


JAPANI 30.6-20.7 <3

1 h... <3Lauantai 02.08.2008 02:01

morroo mites antiemo Radeeeeeeee?Perjantai 01.08.2008 01:07

Anton sanoo:
vena ja går o söka te
Radee sanoo:
dedä e en från min "coola" porukka

^ hhahahahaa ei vittu lol x'DDDDDDDDDDDDD ^

Radee sanoo:
heimen passar de ti alla att ja tar ba bort era mesen o sen talar vi aldri mera?
Radee sanoo:
förutom anton<3 <
aww, little gay are we? xD

Radee sanoo:
jeeepp, ha sån fiilis att min status sku fa liite ner ba
Zumiya sanoo:
oj neeej alla komr o börja haukkuu dj om du sku prata me oss?
Zumiya sanoo:
den kan int sjunka mer
Tuuli sanoo:

Zumiya sanoo:
vi kan börja huutelee efter er i korridorena
Tuuli sanoo:
Radee sanoo:
Anton sanoo:
ja går i prakticum kära 92 emon <
ooh practicum e såå jävla STATUS!! xDDDDD

Anton sanoo:
kan emon bli bruna? <

HAPPY INTERNATIONAL MCR DAY!! <3Torstai 24.07.2008 00:27

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 16.07.2008 20:53

Warn your warmth to turn away
Here itÂ’s December, everyday
Press your lips to the sculptures
And surely youÂ’ll stay (love like winter)
For of sugar and ice.. I am made, I am made

ItÂ’s in the blood, itÂ’s in the blood
I met my love before I was born
He wanted love. I taste of blood
He bit my lip, and drank my war
From years before, from years before

She exhales vanilla lace,
I barely dreamt her yesterday (yesterdayÂ…)
Read the lines in the mirror through the lipstick trace:
"Por Siempre."
She said, “It seems you’re somewhere, far away"
To his face.

ItÂ’s in the blood, itÂ’s in the blood
I met my love, before I was born
She wanted love, I taste of blood
She bit my lip, and drank my war
From years before, from years before

Love like winterÂ… OhÂ… OhÂ…
Love like winterÂ… winterÂ… 3Â…4Â…

ItÂ’s in the blood, itÂ’s in the blood
I met my love, before I was born
He wanted love, I taste of blood
He bit my lip, and drank my war
From years before, from years before

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 15.07.2008 01:18

The bass, the rock
The mic, the treble
I like my coffee black
Just like my metal

20 days....<3 (+2)Lauantai 12.07.2008 22:43

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 03.07.2008 00:19

Weeeh LÄRKAN! :DDPerjantai 13.06.2008 13:08

yeps kaksi tyttöä SEILAILEMASSA yli 60 miehen kanssa 4 päivää. ei ollu vaan vähän hauskaa! xD