


wrong state of mind

jaepsTiistai 23.09.2008 04:45

pitäs vissii yrittää tota nukkumistaki.. yhtään vaan tekis mieli

KivakivakivaTiistai 09.09.2008 17:16

Joo'o, saa nähä pääseekö tän syksyn aikana ulos ajamaan ollenkaan, tänään kävin terveysasemal poistattamas ton lastan sormesta ja nyt sit katotaa viikon ajan et onko toi sormi parantunu vai pitääkö sitä tukea vielä vai mitä sen kans pitää tehdä.

Jos se ei oo kunnol kunnos ja sitä pitää tukea viel lisää ni arvio oli 2vk - 3kk, jos taas se o luutunu mut väärin ni sit saattaa ol et sitä joudutaa leikkelee.. jää nyt sit nähtäväks.. viikon sisäl pitäs tapahtuu jotain muutosta eli nyt täytyy vaa toivoo et sormi lähtis pelittää niinku pitäs..

Positiivist on ainki se et sai sen wanhan paketin veke ja pystyy vihdoinki käymään kunnol suihkus ja pesee ton käden kunnolla.

i has some errorsMaanantai 01.09.2008 22:07

surkuhupaisaa, tää paska levis lapasiin oikeen totaalisesti ^^

soon moro

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 30.08.2008 01:02

Stand up, take a bow you have
No reason to celebrate
Your lost in the labyrinth
Scream now it's not too late

EISPerjantai 22.08.2008 15:59

tahtoo kotii

ei näinKeskiviikko 20.08.2008 07:26

kauhia humala ^^

I has a broken fingaTiistai 05.08.2008 16:47

Eli enempivähempi sporttauskieltoo ja muutenki rajottunutta oikeen käden käyttöä seuraavat 5-6vk ku o lasta sormessa jota ei saa ottaa poes.

Siistii ja sillee.

Wednesday 13 - Too Much BloodPerjantai 25.07.2008 23:31

I've got a shotgun
A bottle of Jack
Going to hell and I ain't coming back
Last call for alcohol
I'll tell you when I'm done
Wanted in ten states
A motherfucker on the run
Now let's go

So tell me when did drinking become a crime
Your whining and complaining
Is cutting into my drinking time

I've got too much blood in my
Too much blood in my
Too much blood in my
Too much blood in my
Too much blood in my
Too much blood in my
Too much blood in my alcohol system

I'm whisky bent and I'm feeling fine
Well, I've been up and down
It happens every time
Broken bottles don't mend broken hearts
Home wrecker 101
Now where do we start
Now let's go

So tell me when did drinking become a crime
Your whining and complaining
Is cutting into my drinking time

I've got too much blood in my
Too much blood in my
Too much blood in my
Too much blood in my
Too much blood in my
Too much blood in my
Too much blood in my alcohol system

On your mark
Get ready and
Drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink, drink

So tell me when did drinking become a crime
Your whining and complaining
Is cutting into my drinking time

I've got too much blood in my
Too much blood in my
Too much blood in my
Too much blood in my
Too much blood in my
Too much blood in my
Too much blood in my alcohol system


Bourbon Crow - Alcohol is AwesomePerjantai 25.07.2008 21:17

Dear alcohol,
last night we had a ball
I lost my left shoe
Don't worry, I don't blame you
Your my best friend
There til the end
I love the the way that you taste
You put a smile on my face
And you get all the blame,
but as far as im concerned
A.A. stands for alcohol is awesome

All my friends are worried about me
They say i need a meeting
They say i got a problem
I don't have a problem
They said thats half the problem
And you get all the blame,
but as far as im concerned
A.A. stands for alcohol is awesome

alcohol is awesome
so fuckin awesome

and you get all the blame,
but as far as I'm concerned
A.A. stands for alcohol is awesome

alcohol is awesome
so fuckin awesome (keep repeating)