Automatically translated text:
I `m called Pia and I fifteen years. My birthday is the 11.fevrier.J myself measure 1m sixty cm. My ceveux are brown, and blue eyes. I lived in Tampere at Haukiluoma in Finland. My house is a little small to me. I live with my brother and my mother Kalle. My parents are divorced. Kalle is my big brother and he was seventeen years and occasionally ammusant and talkative. Jái not half-brothers and -soeurs. My
Jái no dog yet, it mouriré dermir winter. It triste.Il n `e not comprèhensif me i` general. Tujours is no agreement, we compete for a day. He has blond hair and blue eyes. It measures 1m seventy-three cm. It is hobby is racing. It is a vocational school, Pyynikki (CAT), we were at the same school for seven years, the Amuri. I like to be at school Amuri. Most of the teachers are nice, but some are not. At the school is a lot of my girlfriends. We were the same class for nine years. Ben plutôtamusant. I do not often argue with my boyfriend.
I want to eat. At home I help at home. I put the table, I range my room and go out the trash after week.
I also boyfriend, Eljas. He is sixteen years old. It is the cheveuc brown eyes and brown. It écuter the muique rap and hip hop. He loves eg. 2 pack, or died. We have good séntendre with Eljas. We have things in common but.
We were together for more than a half year.