


Börjar bli gammal :FFF

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 20.09.2009 18:51

pupu <3

äöMaanantai 14.09.2009 00:24

01. Kuka olet?
02. Olemmeko ystäviä?
03. Koska ja miten tapasimme?
04. Oletko ihastunut minuun?
05. Pussaisitko minua?
06. Anna minulle lempinimi, ja kerro miksi valitsit juuri sen?
07. Kuvaile minua yhdellä sanalla
08. Mikä oli ensivaikutelmasi minusta?
09. Oletko edelleen samaa mieltä?
10. Mikä muistuttaa sinua minusta?
11. Jos voisit antaa minulle mitä tahansa, mitä se olisi?
12. Miten hyvin tunnet minut?
13. Koska näimme viimeksi?
14. Halusitko joskus kertoa minulle jotain, mitä et ole pystynyt kertomaan?
15. Aioitko pistää tämän blogiisi ja katsoa, mitä minä kertoisin sinusta?

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 09.09.2009 00:00

FIRE RABBIT HoroscopeSunnuntai 30.08.2009 20:52

Feb 2, 1927 to Jan 22, 1928
Jan 29, 1987 to Feb 16, 1988

Rabbit people love to play under the moonlight. Quite fanciful, they respond to the power and beauty of nature and are always being pulled one way and the other to examine what they find. They are the luckiest of all twelve signs! But, it's more a result of "the harder I work, the luckier I get" than taking crazy chances. They are cautious, conservative, bright, and have a good head for business. Supremely pleasant to have around, these affectionate, naturally shy peacemakers seldom ever lose their temper. They sometimes appear to be singing the blues because of a natural but short-lived tendency towards despondency. Rabbits always inspire deep admiration and trust.

The Fire Rabbits stand out from the crowd of other Rabbits. You might expect Rabbits to be passive, quiet, and loners. Not so, the Fire Rabbits. These extroverts are leaders of the pack! Fire Rabbits intuitively sense the right way to bring out the best in themselves and other people. They are brave creatures, thirsty for life. Others eagerly follow them because of the promise of adventure and great fun, and they are never disappointed. Visionary explorers, Fire Rabbits inspire others to see beyond the surface. Unlike other Rabbits, Fire Rabbits have the potential to be truly rich. Enormously capable and hardworking, Fire Rabbits can achieve great things others cannot match. Captains in charge of their lives, they experience smooth sailing in their careers. The multifaceted Fire Rabbits experience great versatility in their lives. Their interests can range from Agatha Christie to bungee jumping, from caviar to enchiladas, from snowskiing to Scrabble. Speaking of Scrabble, spell Love: L-O-V-E is very kind to Fire Rabbits. Excellent lovers, they rapturously charm their partners with cozy fireplaces, affectionate hugs, and, most of all, undying support and loyalty.

Polar Bears in FinlandLauantai 22.08.2009 22:22

Everybody knows there actually are polar bears in Finland. In every petition or interview about Finland they ask what people know about Finland, and the most common answer is "Polar Bears.". It has to be true since the human race is immune to lies. Polar Bears are spotted walking on the streets everyday, except the 33th of February when they celebrate the end of the summer. They are used to Finns and are very social and polite. Recent law changes have given the polar bears rights to drive cars and motorcycles on open roads. The 34th of May, at, an infamous racing event in turku, Finland, polar bears were seen drifting and showing off their tuned up race cars, as well their super models. After the races they had half-naked female polar bears dancing on stage, washing cars in furtight bikinis and singing karaoke.

During World War II the Russian army initially sent several legions of polar bears to combat the Finnish military. However, by utilizing skis and Jean-Claude Van Damme, the Finns were able to repel numerous waves of polar bear infantry. However, the Finns' worst nightmare was realized in 1948 when the polar bears deployed their own skiing infantry- the bloodshed was said to be endless that day.

Who maked my water go hard O__oLauantai 22.08.2009 19:55

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 21.08.2009 23:12

duracell, keeps u goingKeskiviikko 05.08.2009 22:39

RIP Zaza's Isabella :'(Torstai 28.05.2009 00:26

Bella ties että jotain tapahtuu kun se vietiin eläinlääkärille, se valitti ja oli paniikis kunnes se nukahti pois :'(. Iskä haudas sen ja mamma laitto minun tekemä tyynyn sen alle, voi bella toivottavasti olet paremmassa paikassa nyt ♥

Hirvee ikävä jo :'(

Mut nyt hypit ja leikit taivaassa, Rest in Peace <3