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Heechul = Cinderella....

" . . . . ㅡㅡ^ Shiwon is 'Simba' from 'The Lion King'

He said that he too wanted a nickname from a cartoon so I said

"Then you are Simba!"

"Hyung.. how come I'm the only one who's an animal...."

"Then don't be it"

"Ah~ Simba, the protector of Cinderella! It's awesome hyung!!"

"I know, isn't it?ㅋㅋ Don't you like it?"

That's how he became Simba ㅡㅡㆀ

Right now he's in the middle of becoming 'Rellagyo's assistant

No matter how you look at him, Shiwon is refreshingly good looking

"I think you are really good looking~ you seem like a man's man and are cool.. it must be nice.. hoo...."

"That's not so, hyung.. why are you being like this.. hyung is extremely lovely~"

"I know"

"^-^ㆀ" "

miks ne on nii retardejsjdfkj;:d,.dfjk ;;

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