have sung this song for too long, and its true I hurt too, remember I loved you!

[Chorus - Tha Producer aka Da Seducer:]
I've , Lost it all, fell today, It's all the same
I'm sorry oh
I'm sorry no
I've , been abused, I feel so used, because of you
I'm sorry oh
I'm sorry no

[J-Dog aka The Flat Iron Chef:]
I wish I could I could have quit you.
I wish I never missed you,
And told you that I loved you, every time I fucked you.
The future that we both drew, and all the shit we've been through.
Obsessed with the thought of you, the pain just grew and grew!
How could you do this to me?
Look at what I made for you, it never was enough and the world is what I gave to you.
I used to be love struck; now I'm just fucked up.
Pull up my sleeves and see the pattern of my cuts!


[Bridge - Tha Producer and Shady]
Seems like all we had is over now you left to rest.
And your tears are dried up now, you just lay without a sound.
Seems like all we had is over now, you left to rest.
And my fears are over now, I can leave with my head down.


[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 16.11.2012 23:37

No nyt oon varmaa latautunu tarpeeks ku on energiaa jopa sählätäkki. Hmm... Ehkä jonkinlaista seuraelämää... Nää menee kuiteki siihen että totean että on parempi että hankin pallon jonka nimeksi tulee että Wilson

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 15.11.2012 14:38

TenKaze: "OoooOOOO look at dem lips yo they so smooth, look at dat wrinkle there, so gentle form, I must have a picture yo."

Eli seuraava aste... Otetaan oman tyttären ja pojan genitaliasta kuvia. *faceboot*
Ymmärrän vielä sen että otetaan kuvia kun kuvia missä sattuu vaan demonstroidakseen amazing photoskillzors... Mutta jos niiden takana olis loppujen lopuksi jotain muuta ajatusta. */slitwrists*
I just...
Oh deer...

Tai sitten vain


Helvetistäkö minä tiedän...
Muttakun Deviantartin filteriä ei voi säätää niin, että. Suodata kaikki kuvat joissa PENISH~, VAGINA. Häiritsevää heti ensimmäisenä ku koneen ja selaimen aukaisee...

Then again... You're just the disgusting minority...

Kyllä minun on myös vaikea hyväksyä kuva kaulimesta pöydällä taiteeksi ellei se kaulin pöydällä ole juuri oleellinen osa suunnittelemaasi keittiökokonaisuutta.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 15.11.2012 00:52

Ja tänään aamulla kone kaatu ku katoin RWJ:n viimesintä, juuri sanoihin "He will shoot you in the..." Sit tuli sininen ruutu ja kuulu sellane rätisevä *Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*


Bullshit... No jaa... Nyt on asiat silleen kondiksessa et ehkä hiljaiseloa tonne tammikuuhun asti. Ehkä... Olo on jotenkin maanisdepressiivinen. Kai... Ehkä. Aaaah to hell with it. On mitä on. Huomisen ruokalistalla noodeleita yhdellä kastikkeella ja nuudeleita toisella kastikkeella. Jos olen tarpeeksi hyvällä tuulella käristän jopa rypsikossua sekaan.


[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 13.11.2012 22:15

Mitähän kaikkea kivaa ton taudin aftershokki nyt oikee aiheutti ja mikä johtuu kaikesta muusta.
Herään, pirtee, sit tappo väsy, sit yhtäkkii hihitän taas kaikelle ja helvetin pirtee olo ja sit taas tappo väsy, toista rinki kunnes päivä loppuu.
Ja sain tänä aamuna slaagin ku televisio läjähti ominee päälle ja huuti mulle "DON'T LEAVE ME JUST YET!!!" ruudulla näkyi alhaalta vihreä - ylöspäin sinistä, sit joku valopallo mikä levitti tekstin. Kanava oli SUB ja ohjelmatiedot ei kyllä vastannu aamukuuden tyhjyyttä kun myöhemmin kyyläsin.

ExpectationsMaanantai 12.11.2012 14:39

I fly
I fall

I tear my wings apart
You say "I forgive you"

Granting my useless wings back

I fly
I fall

I tear my wings apart
You say "I forgive you"

Granting my useless wings back

Once angel of pride and glory
Now fallen angel of fear

What is it that you want from me goddess'?

I'm not allowed to fly
not allowed to speak
not allowed to die
not allowed to...

A glass pearl in your cabinet

Purpose of mine
To be a valued decor of yours?


Kassatäti tunnisti miun ostoslistan, suklaata, nenäliinoja ja oliiveja... ;_;

Korvikset oli ärsyttävät viimeviikkoisen taudin aikana, joten otin ne pois. Oikeen korvan ei menny umpee mut kaikki 3 vasemmalta puolelta meni. Vaikka ne on jotain vuoden vai puoltoist ollu. Ihana survasta ne takasi paikallee.