


poikakalenteri huhtikuu

279Perjantai 13.08.2010 14:24

♥KULTA 9.8.2010 -> ♥♥♥♥

278Perjantai 13.08.2010 00:56

papdappapdappadupidupa miks mä oon aina yksin?
:< SATANA tulkaa joku tännnneeeeeeeeeee :<:<:<

277Perjantai 13.08.2010 00:44

I've been shedding my skin
I've been trying to work
on the shape that I'm in
I don't have what it takes
I won't be there
to walk you through your mistakes

out with hope, in with fear
- please don't describe how I feel -
look away from the mess
that you're leaving here
- please do not force me to heal -
and for all that you've saved
- all that was taken away -
I can't give you the
peace of mind that you crave
- all that's been changed from this day -

so take this stone with you
and bring yourself back alive
if not for me, for someone else
I will step aside

if it's this easy to walk away
for you to disappear
were you ever here?

mua vitusatanahelvetti ei mitää deep inside you want to cry

276Torstai 12.08.2010 23:33

take your last breath because death is romance
you can kill him now and you will feel much better
so we can be together for now and forever
we were meant to be i love you darling can you see!

275Torstai 12.08.2010 18:26

Eh tämä veeran ipod tappaa minut

274Keskiviikko 11.08.2010 21:53

LEIKATKEE TÄÄ PÄÄ POIS! TAFGSIFVBJIUCAIUSGHSJSHLJHSJÖSGHJKLPOKJTRHH! :( kiva jos noi arvet jää toho buaah dääm moimoi lalallalalalaaa tylsä elämä

273Keskiviikko 11.08.2010 21:29

AIAIAIAIAiiisdhkjc :(((((((! mun päähän sattuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu halkee kohta yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ja pitäs tehä vaikka mitäyyy :((

272Tiistai 10.08.2010 23:57

OH GOD please dont let me be mister undertooood, perkele

271Tiistai 10.08.2010 12:22

oli mielenkiintoinen 7h oiGsti h0hoh0hoh0hoh0hoh0hoh0hohoooo tässä pitäs ehkä lähtee jo :D no mitään kiirettä 40min et bussi menee LALALALALAALALAALALLALALA bonari & radio & uff & lakka & hiusväri! & kynsilakka u-u-uu heihei rahat

270Tiistai 10.08.2010 01:59