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Gift of Times!Maanantai 07.11.2011 04:26

Like an earthquake it rumbles inside my body.
Like fire it burns and hurts my heart, and turns it into ashes.
It doesn't let single good thought to get near it.
When one does, it will be swept away like sand.
Like rose spikes, it cuts wounds everywhere,
wounds are like poison and they will not heal without cure...
Like shiny star it blinds you, which leads to wrong paths.

There is only one cure!
Another heart...
A heart so pure, with such a power you can hear it beating far away!
when hearts meet, a battle between them will begin.
There will be pain, but in the end there will be peace and silence.
Evil from poisoned heart disappears leaving emptiness behind.
Rose spikes transform to seed of hope and heat.
In a second, seed grows to a huge tree!
Tree leafs heal poison from wounds,
the burns which fire made
and makes rumbling from inside to calm down.
Heart is saved from horrible pain.
Two pure hearts together will become one.
One big heart which shines bright carrying gift of times.
That gift is called: Love

Tonttu Korhonen 7.1.2011

"Taidetta ei synny ilman tuskaa, taiteen taso siis vastaa tuskan määrää." -Till Lindemann

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