
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

chlotes clothes clhotesMaanantai 24.12.2012 18:15

Day 18 - A photo of a celebrity whose wardrobe you would love to own


Day 19 - A photo of a celebrity whose house you would like a tour of
Day 20 - A photo of a celebrity who you think is a role model

asfxaghdKeskiviikko 19.12.2012 15:37

Day 17 - A photo of a celebrity who would play you in a movie about your life


Day 18 - A photo of a celebrity whose wardrobe you would love to own
Day 19 - A photo of a celebrity whose house you would like a tour of
Day 20 - A photo of a celebrity who you think is a role model

funniest dinner of my lifeLauantai 15.12.2012 18:40

Day 16 - A photo of a celebrity you would love to have over for a dinner


Day 17 - A photo of a celebrity who would play you in a movie about your life
Day 18 - A photo of a celebrity whose wardrobe you would love to own
Day 19 - A photo of a celebrity whose house you would like a tour of
Day 20 - A photo of a celebrity who you think is a role model

day fifteeeenTorstai 13.12.2012 17:11

Day 15 - A photo of a celebrity who you think cares more about the money and the fame rather than the fans


Day 16 - A photo of a celebrity you would love to have over for a dinner
Day 17 - A photo of a celebrity who would play you in a movie about your life
Day 18 - A photo of a celebrity whose wardrobe you would love to own
Day 19 - A photo of a celebrity whose house you would like a tour of
Day 20 - A photo of a celebrity who you think is a role model

derppimystylsimysMaanantai 10.12.2012 16:12

No, aloitetaanpa vaikkapa KOULUSTA:
Saitko uusia luokkalaisia? - kind of
Entä uusia opettajia? - Nee
Panostitko? - en :

Sitten siirrytään YSTÄVIIN:
Menetitkö yhtään ystävää? - E.
Entä saitko uusia ystäviä tai kavereita? - Joo :3
Näitkö kaikki ne kaverit, joita olisit halunnutkin nähdä vuonna 2012? - Oikeestaa melkee joo. Emmiä oisin enemmän halunnu nähä :C

Entäs sitten RAHA-ASIAT:
Paljonko kulutit rahaa? - Liikaa.
Täyttyikö vaatekaappisi paljonkin? - Aika paljo.
Mihin meni eniten rahaa? - Viina, tupakka joululahjat. Nii ja ruoka.

Seuraavaksi RAKKAUS:
Ihastuitko? - E.
Rakastuitko? - Lisää joo.
Luuletko, että saat uuden vuoden suudelman? - Toivottavasti.

Lopuksi vielä IHAN YLEISESTI:
Mikä oli paras vuodenaika? - Talvi.
Entä kuukausi? - Viime. Tai tämä.
Mikä oli noloin mokasi? - En muista :--D Varmaa joku misherd.

tummenna ne kohdat, jotka pitävät paikkaansa tältä vuodelta.
suutelin useamman kuin 2 henkilön kanssa
useamman kuin 5 henkilön kanssa
nukuin yön vastakkaisen sukupuolen vieressä
poltin tupakkaa
poltin sikaria
käytin nuuskaa
join alkoholia
olin sairaalassa
kävin ulkomailla
olin laivalla
olin festareilla
kerroin jollekulle rakastavani häntä
olin hautajaisissa
katkaisin välini johonkin kaveriin
olin sanoinkuvailemattoman onnellinen
petyin ihmisiin
sain uusia kavereita
mokasin jossakin asiassa pahasti
sain uuden sisaruksen
joku läheisistäni synnytti
menetin ystävän
opin uusia asioita
otin kuvia
vietin syntymäpäiviäni
tein/otin lävistyksiä
otin tatuoinnin
sain lahjoja
ikävöin jotakin ihmistä
tein jotain todella tyhmää
pahoinpitelin jonkun
mielipiteeni jostakin ihmisestä muuttui
muutuin itse vuoden aikana
tappelin fyysisesti jonkun kanssa
kiukuttelin vanhemmilleni
ajoin mopolla/skootterilla
ajoin autoa
kävin huvipuistossa
kävin kalassa
olin mökillä
nukuin 24 tuntia putkeen
olin todella surullinen
sain jonkun itkemään
pyysin joltakin anteeksi
olin yön ulkona
vietin elämäni parhaimpia hetkiä

*bandMaanantai 10.12.2012 15:54

Day 14 - A photo of a celebrity whose concert you would love to go


Day 15 - A photo of a celebrity who you think cares more about the money and the fame rather than the fans
Day 16 - A photo of a celebrity you would love to have over for a dinner
Day 17 - A photo of a celebrity who would play you in a movie about your life
Day 18 - A photo of a celebrity whose wardrobe you would love to own
Day 19 - A photo of a celebrity whose house you would like a tour of
Day 20 - A photo of a celebrity who you think is a role model

aadefgTorstai 06.12.2012 22:39

Day 13 - A photo of a celebrity that you would do anything to meet


Day 14 - A photo of a celebrity whose concert you would love to go
Day 15 - A photo of a celebrity who you think cares more about the money and the fame rather than the fans
Day 16 - A photo of a celebrity you would love to have over for a dinner
Day 17 - A photo of a celebrity who would play you in a movie about your life
Day 18 - A photo of a celebrity whose wardrobe you would love to own
Day 19 - A photo of a celebrity whose house you would like a tour of
Day 20 - A photo of a celebrity who you think is a role model

P.S. I love youMaanantai 03.12.2012 12:58

Day 12 - A photo of an actor/actress from your favorite movie


Day 13 - A photo of a celebrity that you would do anything to meet
Day 14 - A photo of a celebrity whose concert you would love to go
Day 15 - A photo of a celebrity who you think cares more about the money and the fame rather than the fans
Day 16 - A photo of a celebrity you would love to have over for a dinner
Day 17 - A photo of a celebrity who would play you in a movie about your life
Day 18 - A photo of a celebrity whose wardrobe you would love to own
Day 19 - A photo of a celebrity whose house you would like a tour of
Day 20 - A photo of a celebrity who you think is a role model

Sai Pekka oivan rankkarin..Torstai 29.11.2012 11:50

..Neuvottelin kanssa enkelin, kielsimme hältä jälkkärin.

Day 11 - A photo of a band/artist that you like that aren't famous worldwide yet


Day 12 - A photo of an actor/actress from your favorite movie
Day 13 - A photo of a celebrity that you would do anything to meet
Day 14 - A photo of a celebrity whose concert you would love to go
Day 15 - A photo of a celebrity who you think cares more about the money and the fame rather than the fans
Day 16 - A photo of a celebrity you would love to have over for a dinner
Day 17 - A photo of a celebrity who would play you in a movie about your life
Day 18 - A photo of a celebrity whose wardrobe you would love to own
Day 19 - A photo of a celebrity whose house you would like a tour of
Day 20 - A photo of a celebrity who you think is a role model
Day 10 - A photo of your favorite country artist/band


Day 11 - A photo of a band/artist that you like that aren't famous worldwide yet
Day 12 - A photo of an actor/actress from your favorite movie
Day 13 - A photo of a celebrity that you would do anything to meet
Day 14 - A photo of a celebrity whose concert you would love to go
Day 15 - A photo of a celebrity who you think cares more about the money and the fame rather than the fans
Day 16 - A photo of a celebrity you would love to have over for a dinner
Day 17 - A photo of a celebrity who would play you in a movie about your life
Day 18 - A photo of a celebrity whose wardrobe you would love to own
Day 19 - A photo of a celebrity whose house you would like a tour of
Day 20 - A photo of a celebrity who you think is a role model