


I just go through the motions whenever you're around

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"Eka sana mitä koskaan opin oli ei"Sunnuntai 30.05.2010 16:47

Perus viikonloppuLauantai 29.05.2010 23:07

Eilen pääsin intistä himaan parin viikon leiriputkelta ja soittelin frendit läpi, päätettiin sit lähteä Uutelan rantaan grillailemaan. Meno oli tiukkaa ja meitsillä perinteisesti ghettoblasterit mukana joka takas et meno ei oo pepusta. Sit siirryin jatkoille tsadiin med Joonas und Joni ja stiigailtiin The Ocean klubilla. Paras tän vuoden keikka!234<3 Tänää sit kävin tyhjentämäs tilin 5 eri albumiin sekä Porcupine Treen Anesthetize DVD:hen. Ossaa kyl poijjaat soittaa ihan perkeleen hyvin ja Wilsonin laulua ei voita mikään<3 nyt sit jatkuu taas tää kuukauden dokausputki ja suuntana pleikkari, peace out! Maanantaina saarelle ja never bäkkiin sit sieltä.

Tää on pakko saada suomeen keikalle!Perjantai 28.05.2010 21:56

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 23.05.2010 17:13

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 23.05.2010 15:36

There's many who'll tell you they'll give you their love,
But when they say "give" they mean "take."
They"ll hang 'round just like vultures till push comes to shove.
They'll take flight when the earth starts to shake.

Someone may say that they'll always be true,
Then slip out the door 'fore the dawn.
But I won't leave you hanging on.
Another may stay till they find someone new,
Then before you know they'll be gone.
But I won't leave you hanging on;
No, I won't be that someone.

And come what may, I won't abandon you or leave you behind
Because love is a loyalty sworn, not a burning for a moment.
And come what may, I will be standing right here by your side;
I won't run away, though the storm's getting worse and there's no end in sight.

Some talk of destiny, others of fate,
But soon they'll be saying goodbye.
But I won't leave you high and dry.
Because a ring don't mean nothing
If you can't haul the weight,
And some of them won't even try,
But I won't leave you high and dry;
I won't leave you wondering why.

And storms will surely come,
But true love is a choice you must make
And you're the one that I have set my heart to choose.
As long as I live, I swear I'll see this through.