" Eeteuk finds you with Heechul in your lap as you watch the afternoon news, and he turns off the tv and sits down next to you and speaks quietly and too fast for you to really understand. He leaves and Heechul is looking at the ground and you don't know what just happened.
"He just said to not kiss in public," Heechul explains without you having to ask.
"Oh," you say.
"Or in private," he adds.
"But I don't think his definition is the same as ours. I think he means kissing as in stabbing the other person. So I guess we can still kiss as in touch our lips together."
"What?" you ask, but you're pretty sure that Heechul wouldn't make sense even if you could understand the language. "
mää hankin samanlaisen logiikan ku fikki-heechulilla