You can help. Please tell everyone you know about the horrors of the fur trade by sharing this information with them and showing them the shocking undercover video.
"Everybody's hurt somebody before
Everybody's been hurt by somebody before
You can change but you'll always come back for more
Its a game and we're all just victims of love."
Leikittiin iskän kaa ilmapallolla, iskä potkas vahingossa nojatuoliin ja nyt sen varvas tulvii VERTA
Rakennettiin tallii, iskä käski miun heitellä lautoja katolle. Osasin nii hyvin et yks lauta pamahti suoraan päähän ja nyt miun pää tulvii VERTA
ää! Tylsää -.-"
Ulkona ois nii hyvä ilma mut ei jaksa mennä.
Ei siellä oo mittään tekemistä :>
Kurkkuun koskee...
"stuck up in the world on her own
Forced to think that hell is a place called home
Nothin' else to do but get her clothes and pack
She says she's bout to run away and never come back.."
"The phone rings in the middle of the night,
My father yells "What you gonna do with your life?"
You know you're still number one,
But girls,
They wanna have fu-un,
Oh,girls,just wanna have
That's all they really want.....
Some fun....
Some boys take a beautiful girl,
And hide her away from the rest of the world.
I wanna be the one to walk in the sun.
They wanna have fu-un.
Just wanna have
That's all they really want.....
Some fun...."