


it's never too late to get up and start all over again!

Jassi, you're screwed! ;DTiistai 16.12.2008 23:29

Tehtävänanto: Paljastan itsestäni asioita. Valitsen 5 ihmistä, jotka haastan tekemään saman perässä.
Heidän tulee myös kirjoittaa nämä säännöt merkintäänsä. Käyn ilmoittamassa heidän kommenttilaatikoihinsa haasteen ja tästä merkinnästä.

Nimi > Minna
Pituus> 161cm
Kengännumero> 36-37, ja Converseissa 5 tai 4 ;)
Hiustenväri> omituisen kultaset.
Sisarukset> Johannes (wacko)

....Elokuva, jonka ostit? > ööh.... ei nyt muistu mieleen.
....Kappale, jonka kuuntelit? > Family Force 5 - Drama Queen (mulla on siihen lievä pakkomielle)
....Kappale, joka oli juuttunut päähäsi? > ^^
....CD, jonka ostit? > Kill Hannah- For never & ever <3<3<3
....Henkilö, jolle soitit? > tais olla äiti.
....Henkilö, joka soitti sinulle? > Nina varmaanki ;D se mulle eniten soittelee
....TV-show, jonka katsoit? > So You Think You Can Dance.
....Henkilö, jota ajattelin? > Jassi

Kaukosuhteet > vastaanpuolesta
Itsemurha > sanoisin et vastaan.
Ihmisten tappaminen > Vastaan
Teinitupakointi > sama se mulle
Rattijuopumus > Vastaan
Homo- ja lesbosuhteet > Puolesta
Saippuasarjat > en ite hirveesti kato niitä, mut en nyt erityisesti vihaakaan

.....Shampoota käytät? > Sunsilkin joku amerikkalainen ihana juttu....
.....Kenkiä käytät? > Converseja <3 ainoot kengät joita rakastan <3
.....Pelkäät? > rakkaiden menettämistä, tulta ja pellejä

..Kertaa olet ollut rakastunut? > jaaaa-a.... en varmaan kertaakaan
...Kertaa sydämmesi on särkynyt? > ei hajua. ja se on muuten yhellä m:llä
...Sydäntä olet särkenyt? > en uskoisi yhtään... en tosin voi tietää O.o
...Ihmistä luokittelisit sellaisiksi tosiystäviksi, joiden käsiin voisit uskoa elämäsi > ehkäpä kuusi
...Kertaa nimesi on ollut sanomalehdessä? > neva
...Arpea on kehossasi? > nyt ei pahemmin yhtään. katotaan sit ku pääsen taas töihin :D

....soma? > enpä oikeestaan
....Hauska? > aina joskus :D
....Kiihkeä? > hejj, ainahan mä ;D
....Ystävällinen? > Ainakin yritän kovasti
....Rakastettava? > tuli mieleen rakastettavat disney-hahmot... en tiiä
....Huolehtiva? > muista joo, omista asioista en niin paljoo
....Suloinen? > en. kyl joku on sanonu että oon sulonen (kuten My Passionin Laurence xD)

....alkoholijuoma? > öööö.... KELKKA! iiiso kellka ;) ei sillä että mä niitä pahemmin tosin joisin
....Karkki? > kaikki muu paitsi suklaa.
...sarjakuva/piirroselokuva? > Leijona Kuningas!!!
...Purukumi? > Trident
...Väri? > Musta. AAALL BLACK
...kynsilakan väri? > Musta ja Pinkki ;D
...Viikonpäivä? > Perjantai ja Lauantai
...Inhokkipäivä? > Maanantai sillon ku pitää lähtee 6 aikaan aamulla kävelee töihin ;P
...Kukka? > sama se. ne kuolee mun käsissä kummiski :p
...Koru? > hopeinen sydän, jonka sain Lemperleiltä, kultanen risti jonka sain Jassilta ja kultanen käsikoru, jonka sain mummolta. Plus ne, jotka oon ostanu Hot Topicista ;)
...Kesä/talvi? > KESÄ!!!!!!!
...Norja/ruotsi? > all the same
...Trampoliini vai uima-allas? > Trampoliini x)

....Nukkui sängyssäsi? > MINÄ!
....Näki sinun itkevän? > en muista.. harvat ihmiset on nähny mun itkevän.
....Sai sinut itkemään? > whaaa... en muista
....Oli kanssasi elokuvissa? > Nina
....Lähetti sinulle sähköpostia? > Jassi

....Sanonut "rakastan sinua" ja tarkoittanut sitä? > Olen
....Ollut julkisella paikalla yöpuvussa? > Olen
....Pitänyt jonkun salaisuuden? > Olen
.....Suunnitellut viikkosi TV-ohjelman perusteella? > En oo
...Itkenyt elokuvan aikana? > jepjep
.....ollut esiintymislavalla? > Hallelujah, jep. haluisin vaan niiiin laulaa.......
....Toivonut olevasi vastakkaista sukupuolta? > ja.. olen :D

Paljonko kello on? > 21.19 ;D
Omenat vai banaanit? > banaanit
Sininen vai punainen? > moemmat
Kevät vai syksy? > ei kumpikaan! kesä vain.
Mitä aiot tehdä tämän jälkeen? > mennä varmaan soittamaan kitaraa
Minkä aterian söit viimeksi? > päivällisen....
Oletko tylsistynyt? > vain vähän. miks mä muuten tätä tekisin yheksältä illalla?!
Minkä äänen kuulit viimeksi? > musiikkia
Mitä tuoksua nuuhkit viimeksi? > shampoon.

Uskotko rakkauteen ensisilmäyksellä? > Kyllä
Haluatko jonain päivänä lapsia ja jos haluat, kuinka monta? > en tiiä. jos haluun joskus ni yhen tai kaks.
Mikä on sinulle tärkeintä ystävyydessä? > Luottamus

Rikosrekisteri? > Ei
Mitä kieltä osaat? > Suomea ja englantia, ranskaa ymmärrän ja osaan puhua vähän.
Nimeä lempiasioitasi makuuhuoneestasi? > piano, kitara, mikrofoni, kantele ja kaikki cd:t
Ketä rakastat? > Perhettä ja ystäviä
Ketä kaipaat? > Muutamaa ystävää....
Lempinimet? > Mindy, Ninnu, Minski.... Nukke....
Nimesi alkukirjaimet? > MMS
Kuinka vanhalta näytät? > Näytän kuulemma 16 vuotiaalta Amerikkalaiselta....
Kuinka vanhan ihmisen tavoin käyttäydyt? > Ehkä 16 vuotiaan sit ;D
Silmälasit/piilolinssit? > nada
Onko sinulla lemmikkejä? > kaloja... jotka kuolee yks kerrallaan :P
Mikä saa minut onnelliseksi? > Perhe, ystävät ja musiikki
Mikä huolestuttaa sinua? > Just nyt? ei oikeestaan mikään

.....ajatellut, että kuolet? > Olen.
.....Halunnut karata? > Suomesta joo
.....Pinnannut koulusta? *Tiididii* meni toi lukio vähän sillai... ettei mua hirveesti siellä näkyny.... SYYTTÄKÄÄ NINAA! noei ;D

katon niitä sit myöhemmin, pakko lähtee soittaa nyt ku tuli sellanen fiilis!

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 10.11.2008 20:17

ok. ykski migreeni kohtaus vielä, ni mä huudan. okei no mä huusin jo. damnit.

migreenin vaivaamat, kovasti särkevät ja sekavaa näkyvyyttä potevat aivot. tai vaikka koko pää. särkee oikeella, näkökenttä sekava vasemmalla. kipu asteikolla 1-10 ehkää..... 100. suonet tykyttää mukavasti molemmilla ohimoilla, ni ei turhaan tartte huolehtia että hakaako sydän. myydään ERITTÄIN halvalla pois. kunto erittäin huono. Ostakaa pois...

vika.... lupaan.Maanantai 06.10.2008 22:29

this song should play when you walk into a room:
So Long Goodbye (Sum41)

this song describes you perfectly:
Long Drive Home (Say No More)

this is the song they will play when you meet the person of your dreams:
Crazy (Patsy Cline) [kiva eka tapaamis biisi....]

this song should play when you are taking a shower:
Hoodoo (Muse) [hajosin xD]

this song should play when you wake up in the moring:
All At Once (The Fray)

this is the song that should play when you are "getting it on" wink wink:
Remembering Sunday (All Time Low feat. Juliet Simms) [ah, Juliet Simms on ihana <3]

this is the song that you should walk down the aisle to:
The Fear You Wont fall (Joshua Radin)

this is the song that you should play when you die:
Saturday (Hedley)

this is the song they should play while you are brushing your teeth:
Let It Be (The Beatles) [ei, älä harjaa hampaitasi. Ihan turhaa. Let it be.] x)

this song should play when you are having your first baby:
Somebody To Love (Queen)

this song should play while you are fighting with your lover:
Ca Plane Pour Moi (Plastic Bertrand)

this song should play during your funeral:
I Hate You, Fuck You, Leave me Alone (Reel Big Fish) [eieieiei! ;D Mulle soitetaan ainaki 3 eri biisii ;D ja tää ei oo niistä se paras vaihtoehto tohon tilanteeseen!!]

this song descirbes your crush:
Everything (Lifehouse) [ihana biisi <3<3 "You're All I Want, You're All i Need You're Everything.."]

this song describes your best guy friend:
Fences (Paramore)

this song describes your best girl friend:
The Lock Down Denial (Cute Is What We Aim For) [mitekä? xD]

this song describes your ex boyfriend/girlfriend:
Minority (Green Day)

this song describes your dad:
Where Eagles Dare (The Misfits) [aha! Tiiän isistäni enemmän ;D]

this song describes your mom:
Fly me To The Moon (Frank Sinatra) [jaha.]

this song describes your sibling(s):
The Hardest Part (Coldplay)

this song describes the way you feel when you are angry:
The Jester (Sum41)

this song descirbes the way you feel when you are hungry:
Tears Don't Fall (Bullet For My Valentine)

this song describes the way you feel when you are talk to your crush:
Take It From Here (Justin Timberlake)

this song describes your future:
Help! (The Beatles) [tarviin siis apua tulevaisuudes. ok.]

this song is the song that will be played in honor of you:
Hide And Seek (Imogen Heap)

this song will be played when you discover a new star:
Brave (Gavin Mikhail)

this song will be stuck in your head for the rest of the day:
Lovesick (Kill Hannah)

this song is one that you hate the most:
Everything I Once Had (The Honorary Title) [no niin, ku se on niin surullinen!]

this song is your favorite:
Unhearted (Automatic Loveletter) [one of my faves <3<3<3 kaunis biisi... mulla on siihen tosin oikeesti lievä pakkomielle tällä hetkellä...]

the singer/band of this song is/are hott:
Good Old Fashioned Loverboy (Queen) [ No NIIN ON!] <33

nyt innostuin näihin :DMaanantai 06.10.2008 22:09

1. How am I feeling today?: I Miss You (Darren Hayes)

2. Will I get far in life?: Time (Cute Is What We Aim For)

3.How do my friends see me?: I Hate Myself For Losing You (Kelly Clarkson)

4.Where will I get Married?: Can't Catch Tomorrow (Lostprophets) [Tarkottaaks toi etten mee naimisiin?]

5.What is my best friend's theme song?: I Never Told You What I Do For Living (My Chemical Romance) [creeeepy....

6.What is the story of my life?: Green valley 99' (Automatic Eye)

7.What will highschool be like?: Holding On (Simple Plan)

8.How can I get ahead in life?:Emily (From First To Last) [eli siis hä?]

9.What is the best thing about me?: Last Call (Plain White t's)

10.How is today going to be?:Fake Tales Of San Francisco (Arctic Monkeys)

11.What is in store for this weekend?: Snow (Red Hot Chili Peppers)[Toivotaan et ei vielä!!]

12.What song describes my parents?: When I Come Around (Green Day)

13.To describe my grandparents?: Everything's magic (Angels & Airwaves)

14.How is my life going?: Green Eyes Don't Lie (Envy On the Coast)

15.What song will they play at my funeral?: Perfect World (Billy Talent) [toivottavasti ei! "She pulls the Trigger until the gun goes click..."]

16.How does the world see me?: A-Tisket A-Tasket (Ella FItzgerald) [okay...]

17.Will I have a happy life?: Hate That I Love You (Rihanna)

18.What do my friends really think of me?: Sweetest Girl (Wyclef Jean feat Akon and Lil' Wayne)

19.Do people secretly lust after me?: Honesty (Billy Joel) ["Honesty is such a lonely word, everyone is so untrue"]

20.How can I make myself happy?: Not Enough (Gavin Mikhail)

21.What should I do with my life?: Don't Make It So (Automatic Loveletter)

22.Will I ever have children?: Star Girl (McFly) [Ei kerro mitään...]

23.What is some good advice for me?: Last Straw (Jack's Mannequin)

24.How will I be remembered?: Always Be (Jimmy Eat World) ["I'm as I've always been, right behind what's happening.."]

25.What is my signature dancing song?: Waterfall (Stone Roses) [toki on.]

26.What do I think my current theme song is?: Hang 'Em High (My Chemical Romance)

27.What does everyone else think my current theme song is?: I Just Can't Stop Loving You (Michael Jackson)

28.What type of men/women do you like?: Unwanted (Kill Hannah)

Pitkästä aikaa.Maanantai 06.10.2008 21:18

1- What kind of year will this be?:
She (Green Day)

2- What does your love life look like?:
My Sweet Song (Toby Lightman) [ “my sweet song don’t sound so sweet no more.”]

3- What do you say when life gets hard?:
Smile (Nat King Cole) [Heei! Se meni oikein ;)]

4- What do you think when you get up in the morning:
Hey There Delilah (Plain White T's) [ joo, mulla on kaamee ikävä Delilahia....]

5- What song will you dance to at your wedding?:
I'll Have To Say I Love You In A Song (Jim Groce)

6- What do you want as a career?:
Over You (Daughtry) [öö.... professional ylipääsijä?]

7- Your favorite saying?:
Tears Don't Fall (Bullet For My Valentine)

8- Favorite place? :
IN Between (Linkin Park) xD

9- What do you think of your parents?:
Something Else (Good Charlotte) ["we all want something we can't have"]

10- Where would you go on a first date?:
Boston (Augustana) [hähä, toki toki x)]

11- Describe yourself?:
You Talk (Babyshambles)

12- What is the thing you like doing most?:
Thing's I'll never Say (Avril Lavigne)

13- What is your state of mind like at the moment?:
How can YOu Mend A Broken Heart (BeeGees) ;'(

14- How will you die?:
Listening (The Used) [jaaa...]

15-What you want most in the world:
The Rock Show (Blink-182) [JOO!! Haluun tosin esiintyy enemmänki... xD]

16-People you hate:
Mary Jane (The Click Five) [tjaa....]

17- The song that will be played at your funeral?:
You take My Breath Away (Queen) [hähä, nimi sinänsä aika osuva..]

18-Something you feel alot:
Shoot The Moon (Norah Jones)

19- What song describes last Friday night?:
I Walk the Line (Johnny Cash)

20- What song describes your driving?:
Parable Of The Sower (Forgive Durden)

21- The song that describes your emo moments?:
Always All Ways (Lostprophets)

22- The song that describes your happy moments?:
She belongs To Me (Bob Dylan) [juu....]

23- Does your future look bright?:
Let's Go To The Mall (Scotty vanity) [öööö, en mä nauti shoppailusta niin hirveesti, et ei varmaa]

24- The song that describes your Valentine's day?:
Thoughts Of A Dying Atheist (Muse) [jaa-a... ]

25- Your over all Theme Song?:
Problems (Sex Pistols) ["THE PROBLEM IS YOU!"]

Hedley - Sugar FreeMaanantai 12.05.2008 20:34

Tight Rope Walking ain't That Hard
After Slamming Back A Few
You're Laughing Now But It ain't That Funny
When we Get Through With You
Tell me we're all about failing and being wrong
Tell me you'll never let go of you, i will never get why they take you for a ride

And I can't hear myself scream (If I Never Loved You, I Wouldn't
And I can't hear myself dream (If Loving Meant Living, Then I
Wouldn't Die)
And I can't let myself go, waiting for you, waiting for you
And I can't feel myself crying

Standing closer ain't that bad
With your hands upon your face
You look too far I looked much harder
And they lost all sense of trace
Me and draw up colour me lost and found
Tear me down lift me up you make me feel so god damn colder than
you're bleeding eyes

And I can't hear myself scream (If I Never Loved You, I Wouldn't
And I can't hear myself dream (If Loving Meant Living, Then I
Wouldn't Die)
And I can't let myself go, waiting for you, waiting for you
And I can't feel myself crying

If I Never Knew You
I'd Never Love You
If I Never Loved You
Then I Wouldn't Cry
If I Never Hold You
Then I'll never know you
If Loving Meant Living
Then I Wouldn't Die

And I can't hear myself scream (If I Never Loved You, I Wouldn't
And I can't hear myself dream (If Loving Meant Living, Then I
Wouldn't Die)
And I can't let myself go, waiting for you, waiting for you
And I can't feel myself crying

And I can't hear myself scream (If I Never Loved You, I Wouldn't
And I can't hear myself dream (If Loving Meant Living, Then I
Wouldn't Die)
And I can't hear myself scream (If I Never Loved You, I Wouldn't
And I can't hear myself dream (If Loving Meant Living, Then I
Wouldn't Die)

Kaunis, kaunis pyyntö...Keskiviikko 12.03.2008 23:06

Perhana ku joutuu sellasii tyhjentää ja sit ne valuu lattialle just ku on imuroinu ja vaivall lakassu, ja sit viel haisee ja.... No onneks ei tartte sinne enää mennä töihin....

Pretty please ;)

moi ;)Sunnuntai 09.12.2007 22:23

Katsotaan kuinka monta tuntematonta tai tuntemaani ihmistä uskaltaa sanoa ''moi'' päiväkirjaani.
Sit kopioi omaan päiväkirjaa jos oot sanonu ''moi"

David Bowie - drive-in saturdayTorstai 09.08.2007 00:16

Let me put my arms around your head
Gee, it's hot, let's go to bed
Don't forget to turn on the light
Don't laugh babe, it'll be alright
Pour me out another phone
I'll ring and see if your friends are home
Perhaps the strange ones in the dome
Can lend us a book we can read up alone

And try to get it on like once before
When people stared in Jagger's eyes and scored
Like the video films we saw

His name was always Buddy
And he'd shrug and ask to stay
She'd sigh like Twig the Wonder Kid
And turn her face away

She's uncertain if she likes him
But she knows she really loves him
It's a crash course for the ravers
It's a Drive-in Saturday

Jung the foreman prayed at work
Neither hands nor limbs would burst
It's hard enough to keep formation with this fall out saturation
Cursing at the Astronette
Who stands in steel by his cabinet
He's crashing out with Sylvian
The Bureau Supply for ageing men
With snorting head he gazes to the shore
Once had raged a sea that raged no more
Like the video films we saw

His name was always Buddy
And he'd shrug and ask to stay
She'd sigh like Twig the Wonder Kid
And turn her face away

She's uncertain if she likes him
But she knows she really loves him
It's a crash course for the ravers
It's a Drive-in Saturday

His name was always Buddy
And he'd shrug and ask to stay
She'd sigh like Twig the Wonder Kid
And turn her face away

She's uncertain if she likes him
But she knows she really loves him
It's a crash course for the ravers
It's a Drive-in Saturday, yeah, yeah
Everyone's a let down
It just depends on how far down they can go
In every circle of friends there's a whore
The one who flirts
And does a little more
But who's to say?
This is a social scene anyway
And everybody wants to explore the new girl
Caught up in her own hard liquor world
But liquor doesn't exist in my world
But liquor doesn't exist in my world

And if you lie you don't deserve to have friends
If you lie you don't deserve to have them
If you lie you don't deserve to have friends
If you lie

You are a sell out
But you couldn't even do that right
So your price tag has been slashed
And now you're chillin' on a half priced clearance rack
You are a sell out
But you couldn't even do that right
So your price tag has been slashed
And now you're chillin' on a half priced clearance rack

The social scene where she gets her fix
Has been broken since '86
Now just look at that social clique
Do you really wanna be a part of it?
Let's not let us forget
Where she gets the habit
She gets the pills from her skills
She gets the skills from the pills
And just look at that clique
Do you really wanna be the star of it?

You are a sell out
But you couldn't even do that right
So your price tag has been slashed
And now you're chillin' on a half priced clearance rack
You are a sell out
But you couldn't even do that right
So your price tag has been slashed
And now you're chillin' on a half priced clearance rack

If you lie you don't deserve to have friends
If you lie you don't deserve to have them
If you lie you don't deserve to have friends
If you lie

Everybody is a let down
It just depends on how far down they can go

You are a sell out
But you couldn't even do that right
So your price tag has been slashed
And now you're chillin' on a half priced clearance rack
You are a sell out
But you couldn't even do that right
So your price tag has been slashed
And now you're chillin' on a half priced clearance rack