


Follow me Instagram: JIIGLAMOUR kik me: JIIGLAMOUR

;DLauantai 14.11.2009 20:49

Karitan kanssa Ylöjärven 4H Ajokortti työelämään kurssilla (:

Shopataan ;DTorstai 12.11.2009 23:22

Hooome shoppaan Aapon ja Systerin kaa ;D♥

sinsuntänMaanantai 09.11.2009 22:58

Huomen sin sun tän ♥ kaik sin min mie men ;D

Tävään 8.11.09 ♥Sunnuntai 08.11.2009 23:04

Me tultiin ylöjärveltä ja iskä meni tankkaan autoo Kyrönlahden ästeelle, Paulina katto et onpas hieno paketti auto se oli sinen ja siin kyljes luki Hunks ♥ sit pave otti mun kännykällä kuvan siit ku istuttiin autos. Sit katottiin et sieltä kioskista alkaa tulla porukkaa ja sit katottiin niin ne oli HUNKSIN porukkaa oltiin ihan et iiiiiiik apuaaa! ♥ Ja kelattiin et hei Kyrönlahes HUNKSEJA ♥ Ne ooli iha lähel meidän taloo .__. 6 km xD IIIKs <3♥ Kyrönlahessa? ei vittu ♥<3 OuJEEE!! Paras päivä!!!!! ♥

HUNSK auto jonka sisällä oli HUNKS tyyppejä ;))♥

Believe in your dreams ♥Lauantai 07.11.2009 01:56

If you know how this is.
Gonna see it's not that easy.
Don't stop get it till it's done.
From where you are or have begun.
I said keep on try a little harder.
To see everything you need to be.
Believe in your dreams.
That you see when you're a sleep ♥

Halloween Story ;)♥Perjantai 30.10.2009 19:32

Once upon a time a girl who was on his way round a candy or treat. He had become more of a neighbor at the door and got a lot of candy. The last was a new neighbor, who had moved from a distance. The house was scary and eerie. She was brave and went to the door and knocked. The door opened and she said the candy or treat. Since then, the girl has not heard a word. Happy Halloween! ♥ ☺

♥ ©: Jansku

Shamatha ;DPerjantai 30.10.2009 19:04

Shamatha Amanda Matilda ♥

;)Keskiviikko 28.10.2009 23:13

Ostin kajaalin tänään ;D♥

Tytöt tykkää kun pojat on : ♥Keskiviikko 28.10.2009 23:12

- kertoo tunteistaan
- tekstaa illalla
- soittelee, vaikkei olisi asiaa
- kommentoi uusiin kuviin
- halaa takaapäin
- ei esitä
- kehuu rehellisesti
lisää tämä pvkirjaasi tai sinulla tulee olemaan huono rakkauselämä !

Japanilaisia hymiöitä :)Sunnuntai 25.10.2009 22:39

(^v^)/ Hi!
(~O~) I'm sleepy
( ^o^)y ((( -_-) Just between you and I...
(^o^)v Peace!
d(-_^) Goo! (winking with a thumb up)
m(_ _)m Forgive me...
(^_^;) at a loss for an answer
(;_;) I'm sad...
w(@_@)w Wah! (surprised
(-_-#) I'm angry.
d^_^b or d-_-b listening to music
)-0_0-( astonishment
(^_^) or (^-^) smiley
(`_^) or (^_~) wink
(>_<) pretending to be cute, or pain, or frustration
(<_>) sad
t(0.0t) double *** you
(^o^) singing, or laughing maniacally
m(_ _)m bowing
t(-_-t) flipping the bird
(~_O) one-eyed pirate, monacle user
\(^o^)/ very excited (raising hands)
(-_-) or (~_~) annoyance, resignation, or sleeping (eyes shut), grumpy
(~.~) sleepy
(-_-;) or (^_^') nervousness, or sweatdrop (embarrassed; semicolon can be repeated)
(-_-#) or (-_-¤) vein (used to show frustration)
(¬_¬) eyeing something or someone, or otherwise glaring, sometimes used as an expression of rolling one's eyes
(<_<) or (c_c) skepticism, looking around suspiciously
(;_;) or (T_T) crying
(@_@) dazed
`(•.°)~ druggy, trippin'
(o_O) or (o.O) confused surprise, disturbed
(0_<) flinch, nervous wink
(O_O) shocked (also O.o - one eye smaller than the other)
(._.) intimidated, sad, ashamed
($_$) money eyes; thinking about money ( also sometimes changeable to other currency symbols such as (Â¥_Â¥) )
(x_x) or (+_+) dead, exhausted or knocked out; giving up, lost, confused
(n_n) or (n.n) happy, pleased
(u_u) or (u.u) annoyance, sarcasm, sometimes disappointment
(9_9) or (@.@) rolling eyes
(e_e) mischief, distrust
(e_o) or (o_e) eye twitching
*-* or *_* or *.* star-struck
(",) smirk
("o) side shocked
(-.-)zzZ or -_-zzZ sleeping
(o)_(o) alternative for tired; sometimes used to illustrate crazed
;o; or ;O; crying loudly/shouting
T_T exaggerated crying, so that the eyes are closed and tears stream down the face
I_I "What?", mellow
owo or OwO or òwo surprise
¬3¬ or ¬w¬ or ¬.¬ or ¬¬ or ¬_¬ Sarcastic face
nwn or nWn Happy, kitty face
n//n Proud
x.X or x.x or x_x Dead
(f-_-)f Zombie
\m/ d-_-b \m/ |mb dm| Rocker listening to music
(ô ô) boy (sometimes also used to indicate surprise)
(ö ö) girl
(ó ò) surprised, scared
(ò ó) angry
(ó ô) quizzical or "Indeed" (designed to mimic Star Trek's Mr. Spock)
=^_^= blushing, or a cat face (mischievous)
-^_^- blushing
fO_o scratching head
^n_n^ catgirl or boy
d-_-b listening to music, labeling title afterwards
~~~~>_<~~~~ weeping horribly
<(^_^)> etc. dancing, especially used to specifically show Kirby dancing
(>^_^)> <(^_^<) hugging
( ~^_^)~ dancing
(9ò_ó)-o fighting, throwing a punch
Q(^.^Q) equivalent to "(9ò_ó)-o"
/¯\_/°^_^°\_/¯\ Sailor Moon (extensible)
w-('u')-w Kilroy was here (extensible)
p(^o^)q good luck
d-(^_^)-b thumbs-up
p(-_-)p thumbs-down
,,l,(>.<),l,, flipping off
(^^ .)\\// giving the V-sign
m <(~_~)> m kitten
\m/>_<\m/ rockin' out
\,,/(^_^)\,,/ happy rockin'
(¬_¬)/¯ "It's good... to go!"
\0-0/ wearing glasses (nerd)
Q_Q or QQ 2 eyes crying.
¯\(°_o)/¯ a shrug, confused misunderstanding
(ρ_-)o sleepy / rubbing eyes
( ._.)ø writing
(._.) Sometimes used in place of (o.o)
("\(.:...:.)/") Monster with claws. Usually followed by "RAWR!!!"
p(^o^)q Cheer!