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- Vanhemmat »

Blank MindLauantai 03.05.2008 03:49

i don`t care, i don`t feel, i don`t think.
what is wrong with me?
is this normal for human being?
not thinking anything, just be?

should i have be opinion about things
or should i be agree with everybody else?
i`m so empty. i don`t feel anything.
i`m so careless, how i can be?

i just think myself,
when the things are going hell.
i would like to do something,
but i am prisoner of my own blank mind.

somewhere else people think, where they get food,
same time i think should i pee or should i smoke.
it`s a bit funny, isn`t it?
how selfish i can be.

in africa, they have to drink dirty mud,
at the same time, i pee to clear water.
is that wrong? oh, yes it is.
but we don`t give a shit!

kertosäe 2x
- Vanhemmat »