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Liput on jeah! BAMBEEEE!!<3Keskiviikko 10.02.2010 12:40


<3olikivaa<3Tiistai 09.02.2010 14:52

Her clothes hang in the closet still
The phone sits on the windowsill
And every time it rings it gives me chills
My heart just stopped when I was told
Doctor, doctor, on the phone
Said my love was never coming home
I hold your casket gently walking to the grave
Dark clouds eclipse the sun won't shine again

White sparrows fell from heaven and carried her away
Black arrows cut the strings of my heart, I kneel and pray

They gave her one more day
To say the words I couldn't say
I'm crying in pain, crying in pain

And I'm not looking for answers
No, I'm not looking for answers
But dear God, why did you choose her?

alotan taas!½Maanantai 08.02.2010 01:51


huomenna<3Sunnuntai 07.02.2010 14:45

ps. Aika ihkui noi nappisilmänuket tymtym

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 06.02.2010 23:55

Wake up, The house is on fire
And the cat's caught in the dryer
Philosophy's a liar when
Your home is your headstone
"Icon" is the last chance for hope
When there's no such thing as heroes
Your faith lies in the ditch that
You dug yourself in

Last chance to piss it all away
Nothing but hell to pay
When the lights are going down

Deadbeat Holiday - celebrate your own decay
There's a vacant sign that's hanging high
On a noose over your home

ELÄMÄÄÄ!Keskiviikko 03.02.2010 13:35


NomNom<3Sunnuntai 24.01.2010 21:19