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sick jump jump sickKeskiviikko 26.11.2008 13:28


I donÂ’t wanna wake up today
Cuz every dayÂ’s the same
And IÂ’ve been waiting so long
For things to change

IÂ’m sick of this town
Sick of my job
Sick of my friends cuz everyoneÂ’s jaded
Sick of this place
I wanna break free
IÂ’m so frustrated

I just wanna jump (jump)
DonÂ’t wanna think about tomorrow (jump)
I just donÂ’t care tonight
I just wanna jump (jump)
DonÂ’t wanna think about my sorrow
LetÂ’s go whoa
Forget your problems
I just wanna jump

I donÂ’t wanna wake up one day
And find out itÂ’s too late
To do all the things I wanna do
So IÂ’m gonna pack up my bags
IÂ’m never comin back
Cuz the years are passin by
And I'm wasting all my t-t-time

IÂ’m sick of this house
Sick of bein broke
Sick of this town thatÂ’s bringin me down
IÂ’m Sick of this place
I wanna break free
IÂ’m so frustrated

I just wanna jump (jump)
DonÂ’t wanna think about tomorrow (jump)
I just donÂ’t care tonight
I just wanna jump (jump)
DonÂ’t wanna think about my sorrow
LetÂ’s go woah
Forget your problems
I just wanna jump

I just wanna jump

I canÂ’t take it anymore
I canÂ’t take it anymore
I canÂ’t take it anymore
CanÂ’t take it any
CanÂ’t take it any
CanÂ’t take it (take it anymore)
Forget tomorrow

I just wanna jump (jump)
DonÂ’t wanna think about tomorrow (jump)
I just donÂ’t care tonight
I just wanna jump (jump)
DonÂ’t wanna think about my sorrow
LetÂ’s go whoa
Forget your problems
I just let them go whoa
Forget tomorrow
I just wanna jump (jump)
I just wanna jump (jump)
I just wanna jump (jump)
I just wanna jump

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