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Volbeat<3Keskiviikko 12.11.2008 19:09

With a fistful of courage
And a heart of rage
Cry my wicked soul
That I would never change
Well that's ok fine with me
Got a hundred sides
What the hell more do you need
Don't even try to find
A reason in your mind
You'll never understand
We are just like night and day
Leave this song all up to me

And the fight came
Between the love and me
Fucked another whore
In the pool of booze booze booze

my honour will never be questioned
My loyalty will not be sold
The truth will come over you
And destroy the empire
So hold on or let it go

With a fistful of courage
And a heart full of rage
Cry my wicked soul
That I would never change
Well that's okay fine with me

And the fight came
Between the love and me
Fucked another whore
In the pool of booze booze booze

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