


popiskelee ylipopistossa

MauriceSunnuntai 13.02.2011 17:37

So I watched Maurice, sadly at 3 am. I was nonetheless coherent, so I didn't giggle quite too much and still remember all of it, but I did play Tetris while watching. I have notes, but they mostly say things like "HIS FUCKING EYELASHES!" "BOAT HOUSE LOL" and "OMIGOD WAGNER AGAIN!" Perhaps I should spare a little bit of attention to more "serious" films.

Here are some thoughts I could gather from my jumbled notes.

The beginning of Maurice seemed to be too fun to watch in the middle of the night. I wanted to scream with laughter. (This was when I introduced Tetris to my experience to distract myself from the funny.) Yes, I know how the storyline develops into tragic, I've read the book... but the sex pep talk and Cambridge tea party/dinner in the beginning... Ye gods, what is it with Cambridge and Wagner? Or posh schools and house/dorm homosexuality? Actually, don't tell me. I'm rather content not knowing.

Here are some things I felt happy about: James Wilby, Hugh Grant, Rupert Graves and Simon Callow. (Y U SO YOUNG? Wait, right, 1987...)

I actually did snort juice out of my nose when at the dinner table m'sieu Durham suddenly went "Oh, I say, I think I'm going to faint" and promptly fell off his chair.

I do not understand the rules of cricket one bit. There's a baseball-like setting: bats, runs and balls, but... White clothing? Wicket? What? Do people score points? (Somehow one can tell I've only come across the sport in fiction...)

Some actually say ma-mah? I always feel a bit confused when a joke has its roots in actual life.

This film was a good one. It was well-made, the story was properly thought out, if a bit tragic and slow. (We can count the latter to my short attention span, can't we?)

Also, it was a near-realistic gay romance novel written by a straight man in the first half of the 20th century and has a relatively happy ending. I am overjoyed.

(I noticed I mostly watch stuff the Internet (read: Tumblr) is excited about. I sometimes believe the hype.)

Here you go, I provide you with linkage:

YYOOKOEJJASEMMERKITYSTorstai 10.02.2011 19:18

Kauhistuttavan myrköllisen hirmustuttava ÄIDINKIELEN TEKSTITAITO on tulossa kohti. Huomenna kello kahdeksalta aamulla. Ei mitään paniikkia, ja sehän tässä vasta pelottaa.

Äikänope kehui tänään prelivastauksia; mulla menee kai hyvin. Oli kuulemma ilo lukea.

Sitten me käytiin pitkä keskustelu/väittely Zen Cafen kappaleen Mies jonka ympäriltä tuolit viedään syvällisistä merkityksistä. Open mielestä miehen talo, jossa on "suorat seinät ja tapetit" on viittaus siihen, että sillä menee kuitenkin jollain tasolla hyvin, kun taas minun mielestä se vain vahvistaa kuvaa miehen yksinäisyydestä ja onnettomuudesta.

Mä olen yleensäkin eri mieltä siitä, mitä se rivien välistä löytää, joten eipä tunnu mishän.

Niin, ja mulla on vielä kaks kurssia: yhteiskuntapopin ja lätinän kakkoskurssit.

Maanantaina alkaa sitten kuuntelut. Siinä ei tarvitse itse tuottaa paljoa, joten pidän.

OMGWTFBBQKeskiviikko 09.02.2011 03:15

Tell me, have you seeeen the marvellous breadfiiiiissh
Swimming iiin the ocean wateeerrs
Have you seen that marvellous breadfish
He's like an inverse sandwich
Foooor fishermen and shaaaarrks

(I could stare at this for hours.)

Drive-InMaanantai 07.02.2011 02:46




HeÂ’s a real Big Mac man
Sitting in his little van
Wishing for some food to eat at night
I hope they had some good time
They seem to have, they seem quite fine
And this all seems JUST SO FUCKING RIGHT






A Googolplex of ArtMaanantai 07.02.2011 02:40

Google has once again made something quite interesting and quite useful. Searching, surfing, browsing and getting directions aside you can now VISIT AN ART GALLERY IN AMAZING HIGHER-THAN-HIGH DEFINITION!!!

I most wholeheartedly support this. I enjoy watching these fantastic pieces of art and admiring the mere QUANTITY of stuff. I can now do it for free, without ever leaving my room and I can yell out my opinions. (I think IÂ’ll grow roots if I sit in this chair for much longer, by the wayÂ…)

I also like to zoom up peoplesÂ’ noses to see if realist painters were realistic enough and remembered to paint nose-hairs. :D

In addition, I bring thee links of differing variety.

Time travel.

Invaders from space.

Stolen shoes.


Well that was informational.

Frankenstein and his creationSunnuntai 06.02.2011 22:59

So just a few moments ago I went and booked myself a ticket to the theatre.

People over on Tumblr have been yelling about this production of Frankenstein for some time (mainly because it's got Benedict Cumberbatch in it) and now I've yielded.

At first I thought it was not to be. National Theatre is in England and I'm stuck here. However, I went to see the play's homepage. "Audiences in cinemas will have the chance to see..." it said. I stared. Then found this:

See where them marks stand? SEE? :D

So I went and booked a ticket. Thank you, globalisation.

Also, this.

YEEAAAAAAAHHHHH oh all right I'll shut up.

MR BLACK AND HIS BOOKSLauantai 05.02.2011 04:32

I've just watched all three seasons of Black Books in some 12 hours because my mom is away and I had a boring Friday night. I ate and had a shower and drank a pot of coffee and...

Watched all of them because they were BLOODY BRILLIANT!

Books! Wine! Quirkiness! Bill Bailey! Books! Sardonic humour! Wine! Dylan Moran and his Irish accent! Alcohol! Books! Silliness! Theme music! British comedy! Wine! Books!

I also spotted Martin Freeman, Omid Djalili, Rob Brydon, Johnny Vegas and Simon Pegg. :D I am ridiculously happy and not even drunk and it's half past two in the morning and I haven't done the dishes as I should have.

“You know what you are? You’re a beard with an idiot hanging off it.”
- Bernard Black

"Up with this I will not put."
- Bernard Black

Because I fucking love this.

Ei mutta hetkinen...
Which makes me "like, cool".

I have now seen all videos of charlieissocoollike in a row, pretty much. At least all the available ones. I have yet to go through the Truth or Fail videos, which seem Quite Interesting given they're laden with information and are interactive. I'll have a go when I have the time.

(And that video about Tumblr... Yes, I've seen the pictures. I rather like them popping up on my dashboard.)

Also, about every five minutes I either went "CHARLIE Y U SO SWEET?" or "Charlie, you're, like, so cool."

So yes, I did enjoy my vlog-watching experience. Thank you, Charlie, for being mostly utterly adorable and awkward. Makes me feel right at home. (Where I, as a matter of fact, am, but let's not go into that.)

Because this amuses me greatly.
Now this isn't nice at all, Canada. The little bit I'd heard about your nice, quiet, Northern country was rather good and positive, but this...

Who the fuck in their right mind would come up with this kind of imponderable arse-gravy?

I don't feel like this is even real, but it seems so. Also, there was a piece of news about a man who had his server hacked and had to pay thousands of (Canadian) dollars as fee. What? Do people now need to insure their Internets? What? WHAT?!

I don't want to talk about this any more, I just hope for the sake of Canadian freedom (which has nothing to do with me, but the subject is close to my heart, so...) that the twazzocks, nitwits, pea-brains, stinkers, planks, blighters, geezers and eggheaded half-wits (I just wanted to use my collected list of Insults-in-English which I have collected all by myself) will come to their nonexistent senses and do something more useful with their need for money.

(lookit an angry wall of text just above...)

TEORIASSA osaan ajaa autoa.Torstai 03.02.2011 17:17

Reputin tässä äsken ajokokeeni. Nyt sattuu.

Pelotti, mutta tyynesti yritin ajella. Sitten kun lopulta päästiin takasin pihaan ja valvoja käski peruuttaa ruutuun, joku täti peruutti päälle. Takaovessa on nyt kolhu. Ei ollut meidän syy, mutta ilmesesti mä olin silloin vastuussa ajosta, mutta poissaoleva opettaja autosta, joten... En tiedä. En joudu sitä kuitenkaan maksamaan, vakuutus korvaa. "Olin lähdössä peruuttamaan, enkä lainkaan ajatellut, että takana voisi olla joku", sanoi täti. NO TOTTA HELVETISSÄ AUTON TAKANA VOI OLLA JOKU, JOS OLLAAN RUUHKAISEN KATSASTUSHUOLTAMON PIHALLA!

Pääsen sitten parin viikon päästä UUDESTAAN JEE!!! Pitää ottaa neljä lisätuntia (4 x 31€ + 90€) ja maksaa uudelleen koemaksu. Pitää maksaa ilmesesti itse, äidillä ei oo rahaa edes käydä kaupassa nykyään.

Virheet oli kaistan vaihtaminen ryhmitysalueella, jalankulkijoiden riittämätön huomiointi ja ajautuminen vasemmalle kaistalla. Tädin peruutusta ei laskettu minun viaksi, mikä on sinänsä varsin onnellista.