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joopppMaanantai 05.10.2009 14:44

ei saatana kun vvituttaa:S:S:Svois hypätä kaivoon ja asuu siel loppu elämä:S

aijj jumankekka:DSunnuntai 04.10.2009 14:24

vittu mikä päivä:D eilenkin:D ei mitään muisti kuvaa mut näyttää siltä et oon vissiin vähän riehunu tääll galerias:D kaikkee jotai älyhoi juttuu päiväkirjaankin ooon väääntäny:D

Dingo Nahkatakkinen tyttöSunnuntai 04.10.2009 01:27

Hän tulee vastaan ei-mitään ilmein.
Nuori elämänsä on kahlittu vaunuihin.
On vainuissa lapsi, taas sataa lunta.
On tähdet yksin rooleissaan,
kun hän työntää lastenvaunujaan.
Ja kulkee ilman saattajaa.
Hän on ollut joskus nuori nainen.
Käyttänyt aineita spiidistä tinneriin.
Maanantai aamu on yhtä tuskaa.
Näin eilisen muistot vierellään, hän herännyt
tuntien kipeää. Yksin jäämisen tuntemisen häpeää.

Hän on nahkatakkinen tyttö.
Sama tyttö on nähnyt helvetin.
Nahkatakkinen tyttö.
Se sama tyttö on uskonut ihmisiin.
Chorus repeat
Hän tulee vastaan ei-mitään ilmein.
Tulee ei mistään ja päätyy ei mihinkään.
Tietäen on jossain yksinäiset, jotka nuoruuden leikeistä
luopuen paljon saivat vain yksinään kantaen, palapeliä
virheistä liitelleen.
On tyhjenyt estraadimme, on ihmiset jättäneet narikan tyhjilleen.
Takahuoneessa on vain pieni nainen, joka levinneet
maskarat kasvoillaa ja pudostaan päätänsä pahoillaan.
Ja show vain jatkaa kulkuaan.

The ShadowLauantai 03.10.2009 20:44

"The Shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real."

Vlad DragulaLauantai 03.10.2009 20:43

Much of the information we have about Vlad III comes from pamphlets published in Germany and Russia after his death.

The German pamphlets appeared shortly after Dracula's death and, at least initially, may have been politically inspired. At that time Matthias Corvinus of Hungary was seeking to bolster his own reputation in the Holy Roman Empire and may have intended the early pamphlets as justification of his less than vigorous support of his vassal. The pamphlets were also a form of mass entertainment in a society where the printing press was just coming into widespread use.

The German pamphlets painted Dracula as an inhuman monster who terrorized the land and butchered innocents with sadistic glee. The Russian pamphlets took a somewhat different view. The princes of Moscow were at that time just beginning to build the basis of what would become the autocracy of the czars. They were also having considerable trouble with disloyal, often treasonous boyars. In Russia, Dracula was presented as a cruel but fair prince whose actions were directed toward the greater good of his people.

Despite the differences in interpretation the pamphlets, regardless of their land of origin, agree remarkably well as to specifics. The level of agreement between the various pamphlets has led most historians to conclude that at least the broad outlines of the events covered actually occurred.

Romanian verbal tradition provides another important source for the life of Vlad Dracula. Legends and tales concerning the Impaler have remained a part of folklore among the Romanian peasantry.

Many of the tales contained in the pamphlets are also found in the verbal tradition, though with a somewhat different emphasis. Among the Romanian peasantry Dracula is remembered as a just prince who defended his people from foreigners, whether those foreigners be Turkish invaders or German merchants.

He is also remembered as somewhat of a champion of the common man against the oppression of the boyars. Dracula's fierce insistence on honesty is a central part of the verbal tradition. Many of the anecdotes contained in the pamphlets and in the verbal tradition demonstrate the prince's efforts to eliminate crime and dishonesty from his domain.

There are several events that are common to all the pamphlets, regardless of their nation of origin. Many of these events are also found in the Romanian verbal tradition. Specific details may vary among the different versions of these anecdotes but the general course of events usually agrees to a remarkable extent. There are about nine anecdotes that are almost universal in the Dracula literature.

HehLauantai 03.10.2009 20:37

In the present age, scientific rationalism is both God and Devil. With the advent of post-Renaissance materialism, the living presence of religion was suddenly undermined. Belief in the Devil, evil spirits, and eventually God himself was seen as superstitious, having no place in the Age of Enlightenment.

As the power of Christianity waned as the dominant social and political force in western culture, so too did the power of Satan. By the eighteenth century, in Europe at least, witch and heretic burnings had all but ceased.

Today, most of Christians in the world would consider it primitive and barbaric to suggest that anyone be hounded or killed for communing with Satan. Modern science has dethroned the Christian Church from its position of supreme influence in western culture, playing exorcism of Satan from western consciousness.

Of course, the Devil is not dead yet but he gets his power from God, and as God's power wanes so does Satan's. Someday, perhaps, both God and Satan will become impotent strangers to the human imagination. Even those who are allegedly doing evil in the name of Satan are usually pursued for the evil they do, not for their alleged association with the devil. It is likely that most police officers, if they had to deal with crimes committed by Satan worshippers, would view the criminals as deluded rather than as really communing with otherworldly beings.

The new, rationalistic worldview brought with it an indispensable asset to the human race, the scientific method. However, it could not possibly hope to answer fundamental questions such as the problem of evil, which were by definition metaphysical and beyond the scope of scientific inquiry.

The great fallacious conceit of science was its intrusion into the realm of the irrational, where it simply had no relevance. Yet in fact there was still stranger delusion in the naive faith of the early Rationalists, who fondly fancied that they had found the key to all knowledge and that there were no things in heaven or earth beyond the reach of their science and philosophy.

And much of the history of the last hundred years forms a curious comment on these proud pretentions. For far from disappearing from the face of the earth, much of the old occultism has been revived with a new vigor, and has taken new form in modern Spiritism. At the same time, philosophers, historians, and men of science have been led to make a serious study of the story of demonology and occultism in past ages or in other lands, in order to understand its true significance.

The most extreme evasion of the problem was 20th century Satanism, which resurrected the Romantic conception of Lucifer, who, in his own inimical style, represented the principle of individuality in the face of oppression.

The obvious contradiction inherent in a Devil as a principle of good was a sure sign of confusion. And, even as the Satanists pilloried Christ, they belied their own professed independence by operating within the structure of dogmatic Christian belief. Universities and colleges in the U.S. and elsewhere have begun offering courses with such titles as "Witchcraft, Magic and Sorcery" because of the growing interest in the occult. Numerous churches of Satan have been founded and devil worship is actually practiced throughout the world today. Satan's greatest ambition is to be worshipped as God and to control the mind of mankind.

But what do contemporary Americans believe about supernatural beings?

A major article on angels was the cover story for "Time Magazine" on December 27, 1993. Some amazing statistics were revealed concerning what Americans believe about angels and demons.

When asked if they "believe in the existence of angels", 69% answered YES and 46% believe they have their "own guardian angel". The story went on to say that 55% of the people surveyed believe angels are "higher spiritual beings created by God with special powers to act as his agents on earth"

LOL XD ASDLauantai 03.10.2009 20:32

siis mitä vittuu:D olin kaupungilla kello jotain:D ja ekaks näin koiran sit näin kissan ja jonkun ajan pääst näin oravan:D ja sit MITÄ VITTUU MARSUKIN VIEL jonkun aikaa olin kävelly niin iköhän apinakin tuu eteen:D ajattelin et " mitäköhän viel on näkemättä" No eiköhän mun pikkku veli tuu ja hypi simille:S eli pilalla tääkin päivä:D:D jooo sekoon ja on tylsää jotain on kehitettävä ja nopest:D

mun ja kallion sekoiluu... MII_KKU<3<3<3Perjantai 02.10.2009 14:40

02.10.2009 11:29 <__TT__> MEIL ON ELÄMÄ..SÄÄ OOOT MEIDÄN ELÄMÄ
02.10.2009 11:29 <Remmy> NII!
02.10.2009 11:29 <Remmy> :3
02.10.2009 11:29 <__TT__> ei noin saa sanoo:D mulle tuli paha mieli:D
02.10.2009 11:30 <__TT__> hiljaa nainen:D:D
02.10.2009 11:30 <__TT__> no eii
02.10.2009 11:31 <__TT__> vitsii
02.10.2009 11:31 <__TT__> pitäiskös mun tulla joku viikonloppu ryyppään sun kaa sinne:D
02.10.2009 11:31 <Remmy> neätkös mirkku sul on miehii
02.10.2009 11:31 <Remmy> tullaa timurin kans :O
02.10.2009 11:31 <Remmy> otetaa juomat mukaa :3
02.10.2009 11:31 <__TT__> joo joo kallio mukaan:D
02.10.2009 11:32 <__TT__> semmoset k'nnit
02.10.2009 11:32 <__TT__> :_:D
02.10.2009 11:32 <__TT__> kylll uskaltaisin:D
02.10.2009 11:32 <Remmy> :D
02.10.2009 11:32 <__TT__> :D sun kans uskallan tehä muitä vaan;:D en mie siu pelkää:_D PALJOOO AINAKAAN
02.10.2009 11:33 <__TT__> eii ne sua hulluks luule:
02.10.2009 11:33 <Remmy> ei olla hullui :D mut lupaan et tullaa timurin kans. ja nukutaa siel sit :O
02.10.2009 11:33 <__TT__> miikss mun pittää pelkää sua:D??
02.10.2009 11:33 <__TT__> juu :_D tai sit me mennään 5 tähden hoptelliim:D
02.10.2009 11:34 <__TT__> miks mun oma turvallisuus on uhattuna??:D
02.10.2009 11:35 <Remmy> mä uskallan tehä vaik mitä
02.10.2009 11:35 <__TT__> kallio pussaa sua niin ekkähän sää rauhotu:D
02.10.2009 11:36 <Remmy> ^^
02.10.2009 11:36 <__TT__> no mää annan siT:D :P;D<3
02.10.2009 11:36 <Remmy> sen näkee sit syyslomal :DD
02.10.2009 11:36 <__TT__> ja kyll me uskalletaan tulla:D
02.10.2009 11:37 <__TT__> kyll saa
02.10.2009 11:37 <__TT__> :D
02.10.2009 11:37 <Remmy> mitä timur antaa :O
02.10.2009 11:37 <Remmy> JAAHA
02.10.2009 11:37 <__TT__> tottaikai vaikka vähän enemmänkin kun yhen:D
02.10.2009 11:38 <Remmy> kossupullo mieheen :3
02.10.2009 11:38 <__TT__> me syödään sut eka:D

Children Of Bodom Agels Dont KillPerjantai 02.10.2009 13:55

I hear the footsteps crawling by,
Watching myself slowly die.
Sharp pain is impaling through my heart,
Slowly tearing me apart.

One minute you're an angel fallen from grace,
Next, the fix that I hate.
Pick me up from the gutter with a gentle kiss,
Then rips out my heart to show me how black it is!

Yet again...
It feels so cold,
It hollows your name.
I'll die alone!

I hear the footsteps walking by,
Watching myself slowly die.
Sharpening pain leading through my heart,
Slowly tearing me apart.

When you appear as an angel
Look at me now, losing my way.
Could you ever kill the pain in my heart
Even though they say angels don't kill?

Yet again...
It feels so cold,
It hollows your name.
I'm dying alone!

Yet again...
It feels so cold,
It hollows your name.
I'll die alone

hehePerjantai 02.10.2009 13:51

Miksi joka ikinen syksy unohtaa pukea aamuisin tarpeeksi lämmintä vaatetta päälleen?;:D

Pidän sinusta
Miksi Henkilö A tykkää henkilö B:stä joka tykkää Henkilö C:stä joka tykkää henkilö A:sta?

Tai miksi sitten joukko X(K,J,L,M)) pitää henkilö F:stä, joka ei pidä kenestäkään? Joukolla X puolestaan on omia ihailijoita.

Oikeastaan tiedän tähän vastauksen. On helppo pitää ihmisistä joita on vaikea tai mahdoton saada, koska silloin ei tarvitse kohdata totuutta/arkea.

Joskus käy vahinko ja henkilöt pitävät toisistaan

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