


roadtrippin through the desert to get to nowhere

hehe todayyyySunnuntai 29.11.2009 13:37

kattelen alienia, dataan ja yritän kirjoittaa samaan aikaan.

hoho pölsSunnuntai 29.11.2009 00:10

Jos me herättäis ALASTI yhdessä, mitä sanoisit mulle? (kopioi & liitä tämä ja katso minkälaisia vastauksia saat)

Watching Paranormal ActivityLauantai 28.11.2009 23:29

TT_________TT kone lagailee

MULA ON KRAPULA ASDLauantai 28.11.2009 16:43

vois kattoo alienit putkeen. HAAHHA. elikkä..
Eilen pikkujouluset nakkilassa maijan ja jaden kämpillä. emma joi liikaa. Anteeksi kovasti joona, purin kätesi irti.
Ps. suihkussa on kiva olla vaatteet päällä. ainakin alkoholin vaikutuksen alaisena.

JEJJ<3Maanantai 23.11.2009 15:28

teeheeMaanantai 23.11.2009 15:26


<3Maanantai 23.11.2009 13:44

the drugs began to peak
A smile of joy arrives in me
But sedation changes to panic and nausea
And breath starts to shorten
And heartbeats pound softer.

You wont try to save me
You just want to hurt me and leave me desperate.

You taught my heart
A sense I never knew I had
I can't forget
The times that I was lost and depressed from the awful truth
How do you do it?
You're my heroine.

You won't leave me alone
Chisel my heart out of stone
I give in everytime.

You taught my heart
A sense I never knew I had
I can't forget
The times that I was lost and depressed from the awful truth
How do you do it?
You're my heroine

I bet you laugh
At the thought of me thinking for myself (myself)
I bet you believe (bet you believe)
That I'm better off with you than someone else

Your face arrives again
All hope I had becomes surreal
But under your cover's
More torture than pleasure
And just past your lips
There's more anger than laughter
Not now or forever will I ever change you
I know that to go on I'll break you, my habit

You taught my heart
A sense I never knew I had
I can't forget
The times that I was lost and depressed from the awful truth
How do you do it?
You're my heroine

I will save myself.

jippiii~Sunnuntai 22.11.2009 23:00

itkin sisäänpäin tyyliin NÄÄÄÄÄÄIN paljon, kun sain ficin luettua. EI DRACOLLE SAA TEHDÄ PAHAA : (
...asd. LISÄÄÄÄÄÄ.

XDDSunnuntai 22.11.2009 19:08

O_O ...Lauantai 21.11.2009 13:00

aika hyvin viistoista vuotiaaks jätkäks O_O