


Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. ~Anthony J. D'Angelo, The College Blue Book

Now I'm so confusedMaanantai 07.06.2010 02:25

He loves me, He loves me not
She loves me, She loves me not
He loves me, He loves me not
She loves me, she loves me

oma kämppä(Y)Maanantai 05.04.2010 21:48


30.5.2019 <---Torstai 18.03.2010 14:37


[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 09.01.2010 23:44

Sometimes I get so full and high on everything that I can forget whatÂ’s really importantÂ…
The little things matterÂ…

Unohda, unohda.Tiistai 15.12.2009 22:44

Älä ikinä muista

Once upon a dreamKeskiviikko 07.10.2009 21:43

Truth is not an illusion
Faith is not a pointless delusion
Trust is not a thing of the past

But we welcome sin into our hearts like an old friend
And we ignore the fact weÂ’re nearing our own end
Interesting news is all murder, war and rape
And suicide is seen as the only escape

I will not live in a world such as this
Where our future generations die with bloody wrists
I will not stand by as our futures fall
I will not ignore the lightÂ’s call

No one person is greater than another
There is no such thing as a better brother
We are all children of the same Earth
We have always been the same even since birth
I take this tickling thing is meant to be one of the amusment persuasion?

jeii..Maanantai 30.03.2009 18:52

Jos näkisit minut poliisiautossa pidätettynä, minkä rikoksen luulisit minun tehneen? Vastaa ja laita sitten viesti eteenpäin ja katso mitä rikoksia sinä saisit.