


waiting for the dawn



"Every Man and every Woman is a Star"


1 Tänään
1 Viimeisen 7 päivän aikana
    Summer Breeze 2014
    Yön ja Aamun rajamailla

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    American Prayer

    Do you know the warm progress under the stars?
    Do you know we exist?
    Have you forgotten the keys to the kingdom?
    Have you been born yet, and are you alive?

    Let's reinvent the gods, all the myths of the ages
    Celebrate symbols from deep elder forests
    Have you forgotten the lessons of the ancient war?

    We need great golden copulations

    The fathers are cackling in trees of the forest
    Our mother is dead in the sea
    Do you know we are being lead to slaughter by placid admirals
    And that fat slow generals are getting obscene on young blood?
    Do you know we are ruled by T.V.?
    The moon is a dry blood beast
    Guerrilla bands are rolling numbers
    In the next block of green vine
    Amassing for warfare on innocent herdsman who are just dying

    O' great creator of being, grant us one more hour to perform our art and perfect our lives!

    - James Douglas Morrison, American Prayer


    En vastaile pikaviestimien kautta tuntemattomille. Jos jostain kumman syystä haluat keskustella niin laitathan sähköpostia osoitteeseeni Voit vaikka vain tervehtiä ja kysyä kuulumisia. Keskustelen mielelläni myös taiteesta ja teknologiasta tai erikoisemmistakin aiheista. Muista kuitenkin että en ole täällä etsimässä parisuhdetta (se minulla jo on!). Kiitos!
    - Mikko (