


Life is a highway, I wanna ride it all night long


- Vanhemmat »

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 20.04.2009 00:11

ja by the way, minne hävis tekstit?? :o HOHHHHOHH. ihan sen takia ku ahistaa nämä vakiokyylääjät. Taian olla aika monen kaverilistalla vai mistä ne tietää aina tulla lukemaan minun turinoita? Onhan se kiva että joku lukkee, mutta c'mooon get a life...

Mölli on meidän päällikkö.Maanantai 20.04.2009 00:09

Katottiin Taavi-tontun seikkailuja! Löydettiin sieltä muutama tuttu naamakin ja siitähän lähti räkäset naurut päälle kun todettiin miten vanhassa lastenohjelmassa voi olla niin hyvin kuvailtu samat tyypit ku nykypäivänä meiän piireissä. :D Aamulla poistin naulan Reiskan tassusta : ( VoiVoi pientä raasua, sairaslomalle joutuu nyt ferrari. Onneks TT:llä piäsee, tännääki lähti ku mummo hangesta !
Tämä niin kutsuttu loma jatkuu vielä kolme ihanaa päivää, tosin kaks niistä on kidutusta. Onneks on puudutusaine, hyvä toveri.
Ja onneks on minu oma virtahepo joka auttaa tilanteessa ku tilanteessa<3

tappomeiningilläSunnuntai 19.04.2009 03:17

so, of course, you were supposed to call me tonight
you were supposed to call me tonight
we would have gone to the cinema
and, after, to the restaurant, the one you like in your street

we would have slept together, have a nice breakfast together
and then a walk in a park together, how beautiful is there!
you would have said "i love you" in the cutest place on earth
where some lullabies are dancing with the fairies

i would have waited like a week or two
but you never tried to reach me
no, you never called me back
you were dating that bleach-blonde girl
if i find her, i swear, i swear...

i'll kill her, i'll kill her
she stole my future, she broke my dream
i'll kill her, i'll kill her
she stole my future when she took you away

i would have met your friends, we would have had a drink or two
they would have liked me, 'cause sometimes i'm funny
i would have met your dad, i would have met your mum
she would have said "please, can you make some beautiful babies?"

so we would have had a boy called tom and a girl called susan, born in japan

i saw it was a love story, but you don't want to get involved
i saw it was a love story, but you're not ready for that ...

me neither. i'll kill her
she stole my future, she broke my dream
i'll kill her, i'll kill her
she stole my future when she took you away

she's a bitch you know, all she's got is blondeness
not even tenderness, yeah, she's cleverless
she'll dump your arse for a model called brendan
he will pay for beautiful surgery 'cause he's full of money

i would have waited like a week or two
but you never tried to reach me
no, you never called me back
you were dating that bleach-blonde girl
if i find her, i swear, you know, i swear, i swear ...

i'll kill her, i'll kill her
she stole my future, she broke my dream
i'll kill her, i'll kill her
she stole my future when she took you away
- Vanhemmat »