They stood hushed and glimmering in the night,
Giants able to frame the moon,
Slumbering magnificently in their might.
Day breaks and the sun gently warms their skin,
Veins begin to pulse with life,
The sprit of a thousand of kin.
Evil tears towards them through the brilliant morning sky,
Propelled by the blackest of hate,
Guided by a lie.
Barely risen they stand with no defense,
Innocent and distracted they are not prepared,
The pain about to be inflicted intense.
Like a bolt of lighting that shatters the morn,
Evil crashes once then twice into their sides,
Their bodies are scorched and torn.
Horribly crippled they continue to stand,
Holding onto life until the last,
Orders are given, they take the command.
The battle is brief, the giants begin to yield,
Life drains from every artery,
Their fate is sealed.
Collapsing to zero,
First to one knee then to the next,
From their dust will emerge so many a hero.
The question is asked,
How can such evil exist?
"Fallen heroes"
Brave warriors in suits of armor yellow and black,
Answering a call for help without question they go on the attack.
Mounting their powerful steeds of gleaming gold and red,
Of their fears and worries nothing is said.
They race to the battle, an unforgiving demon to slay,
Until the task is complete not one will stray.
Working to exhaustion as their chest's pound,
Into the lair of the beast, insane as it may sound.
To snatch a person from death is the goal and greatest reward,
It's what all the preparation and self sacrifice is geared toward.
They love their country and all their neighbors the same,
It's a vocation that provides little financial profit or gain.
Their mission is simple the American dream to defend,
A life to save, a home to protect, to this they will tend.
These 2 poems is dedicated to the brave men and women firefighters, the police officers, the medical personnel, rescue workers, and all the common people who helped others on the attack sites during the actual disaster days, and those who helped to clean up in the aftermath of 9-11-01. Some of them accomplished some truly heroic tasks, and deserve to be called heroes!
These people did save some lives, helped multitudes of people on the attack sites, and accomplished the tremendous task of clearing all the dead bodies, rubble and debris from the destroyed buildings and aircrafts. They didn't concern themselves with their own comfort but unselfishly were more concerned about others - even to the point of losing their lives.
"Being brave is doing something courages during the presence of fear