


Kuu siilin rakkain on pǝʇɹɐǝɥuǝʞoɹq puɐ ssǝןƃuıʍ

Kings of MedicineTiistai 25.08.2009 01:54

They're picking up pieces of me
While they're picking up pieces of you
In a bag you will be before the day is over
While you're looking for somewhere to be
Or looking for someone to do
Stupid me to believe that I could trust in stupid you
And on the back of my hand
Were directions I could understand
Now that old buzzer Johnny Walker
Has gone and ruined all our plans
Our best mate plans

Don't leave me here to pass through time
Without a map or road sign
Don't leave me here, my guiding light
'Cause I, I wouldn't know where to begin
I ask the kings of medicine

They're picking up pieces of me
While they're picking up pieces of you
Lying on ice you will be before the day is over
So case in point, baby
That you never thought it through
Stupid me to believe I could depend on stupid you
And on the tip of my tongue
Were words that always came out wrong
'Cause they were drowned in southern comfort
Left to dry out in the sun, the noon day sun

Don't leave me here to pass through time
Without a map or road sign
Don't leave me here, my guiding light
'Cause I, I wouldn't know where to begin
I ask the kings of medicine
But it seems they've lost their power
Now all I'm left with is the hour

Don't leave me here to pass through time
Without a map or road sign
Don't leave me here, my guiding light
'Cause I, I wouldn't know where to begin
I ask the kings of medicine
But it seems they've lost their power
Now all I'm left with is the hour

Don't leave me here
Don't leave me here, oh no
I wouldn't know where to begin

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 25.08.2009 01:45

I was hanging from a tree
Unaccustomed to such violence
Jesus looking down on me
I'm prepared for one big silence

How'd I ever end up here
Must be through some lack of kindness
And it seemed to dawn on me
Haemoglobin is the key

Haemoglobin is the key
To a healthy heart beat
Haemoglobin is the key
To a healthy heart beat

At the time they cut me free
I was brimming with defiance
Doctors looking down on me
Breaking every law of science
How'd I ever end up here?
A latent strain of color blindness
Then it seemed to dawn on me
Haemoglobin is the key

Haemoglobin is the key
To a healthy heart beat

Now my feet don't touch the ground
Now my feet don't touch the ground
Now my feet don't touch the ground
Now my feet don't touch the ground

As they drag me to my feet
I was filled with incoherence
Theories of conspiracy
The whole world wants my disappearance
I'll go fighting nail and teeth
You've never seen such perseverance
Gonna make you scared of me
Cause haemoglobin is the key

Haemoglobin is the key
To a healthy heart beat

Now my feet don't touch the ground

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 14.08.2009 23:21

Hm, taas toi sekoilee, oon kuunnellu Pure Morningin 100 kertaa ja monia muitakin kappaleita yli 80 kertaa ja toi väittää että oon kuunnellu eniten kuuntelemaani kappaletta 74 kertaa.

PLACEBO!!! HELSINKI! 15.11!!!Torstai 13.08.2009 23:54

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 13.08.2009 00:45

Don't make me be myself around you.

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 11.08.2009 22:32

I've been hiding in this bed for weeks from this
Throats raw from screaming and I haven't said a word
The sky is calling, and the stars they point to this

To a chair we see your breath in the air, but only for a little while
Your cold pale skin and tainted purple lips
Let me embrace you with this kiss
And together we'll float like angels
Together ... together we will float, like angels

Higher than the heavens the clouds part ways
'Promise me to never look down!' and we'll stay like this forever

If your stomach feels weak than my work here is done
To hide from our twisted ways, I've been hiding in this bed
Been hiding in this bed for weeks

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 11.08.2009 00:24

#exel (599) [37871]

<@Worm^> hrr, mua on huijattu
<@Worm^> tosta mun vierestä käveli joku hyväntuoksuinen ja hyväpeppuinen tyttö
<@Worm^> se istu tuohon ja hymyili, sillä on kauniisti laitetut hiukset ja kauniit silmät
<@Worm^> sit ku katoin tarkemmin ni se onki poika
<@Worm^> olen tosi pettynyt
<@Worm^> mut on kyl vitsin nätti poika :D

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 10.08.2009 03:21

we hope our lil girl will become a person who is able to love and also be loved,
and that's the reason of her life and why she is born.

so we gave her the name 愛理 "Lovelie"

愛 stands for Love
理 stands for Reason

"The reason of Love"

and also we gave her a middle name.

"Lovelie Miyavi Ishihara "as an american.



Lovelie Miyavi Ishihara


The rights to love and to be loved is not just one person's only.
On the same time, happiness is something that should be shared.
We want to be a family where we can share love and happiness to everyone around us through our happiness.

Let's start from I LOVE YOU.

NuunuunuudeliaLauantai 08.08.2009 23:48

[x] En pyörry nähdessäni verta
[x] Olen purrut ihmistä
[x] Olen maistanut verta ja mielestäni se on hyvää
[] Inhoan valkosipulia
[] Pelkään teräviä puunpaloja
[x] Valvon myöhään/en saa unta yöllä
[] Torkun päivisin
[/] Olen sosiaalinen ja viihdyn ihmisten seurassa


[] Olen kömpelö
[] Rehellisesti sanottuna olen aika tyhmä
[/] Viihdyn parhaiten laumassa kaltaisteni kanssa
[] Matkin toisia, minulla ei ole omaa persoonaa
[] En piittaa pätkääkään ulkonäöstäni
[x] Rakastan rentoa hengailua kavereiden kanssa
[] Arvostan älyä, vaikken sillä itse loistakaan
[] Liikun erittäin kankeasti linkuttaen


[/] Olen erittäin valpas täysikuun aikaan
[] Kärsin karvojen liikakasvusta
[x] Pidän lihasta
[/] Sudet ovat upeita eläimiä, eikä niitä saisi tappaa!
[] Minulla on valppaat vaistot
[] Puolustaudun ärhäkästi
[] Minusta tuntuu, että koirani on sukua minulle
[] Päivisin tunnen olevani ihan normaali


[x] Olen nainen (niin kai sitten)
[] Ehkä hieman demoninen
[] Viettelen miehiä huvikseni
[] Erityisesti munkit on mieleeni
[] Olen viehkeä
[] Imen energiaa ympärillä olevista ihmisistä
[] Kerään spermaa
[] Minulla on/haluaisin lohikäärmeen siivet selkääni


[/] Minussa on paljon voimaa
[] Olen melko herkkä kokemaan yliluonnolisia asioita
[x] Olen joskus harjoittanut magiaa
[] Olen tehnyt sopimuksen Paholaisen kanssa
[x] Jos vielä olisi noitavainoja, minut varmasti poltettaisiin roviolla!
[] Intuitiivinen tietoni on vahva ja luotan siihen mukisematta
[] Minulla on kissa
[] Monet ovat kyselleet minulta selvyyttä esim. näkemiinsä uniin.


[] Olen paha RUAHAHAHAHA
[] Jotkut kutsuvat minua riivaajaksi
[x] Joskus koen olevani jumalista seuraava
[] Haluan että minua palvotaan jumalana
[] Olen oikea piru!
[] Olen kova valehtelemaan
[] Olen vihainen
[] Olen kova panettelemaan
